The course focusses on human-centered design and engineering of built-up spatial environments at multiple scales. It is a thrilling deep-dive exploration, taking you through pertinent workshops specifically designed to provide hands-on experience with latest techniques and technologies while also categorically exploring the synergy resulting from a multidisciplinary mindset and technical approach for the study of human-environment interactions.
In particular from perspectives of:
• Spatial Cognition and AI (design knowledge representation, and cognitive interaction systems)
• Applied Informatics in Architecture (computer-aided design, spatial data handling)
• Geo-Information Science (GIS systems and services, 2D/3D GIS Visualisation)
• Cognitive Psychology (environmental psychology, evidence-based behavioural coding and empirical analysis, cognitive ergonomics, architectural psychology)
Socio-technological design intents encompassing universality, sustainability, as well as subjective human cognitive experiences will be addressed throughout the course. In particular, case-studies and/or practical work will address design implications from the viewpoints of spatial mobility and transportation, ecology and resource consumption, and demographics and quality of human-human and human environment interactions in everyday life.
Präsenzveranstaltung mit zusätzlichen digitalen Ressourcen und hybriden Formaten
Mi, 19.04.23, 14-15:30 Uhr
Mi/Do, 26./27.04. 9:00–17:00
Mi-Fr, 23.-25.05. 9:00–17:00
Mi/Do, 22./23.06. 9:00–17:00
Exkursion: 23.06.-25.06
SpACE Lab at ISU
SpACE Lab at ISU: Dr. Deepank Verma, Olaf Mumm
Guest Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Mehul Bhatt, Örebro University (Sweden) - CoDesign Lab EU