Professor an der Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft, Niederlande
Forschung: Mental models in design teams, Human Factors, Human-centered Design Methodology
Professor of Human Resource, Leadership and Organization Development at Louisiana State University, USA
Forschung: Lerntransfer, Trainingstransfer, Lerntransfer-System-Inventar (LTSI)
Professor at the Department of Psychology, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, USA
Forschung: Transactive Memory, Wissensmanagement in Organisationen
Professor am Institut für Kooperation, Forschung und Entwicklung, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Elwood F. Holton III
Professor of Human Resource, Leadership and Organization Development at Louisiana State University, USA
Forschung: Lerntransfer, Trainingstransfer, Lerntransfer-System-Inventar (LTSI )
Professur für Sozialpsychologie, Universität Salzburg, Österreich
Forschung: Berater-Klienten-Interaktion, Prozedurale Gerechtigkeit, Entscheidungs-prozesse, psychologische Reaktanz
Centre for Transformative Work Design at the University of Western Australia, Australia
Forschung: Arbeitsgestaltung (Work Design), soziale und motivationale Interaktionsprozesse (in Gruppen/Meetings oder in Dyaden, z.B. zwischen Führungskraft und Mitarbeiter), Motivierende Gesprächsführung, Teams
Abteilung für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, Universität Bern
Forschung: Predictors and consequences of career success, Career development, Leader-member-exchange, Career/organizational interventions, work engagement, workaholism and work hours, Measurement issues in career research and organizational behavior
Professur an der Fakultät für Psychologie; Institute of Brain, Cognition and Behavior; Universität Barcelona, Spanien
Forschung: Verhaltens-Sequenzanalyse, Interaktionsanalyse, Modulation und Simulation kollektiven Verhaltens