SE²A JRG A1 - Overall System Evaluation

[I. Joormann]

Independent Research Group in Cluster of Excellence SE²A

PI: Dr. I. Joormann
Researchers: L.-M. Manke, C. Talwar
Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration: Jan 2019 – June 2023

The Independent Research Group is part of the Cluster of Excellence "Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation". Further information can also be found here on the pages of the cluster.


Project Description

Shaping the necessary transition pathways to achieve sustainable air transport solutions requires a sound understanding of the behavior of the air transport system (ATS) itself. The task of the group is to analyze and evaluate alternative transition pathways in order to achieve long-term development goals for the ATS.




Project Partners

  • TU Braunschweig
  • German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • Leibniz University Hannover (LUH)
  • Braunschweig University of Art (HBK)
  • Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)


Objective and Approach

The group will develop optimization and system dynamics models capturing the main actors and structure of the ATS, under consideration of technological, economic, environmental and social factors. The models will be used to analyze and evaluate the overall system behavior of the ATS for the selection and temporal allocation of measures meant to steer the ATS towards energy efficiency and sustainability.