Seminar SS25


06.02.2025 You can attend the Seminar WITHOUT having to apply through stud.ip. Attendance is organised separately. Just attend the Kick-Off meeting.


During the summer term of 2025, the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science offers two seminars on Theoretical Computer Science.

  • Weekly Talks are on TBD, in IZ 358. Starting from TBD.
  • The kickoff meeting will take place on the 14.04. at TBD in room IZ 358.
  • To fully register for the seminar, you have to sign a document until TBD. You can do so during the kickoff meeting or at our secretariat. In the latter case, please make an appointment with our secretary Andrea Soleinsky (
  • We give topics to at most 10 students in Informatik(BA+MA) and 10 students in Data Science(MA).


You will have to

  • prepare and give a talk of 30 minutes (including questions) during the lecture period.
  • write a seminar paper in English or German, of maximal 10 pages using the acmart LaTeX style using the "acmsmall" version.
  • hand in a preliminary version of your paper, that will be peer reviewed by another student. Consequently, you will recieve a paper from another student that you will have to review.


Each seminar topic is assigned a member of the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science as advisor. In case you have questions, you can contact them. There will be regular meetings with your advisor, in particular before you hand in the paper and before you give the presentation.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 20.02.2025