How do early bloomers in the Botanic Garden manage to bloom before all the other plants? Where do they get the strength?
Flowering before a dense canopy of leaves shades out the sun, that is the motto of the early bloomers in the forest. The pupils at the Green School learn how they manage this by getting to know different early-flowering plants and their storage organs. A binocular helps them. As a little refreshment, there is an "early-flowering snack" that is supposed to give bear powers!
investigate, name, sketch and compare different storage organs and pollen of early flowering plants
describe the development of an early flowering plant as a cyclical process in the course of the seasons
describe and explain dependencies and adaptation processes of different plants and animals and carry out simple experiments on them
use stereo magnifying glasses and microscopes appropriately
develop questions about simple natural phenomena (light and shadow)
carry out simple investigations according to instructions; use measuring instruments in the process
practise their perception through the senses of smell and taste