Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Axel Sturm
Tutor: M. Sc. Lukas Hartmann
Creditpoints: 5 LP
Requirements: none
Taught: Summer semester
Course materials: Presentation slides, provided digitally via Stud.-IP.
The central communication channel is Stud.-IP; it is therefore essential that you register for the course at the start of the lecture.
After completing the module, students will be qualified to explain the basic design principles of assemblies, systems and components and the functionality of road vehicles. They will be able to determine the basic functions and designs of the powertrain. They can compare and analyse the various drive concepts or conventional, hybrid and electric powertrain concepts in terms of design, functions and energy consumption. They will be able to create, implement and review requirements, objectives and specifications for the development of vehicles, taking into account all market and customer-relevant information.