Seit 15.4.2023 | Professur für „Batterie- und Brennstoffzellen-Prozesstechnik“ |
2020 | Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. „Kleinmolekül-Stabilisierung und Sprühtrocknung von Metalloxid-Nanopartikeln“ |
Seit 2019 | Abteilungsleiterin für Verfahrens- und Fertigungstechnik für nachhaltige Energiespeichertechnologien, Fraunhofer-Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik |
Hofer, M., Grube, M., Burmeister, C. F., Michalowski, P., Zellmer, S., Kwade, A., Effective mechanochemical synthesis of sulfide solid electrolyte Li3PS4 in a high energy ball mill by process investigation (2023) Advanced Powder Technology 34(6),104004,
Haupt, J., Kononova, N., Cerdas, F., Zellmer, S., Herrmann, C., Challenges of prospective life cycle assessment of emerging recycling processes: case study of battery materials recovery (2023) Procedia CIRP, Volume 116, 23-28,
Kononova, N., Blömeke, S., Cerdas, F., Zellmer, S., Herrmann, C., Identification of target materials for recycling of solid-state batteries from environmental and economic perspective using information theory entropy (2023) Procedia CIRP, Volume 116, 2023, Pages 185-190,
Lefherz, H., Dilger, N., Melzig, S., Cerdas, F., Zellmer, S., Tighten the loop – Potential for reduction of environmental impacts by direct recycling of battery production waste (2023) Procedia CIRP, 116 65-70,
Büttner, N., Purr, F., Sangrós Gimenez, C., Richter, M., Nousch, L., Zellmer, S., Michaelis, A., Electrochemical modelling of Na-MCl2 battery cells based on an expanded approximation method, Batteries (2023), 9(4), 200,
Wolff, D., Weber, S., Graumann, T., Zebrowski, S., Mainusch, N., Cerdas, F., Zellmer, S., An Environmental and Technical Evaluation of Vacuum-Based Thin Film Technologies: Lithium Niobate Coated Cathode Active Material for Use in All-Solid-State Battery Cells, Energies (2023), 16(3), 1278,
Kwade, A., Möller, M., Müller, J., Hesselbach, J., Zellmer, S., Doose, S., Mayer, J., Michalowski, P., Powell, M., Breitung-Faes, S., Comminution and Classification as Important Process Steps for the Circular Production of Lithium Batteries (2023) KONA Powder and Particle Journal,
Barasinski, M., Schilde, C., Melzig, S., Hübner, M., Garnweitner, G., Zellmer, S., Micromechanical properties of spray-dried core-shell silica aggregates along with drug release tests (2022) JCIS Open, 6, 100052,
Imdahl, C., Blume, C., Blume, S., Zellmer, S., Gensicke, M., Herrmann, C., Potentials of Hydrogen Technologies for Sustainable Factory Systems (2021) Procedia CIRP, 98, 583-588,