Eduard A. Jorswieck
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Schleinitzstraße 22 (Raum 207)
38106 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49 (0) 531 391 - 2480
Fax: +49 (0) 531 391 - 5192
Zeit (raum) | Lebenslauf |
Jahrgang 1975 | |
2000 | Dipl.-Ing. der Technischen Informatik an der Technischen Universität Berlin |
2004 | Promotion unter Professor Holger Boche an der Technischen Universität Berlin |
12/2000-02/2006 | Fraunhofer Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI), Berlin |
04/2005-01/2008 | Lehrbeauftragter an der TU Berlin |
2006 | IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award gemeinsam mit Holger Boche |
02/2006-08/2007 | Post-Doc an der Königlich Technischen Hochschule (KTH) in Stockholm, Schweden |
09/2007-01/2008 | Assistant Professor an der KTH Stockholm |
2008-2013 | Mitglied des IEEE SPCOM Technischen Komitees |
2015-2020 | Mitglied des IEEE SAM Technischen Komitees |
2008-2019 | Universitätsprofessor für Theoretische Nachrichtentechnik an der TU Dresden |
seit 2017 | Editor-in-Chief des Springer EURASIP Journals on Wireless Communications and Networking |
seit 2019 | Universitätsprofessor für Nachrichtensysteme an der TU Braunschweig |
seit 2020 | IEEE Fellow |
seit 2020 | Geschäftsführender Leiter des Instituts für Nachrichtentechnik an der TU Braunschweig |
Journalveröffentlichungen und Letter
Y. Xu, E. G. Larsson, E. A. Jorswieck, X. Li, S. Jin, T.-H. Chang, "Distributed Signal Processing for Extremely Large-Scale Antenna Array Systems: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions", IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, will appear 2025.
B. Peng, K.-L. Besser, S. Shen, F. Siegesmund-Poschmann, R. Raghunath, D. Mittleman, V. Jamali, E. Jorswieck, "RISnet: A Domain-Knowledge Driven Neural Network Architecture for RIS Optimization with Mutual Coupling and Partial CSI", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, will appear 2025.
M. R. Abedi, N. Mokari, M. R. Javan, H. Saeedi, E. Jorswieck, H. Yanikomeroglu, "Safety-aware Age-of-Information (S-AoI) for Collision Risk Minimization in Cell-Free mMIMO Platooning Networks", IEEE Trans. on Network and Service Management, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 3035 - 3053, June 2024.
A. Mohammadisarab, A. Nouruzi, A. Khalili, N. Mokari, B. Abbasi-Arand, E. Jorswieck, "Resilient Disaster Relief in Industrial IoT: UAV Trajectory Design and Resource Allocation in 6G Non-Terrestrial Networks", IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, pp. 1827 - 1845, March 2024.
H. M. Hariz, S. Sheikhzadeh, N. Mokari, M. R. Javan, B. Abbasi-Arand, E. Jorswieck, "AI-based Radio Resource Management and Trajectory Design for IRS-UAV-assisted PD-NOMA Communication", IEEE Trans. on on Network and Service Management, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 3385 - 3400, June 2024.
M. Mross, P.-H. Lin, E. Jorswieck, "Gaussian Broadcast Channels with Heterogeneous Finite Blocklength Constraints: Inner and Outer Bounds", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 2731-2745, May 2024.
S. Marwaha, E. A. Jorswieck, M. Jassim, T. Kürner, D. Lopez Perez, X. Geng, H. Bao, "Energy Efficient Operation of Adaptive Massive MIMO 5G HetNets", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 7, pp.6889-6904, July 2024.
R. Paridar, M. R. Javan, N. Mokari, E. Jorswieck, "On the Reception Process of Molecular Communication-Based Drug Delivery", IEEE Access, vo. 12, pp. 24217-24231, 2024.
P.-H. Lin, S,-C. Lin, P,-W. Chen, M. Mross, E. Jorswieck, "Second Order Rate Regions of Gaussian Broadcast Channels under Heterogeneous Blocklength Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 801-814, Feb. 2024.
A. Nouruzi, N. Mokari, P. Azmi, E. Jorswieck, M. Erol-Kantarci, "Smart Dynamic Pricing and Cooperative Resource Management for Mobility-aware and Multi-tier Slice-enabled 5G and Beyond Networks", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 2044 - 2063, April 2024.
M. Soleymani, I. Santamaria, E. Jorswieck, B. Clerckx, "Optimization of Rate-Splitting Multiple Access in Beyond Diagonal RIS-assisted URLLC Systems", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 5063 - 5078, May 2024.
M. Letafati, H. Behroozi, B. Hossein Khalaj, E. Jorswieck, "Learning-Based Secret Key Generation in Relay Channels Under Adversarial Attacks", IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, vol. 4, pp. 749 - 764, Sept. 2023.
I. Santamaria, M. Soleymani, E. Jorswieck, J. Gutiérrez, "SNR Maximization in Beyond Diagonal RIS-assisted Single and Multiple Antenna Links", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 30, pp. 923-926, 2023.
M. Soleymani, I. Santamaria, E. Jorswieck, "Spectral and Energy Efficiency Maximization of MISO STAR-RIS-assisted URLLC Systems", IEEE Access, vol 11, 2023.
B. Peng, K.-L. Besser, R. Raghunath, E. Jorswieck, "Approaching Global Optimum of Energy Efficiency in Cellular Networks via Machine Learning", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 9313 - 9326, Dec. 2023.
M. R. Abedi, M. R. Javan, M. Pourghasemian, N. Mokari, E. Jorswieck, "AI-Assisted Dynamic Frame Structure With Intelligent Puncturing Schemes for 5G Networks", IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 113995 - 114012, Oct. 2023.
D. Csercsik and E. Jorswieck, "Preallocation-based Combinatorial Auction for Efficient Fair Channel Assignments in Multi-Connectivity Networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 8407-8422, Nov. 2023.
M. Soleymani, I. Santamaria, E. Jorswieck and S. Rezvani, "NOMA-Based Improper Signaling for Multicell MISO RIS-Assisted Broadcast Channels," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 71, pp. 963-978, 2023.
B. Clerckx, Y. Mao, E. Jorswieck, J. Yuan, D. J. Love, E. Erkip, D. Niyato, "A Primer on Rate-Splitting Multiple Access: Tutorial, Myths, and Frequently Asked Questions", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1265-1308, May 2023.
C. R. Janda, E. A. Jorswieck, M. Wiese, H. Boche, "Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels with Non-Causal Side Information at the Jammer", IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 2635-2663, April 2023.
A. Gharehgoli, A. Nouruzi, N. Mokari, P. Azmi, M. R. Javan, E. Jorswieck, "AI-based Robust Resource Allocation in End-to-End Network Slicing under Demand and CSI Uncertainties", IEEE Trans. on Network and Service Management, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 3630-3651, Sept. 2023.
S. Rothe, K.-L. Besser, D. Krause, R. Kuschmierz, N. Koukourakis, E. Jorswieck, J. Czarske, "Securing Data in Multimode Fibres by Exploiting Mode-Dependent Light Propagation Effects", Research, vol. 6, art. 0065, Jan 2023.
M. Parvini, M. R. Javan, N. Mokari, B. Abbasi, E. Jorswieck, "AoI-Aware Resource Allocation for Platoon-Based C-V2X Networks via Multi-Agent Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 9880-9896, Aug. 2023.
M. Soleymani, I. Santamaria, E. Jorswieck, "Rate Splitting in MIMO RIS-assisted Systems with Hardware Impairments and Improper Signaling", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 4580-4597, April 2023.
M. Rezaei, H. K. Rudsari, M. Javan, N. Mokari, E. A. Jorswieck and M. Orooji, "Molecular Communication Transmitter Design in Limited-Capacity Storage Regime," in IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 1536-1241, April 2023.
N. Moosavi, M. Sinaie, P. Azmi, P.-H. Lin, E. Jorswieck, "Cross Layer Resource Allocation in H-CRAN with Spectrum and Energy Cooperation", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 145 - 158, Jan. 2023.
K.-L. Besser and E. Jorswieck, "QMKPy: A Python Testbed for the Quadratic Multiple Knapsack Problem". Journal of Open Source Software, 7(79), 2 4718, 2022.
M. R. Maleki, M. R. Mili. M. R. Javan, N. Mokari, E. Jorswieck, "Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning Trajectory Design and Two-Stage Resource Management in CoMP UAV VLC Networks", IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 7464-7476, Nov. 2022.
M. Pourghasemian, M. R. Abedi, S. S. Hosseini, N. Mokari, M. R. Javan, E. Jorswieck, "AI-Based Mobility-Aware Energy Efficient Resource Allocation and Trajectory Design for NFV Enabled Aerial Networks", IEEE Trans. on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 281-297, March 2023.
K.-L. Besser, E. Jorswieck, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Phase Hopping for Ultra-Reliable Communications", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 9082-9095, November 2022.
A. H. Zarif, P. Azmi, N. Mokari, M. R. Javan, E. Jorswieck, "AoI Minimization in Energy Harvesting and Spectrum Sharing Enabled 6G Networks", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking", vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 2043-2054, Dec. 2022.
B. Peng, Y. Xie, G. Seco, H. Wymeersch, E. Jorswieck, "Communication Scheduling by Deep Reinforcement Learning for Remote Traffic State Estimation with Bayesian Inference", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 4287-4300, April 2022.
E. Jorswieck, P.-H. Lin, K.-L. Besser, "On the Zero-Outage Secrecy-Capacity of Dependent Fading Wiretap Channels", Entropy, early access, Jan. 2022.
M. Letafati, H. Behroozi, B. Hossein Khalaj, E. Jorswieck, "Hardware-Impaired PHY Secret Key Generation with Man-in-the-Middle Adversaries", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 856-860, April 2022.
S. Rezvani, E. Jorswieck, R. Joda, H. Yanikomeroglu, "Optimal Power Allocation in Downlink Multicarrier NOMA Systems: Theory and Fast Algorithms", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 1162 - 1189, April 2022.
S. Sheikhzadeh, M. Pourghasemian, M. Javan, N. Mokari, E. Jorswieck, "AI-Based Secure NOMA and Cognitive Radio enabled Green Communications: Channel State Information and Battery Value Uncertainties", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1037-1054, June 2022.
A. Shaghaghi, A. Zakeri, N. Mokari, M. R. Javan, E. Jorswieck, "Proactive and AoI-aware Failure Recovery for Stateful NFV-enabled Zero-Touch 6G Networks: Model-Free DRL Approach", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 437-451, Mar. 2022.
A. Khalili, E. M. Monfard, S. Zargari, M. R. Javan, N. Mokari, E. Jorswieck, "Resource Management for Transmit Power Minimization in UAV-Assisted RIS HetNets Supported by Dual Connectivity", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1806-1822, Mar. 2022
X. Yuan, H. Jiang, Y. Hu, B. Li, E. Jorswieck, A. Schmeink, "Joint Power and Data Allocation in Multi-Carrier Full-Duplex Relaying Networks Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1513-1528, Mar. 2022.
A. Mukherjee, V. Kumar, E. Jorswieck, B. Ottersten, L.-N. Tram, "On the Optimality of the Stationary Solution of Secrecy Rate Maximization for MIMO Wiretap Channel", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 357-361, Feb. 2022.
M. Letafati, H. Behroozi, B. H. Khalaj, E. Jorswieck, "On Learning-Assisted Content-Based Secure Image Transmission for Delay-Aware Systems with Randomly-Distributed Eavesdroppers", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 1125-1139, Feb. 2022.
G. Li, Y. Xu, W. Xu, E. Jorswieck, and A. Hu, "Robust Key Generation With Hardware Mismatch for Secure MIMO Communications", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 16, pp. 5264-5278, 2021.
S. Rezvani, E. Jorswieck, M. R. Javan, N. Mokari, "Optimal SIC Ordering and Power Allocation in Downlink Multi-Cell NOMA Systems", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 3553-3569, June 2022.
K.-L. Besser, P.-H. Lin, E. Jorswieck, "On Fading Channel Dependency Structures with a Positive Zero-Outage Capacity", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 6561 - 6574, Oct. 2021.
B. Clerckx, Y. Mao, R. Schober, E. Jorswieck, D. J. Love, J. Yuan, L. Hanzo, G. Y. Li, E. G. Larsson, G. Caire, "Is NOMA Efficient in Multi-Antenna Networks? A Critical Look at Next Generation Multiple Access Techniques", IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 2, pp.1310 - 1343, June 2021.
A. Zakeri, A. Khalili, M. R. Javan, N. Mokari and E. Jorswieck, "Robust Energy-Efficient Resource Management, SIC Ordering, and Beamforming Design for MC MISO-NOMA Enabled 6G," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 69, pp. 2481-2498, 2021
S. Rezvani, N. Mokari, M. R. Javan, E. Jorswieck, "Resource Allocation in Virtualized CoMP-NOMA HetNets: Multi-Connectivity for Joint Transmission", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 4172-4185, June 2021.
M. Shehab, H. Alves, E. Jorswieck, E. Dosti, M. Latva-aho, "Effective Energy Efficiency of Ultra-reliable Low Latency Communication". IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 14, pp. 11135-11149, July 2021.
H. K. Rudsari, M. R. Javan, M. Orooji, N. Mokari, E. Jorswieck, "TDMA-MTMR-Based Molecular Communication with Ligand-Binding Reception", IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 2332-7804, June 2021.
K.-L. Besser, E. Jorswieck, "Bounds on the Secrecy Outage Probability for Dependent Fading Channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 443-456, Jan. 2021.
G. Li, C. Sun, E. Jorswieck, J. Zhang, A. Hu, Y. Chen, "Sum Secret Key Rate Maximization for TDD Multi-User Massive MIMO Wireless Networks", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 16, pp.968-982, 2021.
E. Jorswieck and K.-L. Besser, "Copula-Based Bounds for Multi-User Communications – Part I: Average Performance", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 3-7, Jan. 2021.
K.-L. Besser and E. Jorswieck, "Copula-Based Bounds for Multi-User Communications – Part II: Outage Performance", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 8-12, Jan. 2021.
P.-H. Lin, E. Jorswieck, R. Schaefer, M. Mittelbach, C. Janda, "New Capacity Results for Fading Gaussian Multiuser Channels with Statistical CSIT", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 6761-6774, Nov. 2020.
S. Rothe, N. Koukourakis, H. Radner, A. Lonnstrom, E. Jorswieck, J. Czarske, Physical Layer Security in Multimode Fiber Optical Networks. Sci Rep 10, 2740 (2020).
P.-H. Lin, C. Janda, E. Jorswieck, R. Schaefer, "Stealthy Secret Key Generation", Entropy, 22, 679, 2020.
N. Gholipoor, H. Saeedi, N. Mokari, E. Jorswieck, "E2E QoS Guarantee for the Tactile Internet via Joint NFV and Radio Resource Allocation", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1788-1804, Sept. 2020
Conference Papers
Z. Ge, E. Jorswieck, "Dependency and Link Diversity Placement for Reliable Wireless Diamond Networks", IEEE ICC 2025
S. Marwaha, C. Schuckart, E. Jorswieck, D. López-Pérez, "Biased Channel Gain Approach for Energy-Efficient UE-to-BS Association in Massive MIMO HetNet", IEEE ICC 2025
H. Zarini, A. Mohammadisarab, M. F. Dehkordi, M. R. Mili, B. Safaei, A. Movaghar, E. Jorswieck, S. Coleri, "On the Performance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with MIMO VLC", IEEE ICC 2025
A. Izadimoein, N. H. Mahmood, M. Latva-aho, E. Jorswieck, "Copula-Based Analysis of Outage Probability: Assessing Redundancy for Improved Resiliency", IEEE WCNC Workshop 2025
E. Jorswieck, M. Soleymani, I. Santamaria, J. Gutiérrez, "URLLC Networks Enabled by STAR-RIS, Rate Splitting, and Multiple Antennas", ICM2TS 2025
M. Le, B. Peng, S. Pawar, E. Jorswieck, P. Auer, P. Thapa, T. Hühn, "Multi-Armed Bandits in IEEE 802.11ac: Efficient Algorithms and Testbed Experiments", IEEE CQR 2024
Y. Zhao, W. Labidi, H. Boche, E. Jorswieck. C. Deppe, "Identification via Gaussian Multiple Access Channels in the Presence of Feedback", IEEE ITW 2024
B. Peng, K.-L. Besser, L. Kunz, R. Raghunath, A. Schmeink, E. Jorswieck, G. Caire, V. Poor, "Distributed Combinatorial Optimization of Downlink User Assignment in mmWave Cell-free Massive MIMO Using Graph Neural Networks", IEEE Globecom 2024
Y. Zhao, W. Labidi, H. Boche, E. Jorswieck, C. Deppe, "An Achievable Rate-Distortion Region of Joint Identification and Sensing for Multiple Access Channels", IEEE Globecom 2024
D. Csercsik and E. Jorswieck, "Optimal Parametrization of the Gale-Shapley Preallocation Method for Combinatorial Auction-based Channel Assignment," Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM) 2024
I. Santamaria, M. Soleymani, E. Jorswieck, J. Gutierrez, "MIMO Capacity Maximization with Beyond-Diagonal RIS", IEEE SPAWC 2024
J. Zhang, P.-H. Lin, K.-L. Besser, E. Jorswieck, "Practical Design of a Transmission with Latent Variable Secrecy", IEEE SPAWC 2024
K. Dong, P.-H. Lin, M. Mross, E. Jorswieck, "Second-order Rate Analysis of a Two-user Gaussian Interference Channel with Heterogeneous Blocklength Constraints", IEEE SPAWC 2024
M. Soleymani, I. Santamaria, E. Jorswieck, M. di Renzo, J. Gutierrez, "Energy Efficiency Comparison of RIS Architectures in MISO Broadcast Channels", IEEE SPAWC 2024
Y. Gao, S. Rezvani, P.-H. Lin, E. Jorswieck, "Benign and Malicious Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in MISO Wiretap Channels", IEEE SPAWC 2024
S. Derya, S.-C. Yu, H.-W. Young, E. Jorswieck, P.-H. Lin, S.-C. Lin, "Joint delay and user activity detection in asynchronous massive access", WOCC 2024
E. Jorswieck, L. Kunz, R. Raghunath, B. Peng, "Rate-Splitting Downlink Transmission in Cell-Free Networks under Fronthaul Constraints", ISWCS 2024
E. Jorswieck, M. Weber, P. Schlegel, K.-L. Besser, "On Massive Antenna Channel Models with Dependent Fading: Theory and Experiments", ISWCS 2024
J.-S. Wu, P.-H. Lin, M. Mross, E. Jorswieck, "Worst-Case Per-User Error Bound for Asynchronous Unsourced Multiple Access", IEEE ISIT 2024
S. Javadi, S. Faramarzi, F. Zeinali, H. Zarini, M. R. Mili, P. Diamantoulakis, E. Jorswieck, G. K. Karagiannidis, "SLIPT in Joint Dimming Multi-LED OWC Systems with Rate Splitting Multiple Access", IEEE ICC 2024
P.-H. Lin, P. Nowitzki, E. Jorswieck, D. Pohle, "Secret Key Generation in Multi-Mode Fiber Channels: Channel Measurements and Achievable Rates", IEEE ICC 2024, Best Paper Award
R. Raghunath, B. Peng, E. Jorswieck, "Energy-Efficient Power Allocation in Cell-Free Massive MIMO via Graph Neural Networks", IEEE ICMLCN 2024
K.-L. Besser, E. Jorswieck, J. Coon, "Outage Probability Calculation for Two-Ray Ground Reflection Scenarios with Frequency Diversity", Asilomar 2023
M. Soleymani, I. Santamaria, A. Sezgin, E. Jorswieck, "Maximization of Minimum Rate in MIMO OFDM RIS-Assisted Broadcast Channels", IEEE CAMSAP 2023
B. Peng, K. Besser, R. Raghunath, V. Jamali, E. Jorswieck, "RISnet: a Scalable Approach for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Optimization with Partial CSI", IEEE Globecom 2023
M. Soleymani, I. Santamaria, E. Jorswieck, "NOMA-based Improper Signaling for MIMO STAR-RIS-assisted Broadcast Channels with Hardware Impairments", IEEE Globecom 2023
B. Peng, K. Besser, R. Raghunath, E. Jorswieck, "Non-Convex Optimization of Energy Efficient Power Control in Interference Networks via Machine Learning", IEEE Globecom 2023
M. Soleymani, I. Santamaria, E. Jorswieck, "Energy-efficient Rate Splitting for MIMO STAR-RIS-assisted Broadcast Channels with I/Q Imbalance", EUSIPCO 2023
F. Siegismund-Poschmann, B. Peng, E. Jorswieck, "Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Assisted by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Using Unsupervised Machine Learning", EUSIPCO 2023
M. Mross, P.-H. Lin, E. Jorswieck, "Finite-Blocklength Performance of Early Decoding with Shell Codes in Gaussian Broadcast Channels", IEEE ISIT 2023
I. Santamaria, M. Soleymani, E. Jorswieck, J. Gutierrez, "Interference Leakage Minimization in RIS-Assisted MIMO Interference Channels", IEEE ICASSP 2023
D. Rakhimov, B. Peng, E. Jorswieck, and M. Haardt, "Robust Reflective Beamforming for Non-Terrestrial Networks under Thermal Deformations," in ICASSP WS 2023
X. Xu, K.-L. Besser, P.-H. Lin, E. Jorswieck, "Maximum Zero-Outage Secrecy Capacity of Fading Wiretap Channels with Finite Alphabets", CISS 2023
S. Noroozi, N. Azarasa, M. Abedi, N. Mokari, E. S. Abrishami, H. Saeedi, E. Jorswieck, "Radio Resource Management and Path Planning in Intelligent Transportation Systems via Reinforcement Learning for Environmental Sustainability", ITAS 2023
K.-L. Besser, E. A. Jorswieck, J. P. Coon, "Frequency Diversity for Ultra-Reliable and Secure Communications in Sub-THz Two-Ray Scenarios", IEEE ICC 2023.
A. Nowrouzi, A. Rezaei, A. Khalili, N. Mokari, M. R. Javan, E. Jorswieck, H. Yanikomeroglu, "Smart Resource Allocation Framework via Artificial Intelligence in Software-Defined 6G Networks", IEEE ICC 2023.
M. Soleymani, I. Santamaria, E. Jorswieck, "Rate Region of MIMO RIS-assisted Broadcast Channels with Rate Splitting and Improper Signaling", WSA/SCC 2023.
B. Peng, F. Siegismund-Poschmann, E. Jorswieck, "RISNet: a Dedicated Scalable Neural Network Architecture for Optimization of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces", WSA/SCC 2023.
J. M. Eckhardt, C. E. Reinhardt, T. Doeker, E. A. Jorswieck, T. Kürner, "Capacity Analysis for Time-Variant MIMO Channel Measurements at Low THz Frequencies", EuCAP 2023.
M. Mross, P.-H. Lin, E. Jorswieck, "New Inner and Outer Bounds for Gaussian Broadcast Channels with Heterogeneous Blocklength Constraints", IEEE ISITA 2022.
A. Mohammadisarab, A. Khalili, A. Nouruzi, N. Mokari, B. A. Arand, E. Jorswieck, "Joint Resource Allocation, Task Processing, and Trajectory Design for UAV-assisted Industrial IoT Users in 6G Networks", IEEE CSCN, will appear 2022.
E. Jorswieck, P.-H. Lin, C. Janda, "Physical Layer Security Based Enabling Technologies for 6G Communications Values", IEEE Future Network World Forum, 2022.
M. Letafati, H. Behroozi, B. H. Khalaj, and E. A. Jorswieck, "Wireless-Powered Cooperative Key Generation for e-Health: A Reservoir Learning Approach", IEEE VTC spring 2022.
* Invited Talk at RSMA SIG Workshop on Signal Processing for Multi-functional and Intelligent Wireless Systems, Imperial College London, 26.11.2024, "Next Generation Multiple Access for Intelligent Multifunctional Networks"
* Tutorial at Winter training school "AI for Digital Infrastructure - Digital Infrastructure for AI" at IMT Europe Nord, Lille, France, 4.11.24, "Problem-specific unsupervised machine learning powered by domain knowledge in communication"
* Workshop Algorithmic Structures for Uncoordinated Communications and Statistical Inference in Exceedingly Large Spaces, Banff, 11.3.24, "Worst-Case Per-User Error Bound for Asynchronous Unsourced Multiple Access"
* COST Action 6G-PhySec, Padua 2.2.24, "Practical Wiretap Code Design by Concatenated Autoencoder and LDPC Code"
* Eingeladener Vortrag, Tag der Informatik, TU Braunschweig, 29.1.24, "Offene, zuverlässige und sichere 6G-Kommunikationstechnik - von Miso zu massive MIMO"
* Invited Talk, IEEE ComSoc RCC SIG on BD-RIS, 24.01.24, online "Optimization for Beyond-Diagonal RIS Architectures"
* Invited Talk Workshop on Information Theory and Related Fields - In Memory of Ning Cai, Bielefeld, 25.11.2023, "Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels with Jammer"
* IEEE ICC, 28.05.2023, Rom, Tutorial "Robust Information Processing and Optimization for Resilient 6G Networks"
* Invited Talk TU Dresden, 23.02.2023, "Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Resilient 6G Networks"
* CommNet 2022, Panel, 12.12.2022, "6G for Good: Security and Privacy for e-Health"
* Globecom 2022, Tutorial, 4.12.2022, "Deep Learning For Physical Layer Security: Towards Context-Aware Intelligent Security For 6G Systems"
* Antrittsvorlesung TU Braunschweig, 9.11.22, "From Digital Communications to Quantum Networks"
* Huawei STW, Invited Talk, 27.09.2022, "Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Resilient 6G Networks: AoI-Aware Failure Recovery and Energy Efficient Trajectory Design"
* PIMRC 2022, Tutorial, 12.09.2022, "Deep Learning for Physical Layer Security: Towards Context-aware Intelligent Security for 6G-enabled Wireless Systems"
* EuCNC one6G special session, Invited Talk, 9.06.22: "An AI-based Model-Free DRL Algorithm for Zero-Touch 6G Networks"
* EuCNC 6G-RIC Workshop, Invited Talk, 7.06.22: "Intelligent Radio Environments in 6G-RIC: Hardware Design, Models, and Optimization"
* TTI Telecom Seminar Series, Invited Seminar, 11.05.22: "Dependency Modelling in Wireless Networks"
* Chalmers University, Invited Talk, 11.02.22: "Wireless Network-Level Energy-Efficiency: Models, Optimization and Machine Learning"
* Nokia 6G Hour, Invited Talk, 02.12.2021: "Post-Quantum Secret Key Generation in 6G Networks"
* CECNET 2021, Keynote Speech, 19.11.2021: "Transceiver and Resource Optimization in Wireless Communications: From 3G to 6G"
* ComSoc SIG RSMA Webinar, invited Kick-off Talk, 5.10.2021: "Rate Splitting and Resource Allocation in Interference Networks"
* VDE Prof. Date, 2.6.2021, Invited Talk: "From 5G to 6G: future mobile communications"
* IEEE ICC 2021: Tutorial: "Efficient Global Optimization and its Application to Wireless Interference Networks"
* IEEE ICASSP 2021: Tutorial "Efficient Global Optimization and its Application to Wireless Interference Networks"
* International Workshop on Mathematical Issues in Information Sciences (MIIS), 19.12.20, Invited Speech, "On Copula-Based Multiuser Performance Bounds – the Road to Ultra-High Reliability"
* 5G Italy PhD School, 3.12.2020, Keynote, "Efficient global optimization in 5G and beyond"
* 5G Italy PhD School, 3.12.2020, Tutorial, "Copula-based multiuser communications 5G reliability"
* IEEE VTC fall Tutorial, Nov. 2020, virtual: "Global Efficient Optimization"
* Huawei GTS Innovation Forum 2020, Invited Talk, virtual: "Global Energy-Efficiency in Wireless Interference Networks"
* IEEE PIMRC, 31.8.2020, Keynote Workshop on Rate Splitting and Robust Interference Management, virtual "Efficient Global Optimization as Enabler for Rate-Splitting Technologies"
* Futurewei University Days, 30.7.2020, Invited Talk, virtual: "On Copula-Based Multiuser Performance Bounds – the Road to Ultra-High Reliability"
* EURASIP TAC-SPCN Seminar, 7.7.2020, virtual: "On Copula-Based Multiuser Performance Bounds – the Road to Ultra-High Reliability"
* Wireless Coffee Talk, Futurewei, 24.6.2020, virtual: "Multi-Connectivity for High Reliability in Multi-Cell Multi-User Sytems"
* IEEE ICC Tutorial, 7.6.2020, virtual: "Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC) in 5G: From Theory to Reality"
* DLR-MIT-TUM Workshop, Oberpfaffenhofen, 25.02.2020, Invited Talk, "On Copula-Based Multiuser Bounds"
* IEEE 5G World Forum, Dresden, 30.09.2019, Invited Talk, "Resource Allocation for Ultra-Reliable Communications Exploiting Dependent Fading"
* ISWCS, Oulu, Finland, 27.08.2019, Tutorial, "Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC): Resource Allocation, Scheduling & Multi-Connectivity"
* Aato University, School of EE, 20.06.2019, Invited Talk, "URLLC: Resource Allocation and Multi-Connectivity"
* IEEE ICC Workshop B5G URLLC, 20.05.2019, Keynote, "Multi-Connectivity for Low-Latency and High-Reliability: A Copula Approach"
* Tongji University, School of EE, 19.05.2019, Invited Talk, "URLLC: Resource Allocation and Multi-Connectivity"
* Mini Symposium B5G Resource Allocation and Security, NTU, Taipeh, Taiwan, 17.05.2019, Invited Talk, "URLLC: Resource Allocation and Multi-Connectivity"
* Mini Symposium B5G Resource Allocation and Security, NTU, Taipeh, Taiwan, 17.05.2019, Invited Talk, "Global Optimization and Resource Allocation"
* Mini Symposium B5G Resource Allocation and Security, NTU, Taipeh, Taiwan, 17.05.2019, Invited Talk, "Information-Theoretic and Cryptographic Security Concepts for Beyond 5G Networks"
* Taipei-Hsinchu NTHU, Taiwan, 16.05.2019, Invited Talk, "URLLC: Resource Allocation and Multi-Connectivity"
* TU Darmstadt, 30.01.2019, Invited Talk, "From Deterministic to Stochastic Orders in Fading Wireless Multiuser Channels"
* IEEE Globecom Workshop URLLCW, 13.12.18, Keynote "Multi-Connectivity for Low- Latency and High-Reliability: A Copula Approach"
* IEEE Globecom 13.12.18, Tutorial "Signal Processing Techniques for Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC)"
* IEEE Globecom Workshop UHS5G, 09.12.18, Keynote "Energy-Delay Tradeoff in Multi-Device Low Latency High Reliability Communications"
* IEEE WINCOM 18.10.18, Keynote "From Deterministic to Stochastic Orders in Fading Wireless Multiuser Channels"
* EUSIPCO 2018, 03.09.2018, Tutorial "Signal Processing and Optimization Techniques for Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC)"
* European Wireless COCOA Workshop, 04.05.2018, Keynote "Wyner Meets Walras on an Interference Channel"
* IEEE WCNC 2017, 15.04.2018, Tutorial "Disruptive technologies and tools for flexible wireless interference networks"
* University Oxford, 21.02.2018, invited talk: From Deterministic to Stochastic Orders in Fading Wireless Multiuser Channels
* University Hertfordshire, 20.02.2018, invited talk: From Deterministic to Stochastic Orders in Fading Wireless Multiuser Channels
* GdR Workshop on Game Theory, Optimization and Learning: Interplay and Applications to Signal Processing, 8.11.17, Keynote: Wyner meets Walras on Interference Channel
* 12th Crowncom Conference, Lisbon, 20.09.17, Tutorial "Disruptive technologies and tools for flexible wireless interference networks"
* European Meeting of Statisticans, invited talk, 25.7.17, "Majorization results for secure outage capacities in fading wireless channels"
* 17th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Society, invited talk, 7.6.17, "Majorization and Stochastic Orders in Secure Communications"
* WiOpt Conferece 2017, 16.05.2017, invited talk, "Monotonic and Sequential Fractional Programming for Performance Optimization in Interference Networks"
* CONNECT Center, Trinity College Dublin, 28.03.2017, invited talk, "Resource Allocation and Trading in Heterogeneous Interference Networks: Energy-efficiency, Security and Latency"
* IEEE Spanish Workshop on SP, IT and Com, invited talk, 24.01.2017, "Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Interference Networks: Energy-efficiency, Security and Latency"
* 10th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2016), invited talk, 9.12.16, "Schur-convexity of outage capacity for fading wireless channels"
* 5G Lab Germany Summer School, 28.09.2016, "Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation (Optimization and Game Theory) for 5G Wireless Networks"
* 2016 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications (TIW16), Tutorial, 12.09.16, "Energy-efficient design of (5G and beyond 5G) wireless networks"
* European Wireless Tutorial, 18.05.2016, "Energy-Neutral System-Level Analysis and Optimization of 5G Wireless Networks"
* DPG Q.Com Seminar III, 19.05.2016, Tutorial, "Physical Layer Security: Approaches, Challenges, and Solutions"
* IEEE ICASSP Tutorial, 21.03.2016, Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for 5G Wireless Networks via Fractional Programming Theory
* ITU BNetzA, Mainz, 13.1.2016, invited talk, "5G weit mehr als nur Funk", Workshop Hochschulen und wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen als Mitgestalter internationaler Telekommunikationsstandards
* IEEE Globecom Workshop on Emerging Technologies for 5G Wireless Cellular Networks, Keynote, 10.12.2015, "Optimal Resource Allocation in Distributed Heterogeneous 5G Wireless Networks"
* IEEE Globecom Workshop on Trusted Communications with Physical Layer Security, Keynote, 6.12.2015, "Physical Layer Secured Cognitive Radio Networks"
* IEEE GreenCom, 12.11.2015, invited online talk, "Multi-objective optimization in heterogeneous interference networks: energy-efficiency and security"
* IEEE CNS Workshop Keynote, 30.09.2015, "Wireless Cognitive Interference and Multi-Way Relay Channels with private Messages"
* IEEE ISWCS Keynote, 27.08.2015, "Multi-Objective Optimization in Heterogeneous Interference Networks: Energy Efficiency, Security and Latency"
* IEEE ICC Tutorial, 12.06.2015, The Path Towards 5G Essential Technologies, Protocols and Tools for Enabling 5G Mobile Communications: Energy-Efficient Distributed Cellular Systems
* European Wireless Tutorial, 20.05.2015, The Path Towards 5G Essential Technologies, Protocols and Tools for Enabling 5G Mobile Communications: Energy-Efficient Distributed Cellular Systems
* IEEE VTC Spring, Tutorial, 11.05.2015, The Path Towards 5G Essential Technologies, Protocols and Tools for Enabling 5G Mobile Communications: Energy-Efficient Distributed Cellular Systems
* ITG Applied Information Theory, Tutorial, 28.04.15, Physical Layer Security: Approaches, Challenges, and Solutions
* IEEE Globecom Workshop Trusted Communications with Physical Layer Security, Keynote, 12.12.14, Next Generation's Security - Physical Layer Approaches Challenges and Solutions
* Mathematical Foundations of Future Wireless Networks- Newcom# Winter School, 21.11.2014, Tutorial: Energy-Efficiency in 5G Wireless Networks via Fractional Programming Theory
* Workshop on Communication Security, Ancona, Italy, 11.09.2014, Keynote: Secure Communications in Wiretap Channels with Partial and Statistical CSI at the Transmitter
* IEEE ISWCS, Barcelona, 28.08.2014, Tutorial: Energy Efficiency in 5G Heterogeneous and Small-Cell Wireless Networks
* IEEE ICC, Sydney, 14.06.2014, Tutorial: Optimal Resource Management for Future Cellular and Heterogeneous Networks
* IEEE PIMRC, London, 08.09.2013, Tutorial: Optimal Resource Allocation in Coordinated Multi-Cell Systems
* EUNICE Summer School, Chemnitz, 27.08.2013, Tutorial: Game Theory in Communications and Signal Processing
* Ruhr Universität Bochum, Digitale Nachrichtentechnik Seminar, 27.06.2013: Efficient Algorithms for Single-Stream MIMO Interference Channels
* Workshop Information Transmission, BioTec, Dresden, 17.06.2013: Opening Talk: Information Theory - From Mutual Information to Network Information Flow
* COST-IC1004/FP7-DIWINE Training School, Prague, 21.05.2013: Tutorial Distributed Interference Processing in Single- and Multi-hop Interference Channels”
* Fraunhofer Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Berlin, SAPHYRE, EAB Meeting, 20.11.2012: SAPHYRE Overview
* Fokusseminar des Helmholtz Forschungskollegs für Sicherheitstechnologien, 02.11.2012: When does Public Backward Discussion Improve Physical Layer Security?
* IEEE CAMAD Keynote, Barcelona, 17.09.2012: When Energy Efficiency in Communication Counts “ 3 Scenarios and Tools
* KTH-Seminar, Stockholm, 12.09.2012: Physical Layer Secrecy in Fading MISO Wiretap and 2-Hop Channels
* A.v.Humboldt Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Session Organizer, 16.06.2012: Future of Communications
* SnT Uni Luxemburg Seminar, Luxemburg, 21.05.2012: Physical Layer Secrecy in Fading MISO Wiretap and 2-Hop Channels
* FlexSUS Workshop, Brüssel, 13.02.2012: Technical Solutions enabling Spectrum Sharing between Operators
* CogEU Workshop, München, 10.11.2011: Sharing Physical Resources: from PHY to Spectrum Policy
* Swe-CTW Tutorial, Stockholm, 19. 10.2011: Cognitive Radio and Physical Layer Security
* NGMN Frankfurt, SAPHYRE EAB Meeting, 27.09.2011: Resource Sharing Improves the Network Efficiency for Network Operators
* EUNICE Workshop, Keynote 05.09.2011: Physical Layer Network Coding for Improved Energy Efficiency
* IEEE CTW invited presentation, 21.06.2011: Multiple antenna interference channels: Strategic bargaining and coalitions
* IEEE ICASSP Tutorial, Prague, 23.05.2011: Game-Theory in Signal Processing and Communications
* CTU Lectures, Prague, 11-13.04.2011: Game-Theory: Fundamentals and Applications in Signal Processing and Communications
* NTNU-Seminar, Trondheim, 24.01.2011: Multiple antenna interference channel: signal processing and resource allocation based on game theory
* ESIEE/Marne-La-Valle Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Institut Gaspard Monge, 13.09.-09.10.2010 Seminar Series, Paris: Majorization Theory and Matrix Monotone Functions
* GSMA Europe, Brüssel, SAPHYRE EAB Meeting, 30.09.2010: SAPHYRE Overview
* HKUST-Seminar, 24.08.2010, Hong Kong: Friendly Jamming in Multi-Antenna Wiretap Channels
* Joint Workshop TU Ilmenau, 22.06.2010: Wireless Interference Networks: Game Theoretic Approaches
* BTH-Seminar, 03.06.2010: Beamforming in Multi-Antenna Interference Networks with Perfect Local Channel Information
* KTH-Seminar, 02.06.2010: Friendly Jamming in Multi-Antenna Wiretap Channels
* KTH-Seminar, 01.06.2010: Beamforming in Multi-Antenna Interference Networks with Perfect Local Channel Information
* Workshop on Interference in Networks, Ulm University, 26.03.2010: Beamforming in Interference Networks
* Joint Workshop MSV-TUM, TNT-TUD, 15.12.2009: Monotonic Optimization Framework for MISO Interference Channels
* Seminar at TU Ilmenau, Nachrichtentechnik, 19.06.2009: Resource Allocation in Protected and Shared Bands“ Joint Non-Cooperative and Cooperative Approach
* EU ICT Event, Lyon, 25.11.2008, Session: Cognitive Reconfigurable Radio Systems and Networks: Spectrum Sharing between Operators
* ITG Fachgruppensitzung Angewandte Informationstheorie, Siegen, 18.04.2008: Resource Allocation for the Wire-Tap Multi-Carrier Broadcast Channel
* IEEE ICASSP Tutorial, Las Vegas, 30.03.2008: Majorization and Matrix Monotone Functions in Signal Processing for Wireless Communications
* IEEE Workshop, Mini-Tutorial, Nokia, Copenhagen, 16.11.2007: A MIMO Framework for 4G Systems: Feedback, Transmit Strategies, and Assessment Results
* Seminar at LiU/ISY/Communication Systems, Linköping University, 15.11.2007: A MIMO Framework for 4G Systems: Feedback, Transmit Strategies, and Assessment Results
* WINNER II WP3 Meeting in Göteborg, 10.09.2007: Games on the MISO Interference Channel
* KTH ACE course: MIMO communication systems and antennas, KTH Stockholm, 31.08.2007: Multiuser Information Theory
* Game-Theory-Workshop, TU Berlin, 09.08.2007: Achievable rate regions and upper bounds for Gaussian interference channels
* WINNER II WP3 Meeting in Salzburg, 08.05.2007: Chunk size optimization in local area uplink: Transceiver optimization and assessment results
* Beihang University, Beijing, China, invited talk, 08.03.2007: Guaranteed QoS Region in Fading Orthogonal Space-Time Coded Broadcast Channels
* WINNER II WP3 Meeting in Berlin, 20.09.2006: GoB System Results: TDMA vs. SDMA
* WINNER II WP3 Meeting in Aveiro, 24.05.2006: Spatial User Selection/User Grouping
* KTH Alumni day - Signal Processing and Communication Theory, 25.04.2006: Outage Probability of OSTBC: optimal transmit strategy and suboptimality of odd number of transmit antennas
* WINNER II WP3 Meeting in Munich, 13-15.02.2006: Task 4: Spatial-Temporal Processing, subtask 4.1B: Spatial Adaption
* WINNER WP2 Meeting in Munich, 7-9. 11. 2005: Analysis and concepts for uplink MIMO OFDM channels in the wide area scenario: spatial scheme selection and transmit optimization
* TU Berlin Seminar: Advanced Topics in Wireless Communications, 2. 12. 2004: Delay-Limited Capacity of Multiple Antenna Fading Channels
* ITG Diskussionssitzung Ultra Wide Band, IMST, Kamp-Lintfort, 11. 11. 2004: UWB Signalisierung und Kodierung
* KTH Stockholm: Seminar Signal Processing Group, 11. 02. 2004: Unified Performance Analysis of MIMO Systems in Spatially correlated Fading with Different types of CSI at the transmitter
* TU Muenchen: Seminar "Netzwerktheorie und Signalverarbeitung", SS2003, 10.06.2003: Optimierung von MIMO Übertragungssystemen: Einbenutzer und Mehrbenutzer Systemaspekte
* Space-Time-Signal Processing Workshop, Karlsruhe, 3-4.11.2003: Mehrbenutzer MIMO Systeme: TDMA ist nicht optimal!
* Space-Time-Signal Processing Workshop, Berlin, Juni 2003: Optimierung von Mehrbenutzer-MIMO Systemen: MIMO MAC mit MMSE Empfaenger
* Space-Time-Signal Processing Workshop, Ulm, Nov. 2002: An iterative Signal Processing Algorithm (ISIP) for MIMO systems
* TU Bremen: invited talk, 10-11.9.2002: Sum Capacity Optimization of the MIMO Gaussian MAC
* Space-Time-Signal Processing Workshop, Berlin, 11.4.2002: MIMO Kapazität bei ungenauer Kanalkenntnis am Sender
* Space-Time-Signal Processing Workshop, Berlin, 11.4.2002: On the Schur-concavity of the ergodic and outage capacity with respect to correlation in multi-antenna systems with no CSI at the transmitter
* HHI Colloqium 27.11.2001: Vergleich verschiedener Kanalschätz- und Space-Time-Algorithmen fuer MIMO Systeme
Von | Bis | Rolle | Journal |
2024 | - | Editor | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory |
2022 | - | Editor | IEEE Transactions on Communications |
2017 | - | Editor-in-Chief | Springer EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking |
2015 | 2020 | Editor | IEEE Transactions on Forensics and Security |
2013 | 2018 | Editor | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
2011 | 2015 | Associate Editor | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing |
2011 | 2013 | Senior Associate Editor | IEEE Signal Processing Letters |
2008 | 2011 | Associate Editor | IEEE Signal Processing Letters |