Dozent: Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Flormann
Betreuer: Felix Meyer
Umfang: 3 LP / 5 LP mit Labor (bitte Modulhandbuch des jeweiligen Studiengangs prüfen)
Voraussetzungen: -
Wird gelesen: Sommersemester
Course materials: Presentation slides, provided digitally via Stud.-IP.
The general information are shared by Stud.-IP; it is therefore essential that you register for the course at the start of the lecture.
Basics of automated driving
Vehicle Mechatronics
Sensors & Actuators
V2X Communication
Automated Vehicle Concepts
Requirements for intelligent and connected Vehicles
After completing the lecture, the students are able to explain the necessary components of various automation functions and driver assistance systems and to embed them in a given system.
For this purpose, the lecture deals with the different types of sensors for vehicle state and environment perception, the expansion and validation of this information by means of V2X communication, the embedding of the components using different communication systems from CAN-bus to BroadR-Reach as well as the addressing of the actuators of the vehicle.
Other topics relevant to automated vehicles such as motion planning, cooperative driving, legal constraints and the development of a specification sheet for automated driving functions are discussed.
Every second lecture is followed by a seminar in which the students learn to apply the topics they have learned by means of practically designed tasks in group work.