Junior Professorship and Tenure-Track

Students in front of the Altgebäude - the Historic Main Building

TU Braunschweig offers young scientists many options on their career path up to the appointment to a permanent professorship. The tenure track professorship or the junior professorship are aimed at young scientists who are in the late postdoc phase and want to take the step into independent research.   


Support Services

The start of a junior professorship or tenure-track career is characterized by a clearly defined catalog of achievements, which you define at the start of the position as part of your target agreement. In order to perform these services, you will be challenged in many ways. TU Braunschweig supports you in achieving your goals with a variety of offers:


International researcher

TU Braunschweig offers a wide range of opportunities for international researchers. If you decide to spend a research stay in Braunschweig, the team of the Welcome Support for International Researchers will be happy to accompany you through all steps from initial planning to orientation on site.


Please refer to the appropriate regulations for evaluation criteria and performance characteristics for your tenure-track or junior professorship:


Further offers

In addition to the offerings listed here, there are many opportunities for continuing education and counseling at the TU Braunschweig. A list of further service facilities can be found linked here.


Dr. Anne Fleige
Professional and Personnel Development