The overarching goal of the NorGiBatF project is to build up know-how and competence in all aspects of energy-efficient battery cell production in Norway on a Giga scale, i.e. with an annual production capacity of 30 GWh battery capacity.
The lead partner company, FREYR AS, has set itself the goal of building and operating up to 10 Giga factories in Norway by 2030. In addition to reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in battery cell production, the goals of NorGiBatF also include improving the societal impact in the countries that produce raw materials.
In order to achieve the goals of NorGiBatF, the project will work on the following topics.
As part of the NorGiBatF project, a modeling and simulation platform is being developed at the IWF, which includes the various scales of the production system. The scalable gate-to-gate models for the production of battery cells provide life cycle inventory data for the implementation of life cycle assessments. The model is part of the Integrated Computational Life Cycle Engineering (IC-LCE) framework developed at the IWF. The modeling and simulation platform will make it possible to take into account interactions between product properties, production processes, the operation of the production system and the factory infrastructure. This platform supports the research activities of the associated partners in NorGiBatF by evaluating the improvement measures developed in the other work packages with regard to the technological, economic and ecological goals from laboratory to giga-scale.