Working abroad

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Certificate of International Competence for Employees

Are you interested in other cultures? Do you want to navigate confidently in the international environment of TU Braunschweig? At TU Braunschweig you have many opportunities for further training that will help you to maneuver confidently in a global context. With the "Certificate of International Competence (ZiK) for Employees" we bundle and structure these offers now.

Training abroad - Erasmus+ staff mobility

Target Group

Administrative staff or employees of the TU Braunschweig from a wide range of areas:


Student counselling

Public Relations

Continuing Education

Technology & Transfer

General and technical administration



Faculties & Departments

The European exchange programme Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training Purposes (STT) enables the TU Braunschweig to support training measures for university staff at European universities and at foreign companies and institutions. The aim of the stay is to promote the personal and professional development of staff, as well as the exchange between international colleagues.

Further requirements:

  • eligible for service
  • a valid employment relationship with the TU Braunschweig must exist before, during and after the stay abroad
  • Knowledge of the working language in the target country

Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator

Dott. Francesco Ducatelli

 ☎  +49 531 391-14 373

Consultation: by appointment, room 302, 3rd floor Bültenweg 74, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany

Current changes

No news available.