Course Title | Type | Lecturer | Period |
Tunnel Construction | Lecture | Various | Summer Term |
Exercise | Dipl.-Ing. Eugen Daumlechner | Summer Term | |
Seminar on Foundation Engineering and Tunnel Construction | Seminar | Various | Summer Term |
Civil Engineering
Industrial and Civil Engineering
Introduction to rock mechanics, planning and design of tunnels, tunnelling methods for machine and conventional tunnelling, tunnel static, tunnel lining, construction operation in tunnelling, fire protection in tunnelling, numerical analysis in tunnelling, metrology in tunnelling
Lecture series on foundation engineering and tunnelling that takes place every two weeks. More information can be found here.
Students first acquire general rock mechanical basics, in particular knowledge of the description and determination of the mechanical properties of rock. After attending the course, they will be familiar with the basics of planning and designing tunnelling structures. In addition to the machine and mining tunnelling methods in tunnel construction, methods for designing tunnels are also presented. After completing the module, they will be able to apply these methods. The interdisciplinary nature of the subject is addressed by integrating other specialist areas ( traffic engineering, construction operations, fire protection). The practical training in the CA pool, which is organised as a block course, teaches the basics of applying numerical methods in underground construction using the Software Plaxis 2D. Attending the "Seminar for Foundation Engineering and Tunnelling" establishes a link to practice.
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Civil Engineering
Industrial and Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering