
ReflektAS - sicher auf der Spur
Fahrerassistenzsystem gibt den Impuls

Today's lane departure warning systems, for example, warn the driver with a sound if there is a risk of drifting out of lane. The disadvantage of this method is that the driver must first learn which reaction (steering in a certain direction) to a certain stimulus (e.g. sound) is the correct one. In addition, the correct reaction can be forgotten, as deviating from the track is usually a very rare event.
To counteract these disadvantages, we are currently developing and testing a completely new type of lane departure warning system based on reflexes. If there is a risk of drifting out of lane, the steering wheel is jerked in the same direction in which the vehicle is drifting out of lane. This triggers a steering reflex in the opposite direction. It is particularly advantageous that reflexes are very fast, stable and universal, so that the correct reaction can be reliably triggered.

Cooperation partner

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. - Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik
Prof. Dr. Karsten Lemmer
Dr. Ingmar Ehrenpfordt


Kullack, A. & Eggert, F. (2010). Straight into curves: ReflektAS in different contextual conditions. Poster presented at the European Conference on Human Centered Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Berlin.

Kullack, A. & Eggert, F. (2010). ReflektAS - Ein verhaltensbasiertes Lane Departure Prevention System. Paper presented at the 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Saarbrücken.

Kullack, A., Ehrenpfordt, I. & Eggert, F. (2009). ReflektAS - Ein verhaltensbasiertes Assistenzsystem zur Querführung. Paper presented at the 8. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme, Berlin.

Kullack, A., Ehrenpfordt, I. & Eggert, F. (2009). How behaviorally assisted car driver interaction can enhance traffic safety. Paper presented at the 16th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Stockholm.

Kullack, A., Ehrenpfordt, I. & Eggert, F. (2009). ReflektAS - further tests of a fast and reliable lane departure prevention system for critical situations. Paper presented at the 16th ITS World Congress, Stockholm.

Kullack, A., Ehrenpfordt, I., Lemmer, K. & Eggert, F. (2008). ReflektAS: lane departure prevention system based on behavioural control. IET-Intelligent Transport Systems, 2, 285-293.

Kullack, A., Ehrenpfordt, I. & Eggert, F. (2008). ReflektAS - lane keeping assistant based on reflexive behaviour. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Washington, D.C.

Kullack, A., Ehrenpfordt, I., & Eggert, F. (2008). Development of Driver Assistance Systems based on behavioral strategies. Paper presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Berlin.

Ehrenpfordt, I., Kullack, A., & Eggert, F. (2008). ReflektAS - Usage of reflexive driver reactions in ADAS-development. Paper presented at the European Conference on Human Centered Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Lyon.

Kullack, A., Ehrenpfordt, I. & Eggert, F. (2007). Anwendung verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Strategien am Beispiel eines Querführungsassistenten. Paper presented at the Fahrer im 21. Jahrhundert - Human Machine Interface, Braunschweig.

Kullack, A., Ehrenpfordt, I. & Eggert, F. (2007). Lane-keeping by eliciting reflexive steering movements. Paper presented at the 6th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Aalborg.