20. Februar - Die Informationen auf dieser Seite sind noch vorläufig.
Es handelt sich um eine (4+2) Veranstaltung. Um das Modul erfolgreich abzuschließen, sind zwei Leistungen zu erbringen:
Vorlesungsvideos vergangener Semester:
Handschriftliche Notizen der Vorlesung:
Die Übungsblätter werden während des Semesters hier zur Verfügung gestellt.
Contains interesting information about the theory and practice of parallel programming.
Our presentation of programming languages is based on this.
Our presentation of verification conditions is based on this text.
Our presentation of separation logic is based on this.
Here you find the axioms for heap-manipulating commands + the statement of completeness as weakest preconditions.
The ''Small Axioms''.
Soundness, Completeness, and Discussion of the Frame-Rule. Contains the semantic lemma about our programming language.
Completeness of the Frame-Rule and foundations of separation logic.
Our presentation of Infer is based on this paper.
Our presentation of concurrent separation logic is based on this paper.
On concurrent separation logic.
Our presentation of RGSep is taken from this thesis. It also contains the lock-coupling list.
The RGSep paper.
The locality principle.
From robustness against TSO to reachability under SC.