Zebrafish Resources can be found at the central website of the zebrafish community at ZFIN. For example, here you can search for
Many tools such as antibodies, ESTs, cDNAs and fish strains can be ordered for a low handling fee at:
Zebrafish International Resource Center (ZIRC) from Eugene, Oregon USA
European Zebrafish Resource Center (EZRC) from the KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany
These Resource Centers also provide advice for fish health and maintenance as well as experimental platforms for space- or equipment-intense research projects.
The Zebrafish Community meets biannually at the "International Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics", which usually takes place in Madison/Wisconsin, USA.
The biannual European Zebrafish Genetics and Development Meeting alternates with the International Conference and takes place at changing locations throughout Europe.
The biannual Asia Oceania Zebrafish Meeting alternates with the International Conference and takes place at changing locations throughout Asia.
Principal Investigators meet annually at Strategic Conferences at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, CA, USA and changing locations in Europe. THe next upcoming Strategic Meeting will be held in January 2013 in Asilomar.
In addition, a number of regional meetings, symposia about special topics and training workshop take place throughout the year.
Please find an overview over relevant upcoming meetings here: Zebrafish Meetings.