Research Services

Our information and consulting activities cover all areas of national, international and European funding. It begins with information about funding opportunities and extends from application support to assistance with contractual issues and the search for cooperation and contact partners. In addition, we offer to take over the project management of your EU projects.

In order to attract international scientists, we offer assistance and advice on recruiting and support new international researchers in all administrative steps of their arrival in Braunschweig.

Furthermore, we support selected strategic projects in the area of promotion of early career scientists and their research.

We look forward to working with you.

Other Services


1st Round Seedfunding Interdisciplinary Collaboration – eight projects funded

The first round of the "Interdisciplinary Collaboration" funding program was successful: 30 interdisciplinary projects from a wide range of disciplines and subjects at TU Braunschweig submitted their applications. Eight of them have now received approval for the eight-month funding of approximately €15,000. The funding program encourages interdisciplinary cooperation and supports the development and expansion of interdisciplinary research projects.


First online information session on the research information system on 1 November 2023

At the beginning of this year, the project to introduce a research information system (FIS) at TU Braunschweig was launched on the basis of the Executive Board's decision of December 2022. The aim is to establish the FIS as a central information platform for all research activities at TU Braunschweig. In the FIS, research projects, publications, patents and other scientific achievements will be brought together and presented in a linked form with personal profiles of all researchers and organisational units at the TU Braunschweig.

The first information session was held on 1 November 2023 to present the project and provide an opportunity for discussion at an early stage. The slides (only in German) are available via the following link.



July 10, 2024: University of Rhode Island: Welcome to Germany, welcome to TU Braunschweig! (online)

Research Services offer an open consultation hour for students and graduates of the University of Rhode Island (Kingston, USA) who would like to find out about career and funding opportunities in Germany and Braunschweig.


July 15, 2024: Workshop "Researchers Recruit Researchers" (10:30-11:30, online)

In this online workshop, we would like to inform you about possibilities of (peer) recruiting of (early career) scientists as well as about current calls for proposals and funding opportunities on the topic.


July 17, 2024: University of Strathclyde Online Presentation – Welcome to Germany, welcome to TU Braunschweig! (online)

Research Services are continuing their virtual tour of TU Braunschweig's partner universities at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland) and offer an open consultation hour for young researchers from all disciplines.


August 13, 2024: GATE Germany Online-Hochschulpräsentation – Chile (online)

TU Braunschweig takes part in an online university presentation of the DAAD office in Santiago de Chile and informs graduates from the natural sciences about current research and study opportunities.


August 15, 2024: GATE Germany Online-Hochschulpräsentation – Brasilien (online)

Together with Hochschule Darmstadt & Pforzheim University, TU Braunschweig is taking part in an online university presentation by the DAAD office in Rio de Janeiro and informing economics graduates about current research and study opportunities.


August 23-25, 2024: GAIN24 (San Francisco, USA)

TU Braunschweig is participates in the annual conference of the German Academic International Network (GAIN24) in San Francisco, presents current offers at the Talent Fair and offers a workshop on "Female Career Advancement - from Equal Opportunities to Diversity in STEM".



Here you can find all contact persons from the Research Services:

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