Research Projects

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TU Braunschweig's six faculties and more than 120 institutes support numerous research projects which examine a broad range of topics. Special emphasis is placed on Collaborative Research Centres, Research Units and Priority Programmes sponsored by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Germany's central self-governing research funding organisation.

Clusters of Excellence

"QuantumFrontiers" and "SE²A" are funded under the federal and state Excellence Strategy.

At a glance

The Chief Information Officer's team compiles an annual overview of all publicly funded projects at TU Braunschweig.

Collaborative Research Centres at TU Braunschweig

Colaborative Research Centres comprise long-term research projects. They are often interdisciplinary research institutions of a university and are funded for up to 12 years. Scientists from other universities or research institutions may be involved in Collaborative Research Centres.

With Participation of TU Braunschweig

Research Units at TU Braunschweig

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) funds research groups of outstanding scientists within the framework of DFG Research Units. The researchers work together on a specific research task. Research groups are funded for up to eight years.

With Participation of TU Braunschweig

Priority Programmes at TU Braunschweig

In priority programmes, the German Research Foundation (DFG) funds supraregional collaborations for up to six years. On certain dates, the DFG invites researchers to submit proposals.

Research Training Groups

Research Training Groups are established by universities to promote early career researchers. They are funded by the DFG for a period of up to nine years. Their key emphasis is on the qualification of doctoral researchers within the framework of a focused research programme and a structured training strategy.

With Participation of TU Braunschweig

European Research Projects

International research projects in association with institutions in other European countries.


European Research Council Grants (ERC)

Collaborative projects with share for TU Braunschweig above one million EUR

International Research Service

Advice and support

Mobile Researchers' Centre (MoRe)

Doctorates/Cooperation projects

International Office


Research Services

Please note that this is not a complete list.