In der Arbeitsgruppe „Post-Shannon- und Quanten-Informationstheorie“ beschäftigen wir uns unter der Leitung von Dr. math. Christian Deppe mit verschiedenen Fragestellungen zu neuen Ansätzen der Informationstheorie und in Kommunikationssystemen.
Sowohl theoretische Betrachtungen außerhalb des klassischen Shannon-Übertragungsschemas, wie die Identifizierung von Nachrichten, als auch konkretere Konzepte wie die molekulare Kommunikation sind Teil unserer Arbeit. Im Bereich der Quanten-Informationstheorie beschäftigen wir uns mit der Analyse des Potenzials aktueller und zukünftiger Quantentechnologien in Kommunikationssystemen, um diese leistungsfähiger, resilienter und sicherer zu machen.
Post-Shannon Theory explores advanced communication models that extend beyond Shannon's classical information theory, enabling more efficient and adaptable communication. A key example is the identification scheme by Ahlswede and Dueck, where the receiver only determines whether a specific important message was sent, rather than receiving its full content. Applications include IoT, medical monitoring, and bandwidth-optimized networks, where rapid and selective data recognition is crucial.
Many fundamental problems that have been solved in classical information theory remain open when considering quantum channels. In this field, we investigate how the availability of shared entanglement can assist with various communication tasks, such as enhancing transmission rates or securing communication.
Molecular communication explores how information is transmitted through the exchange of molecules, drawing inspiration from biological systems like cells and tissues. This cutting-edge technology unlocks new possibilities in nanotechnology and biomedicine, revolutionizing communication in challenging environments.
The emergence of quantum technologies unlocks new approaches to communication and computational tasks, but it also presents its own challenges. Quantum technologies enable more powerful attacks on authentication and encryption systems. Through our work on quantum physically unclonable functions, we aim to address and resolve these issues. Furthermore, we investigate quantum repeaters to tackle the issue of limited transmission distances in quantum systems.