Transfer Service

Vice President for Transfer and Innovation

Profilbild Prof. Arno Kwade

Innovations are the engine of our society and the foundation for progress and prosperity. They bring new ideas and technologies into the world and make a significant contribution to overcoming the major challenges of our time. With our transfer strategy "TIES with Impact", we are focusing on transfer and innovation ecosystems (TIES) in order to generate impact in civil society. With our transfer activities, we contribute to a sustainable development of our economy and our society, particularly in our region.

The doors to and from our university are open, let's launch projects together and explore new paths of innovation and transfer. I cordially invite you to help shape the transfer of knowledge and technology between science, business, politics and society. The Transfer Service offers professional services with the aim of bringing diverse groups of stakeholders into a cooperative relationship and promoting vibrant ecosystems.

TU-Magazine articles


Kreislaufwirtschaft für die Zukunft

Gemeinsame Presseinformation Die Open Hybrid LabFactory (OHLF) in Wolfsburg hat ...


Forschen mit Verantwortung

Dank der immer stärkeren digitalen Vernetzung stehen Forschenden mehr personenbezogene ...


Science and Art Lab verbindet Kunst und Wissenschaft

Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung der Stadt Braunschweig und TU Braunschweig Das neu ...


„Jugend forscht“ in Braunschweig: Schüler*innen überzeugen mit eigenen Forschungsideen

Die talentiertesten Nachwuchsforschenden aus der Region präsentierten am 28. Februar ...

Central Alumni Management: The start of a strong community

Zu sehen ist das Team der Servicestelle Alumni & Career, bestehend aus sechs Personen (Henning Karsten, Knud Ahlborn, Sarah Potstada, Maike Stelter, Melanie Schaller und Kesniia Dombrovska).

Since the beginning of the year, the Alumni Management at Technische Universität Braunschweig has been growing with a new team. The team, which is based in the Relationship Management department of the Transfer Service, is putting a lot of energy and commitment into establishing a central network. The existing decentralised alumni associations are an important part of this. The alumni work aims to establish a long-term relationship with former students, but also to support and promote current students and to spread the good reputation and success of TU Braunschweig.

Continue reading: Central Alumni Managment


  • The Kinder-Uni podcast series “Clever nachgefragt” on the topic of ecology with six TU professors and pupils from Rüningen primary and secondary school is now available onlineTo the podcast
  • Retrospect of the Innovation Forum 2023 Event "5G in application" To the  German article
  • Report on the TransferHub meeting at "Die Familienunternehmer" Braunschweig-Wolfsburg To the German article

Knowledge Exchange

In terms of knowledge exchange, our transfer activities are based on stable cooperation and relevant active communities. We work together with partners at regional, national and international level and develop participatory formats for this purpose.

Managing director

Dr. Laura Jess
Rebenring 33, Gründervilla

Managing Director Transferservice

Jörg Saathoff
Rebenring 33, 38106 Braunschweig

Deputy Managing Director Transferservice

Contact persons in Transfer Services

Under Contact persons you will find all our employees with telephone number, e-mail address and location. You can also search for a suitable contact person by topic.

Overview contact persons




Technology Transfer and Relationship Management

Location: Gründervilla
Rebenring 33, 38106 Braunschweig 

E-Mail Technolog Transfer E-Mail Relationship Management

phone Technology Transfer: +49 531 391 4260


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Further Education Office

Location: Haus der Wissenschaft
Pockelsstraße 11 2.OG, 38106 Braunschweig

E-Mail Netzwerk- und Veranstaltungsmanagement

Tel. Netzwerk- und Veranstaltungsmanagement (ZfW): +49 531 391 4211

Haus der Wissenschaft

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Knowledge Transfer

Location: Bültenweg 17, 38106 Braunschweig 

E-Mail Wissenstransfer

phone: +49 531 391 4444

Standort Bültenweg

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