Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Julia Gebert



T +49 531-391 3969


Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung



ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7805-5373

Bild von Julia Gebert


Stabilität der organischen Substanz in Böden, Sedimenten und organischen Abfällen, Quantifizierung (klimawirksamer) Emissionen in natürlichen und anthropogenen Systemen, Verminderung anthropogener Methanemissionen, In-situ Stabilisierung von Abfällen, Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Mikrobiom und Kohlenstoffflüssen, Bewertung des Schadstoffaustragsrisikos kontaminierter Böden, Biogeochemie der Bodenreifung


2024  Professur für Abfallwirtschaft und Stoffkreisläufe an der TU Braunschweig
2017  Associate Professor Soil Science/Geo-Engineering an der Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
2014  Leitung der Einheit Umweltangelegenheiten der Hamburg Port Authority AöR
2013  Habilitation und venia legendi im Fach Bodenkunde an der Universität Hamburg
2011  Stellv. Leitung der Einheit Umweltangelegenheiten der Hamburg Port Authority AöR
2004  Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. an der Universität Hamburg, Dept. Geowissenschaften
1998  Diplom-Biologin mit Hauptfach Bodenkunde, Universität Hamburg
1991  Beginn des Studiums der Biologie mit den Fächern Mikrobiologie, Allgemeine Botanik und Bodenkunde
           an der Universität Hamburg


Peer reviewed journals

Yi, S., Meza, N., Gebert, J. (2025): Application of the nitrogen-to-argon ratio to understand nitrogen transformation pathways in landfills under in-situ stabilization. Waste Management 194, 13-23.

van den Brink, J.M., Scharff, H., Steinert, B., Melchior, S., Hrachowitz, M., Heimovaara, T.J., Gebert, J. (2024): Long-term observations on the hydraulic performance of a combined capillary barrier-methane oxidation landfill cover system. Waste Management 187, 109-118.

Gebert, J., Zander, F. (2024): Aerobic and anaerobic mineralisation of sediment organic matter in the tidal River Elbe. Journal of Soils and Sediments.

Yi SC, Heijbroek A, Cutz L, Pillay S, de Jong W, Abeel T, Gebert J. (2023): Effects of fir-wood biochar on CH4 oxidation rates and methanotrophs in landfill cover soils packed at three different proctor compaction levels. Science of the Total Environment. 2023 Oct 19;907:167951.

Zander, F., Comans, R. N. J., Gebert, J. (2023): Linking patterns of physical and chemical organic matter fractions to its lability in sediments of the tidal Elbe river. Applied Geochemistry 156, 105760.

Kortleve, A.J., Mogollón, J.M., Heimovaara, T.J., Gebert, J. (2022):  Topsoil Carbon Stocks in Urban Greenspaces of The Hague, the Netherlands. Urban Ecosystems 26, 1-18.

Zander, F., Groengroeft, A., Eschenbach, A., Heimovaara, T.J., Gebert, J. (2022): Organic matter pools in sediments of the tidal Elbe river. Limnologica 96,

Gebert, J., de Jong, T., Beaven, R., Rhees-White, T., Lammen, H. (2022): Spatial variability of leachate tables, leachate composition and hydraulic conductivity in a landfill stabilized by in situ aeration. Detritus 19.

Meza, N., Lammen, H., Cruz, C., Heimovaara, T.,  Gebert J. (2022): Spatial variability of gas composition and flow in a landfill under in-situ aeration. Detritus 19.

Gebert, J., Huber-Humer, M., Cabral, A. (2022): Design of microbial methane oxidation systems for landfills. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10.

Shakeel, A., Zander, F., Gebert, J., Chassagne, C., Kirichek, A. (2022): Influence of anaerobic degradation of organic matter on the rheological properties of cohesive mud from different European ports. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, 446.

Zander, F., Shakeel, A., Kirichek, A., Chassagne, C., Gebert, J. (2022): Effects of organic matter degradation in cohesive sediment: Linking sediment rheology to spatio-temporal patterns of organic matter degradability. Journal of Soils and Sediments.

Shakeel, A., Zander, F., de Klerk, J.-W., Kirichek, A., Gebert, J., Chassagne, C. (2022): Effect of organic matter degradation in cohesive sediment: A detailed rheological analysis. Journal of Soils and Sediments.

Vijay, V., Shreedhar, S., Adlak, K., Payyanad, S., Sreedharan, V., Gopi, G., van der Voort, T.S., Malarvizhi, P., Yi, S., Gebert, J., Aravind, P.V. (2021): Review of Large-Scale Biochar Field-Trials for Soil Amendment and the Observed Influences on Crop Yield Variations. Frontiers in Energy Research 9, Article 710766.

Nicholls, R.J., Beaven, R.P., Stringfellow, A., Monfort, D, Le Cozannet, G., Wahl, T., Gebert, J., Wadey, M., Arns, A., Spencer, K.L., Reinhart, D., Heimovaara, T., Santos, V.M., Enríquez, A.R., Cope, S. (2021): Coastal Landfills and Rising Sea Levels: A Challenge for the 21st Century. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, Article 710342.

Van Verseveld, C.J.W., Gebert, J. (2020): Effect of compaction and soil moisture on the effective permeability of sands for use in methane oxidation systems. Waste Management 105, 44-53.

Zander, F., Heimovaara, T., Gebert, J. (2020): Spatial variability of organic matter degradability in tidal Elbe sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments. DOI:

Gebert, J., Groengroeft, A. (2019): Long-term hydraulic behaviour and soil ripening processes in a dike constructed from dredged material. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20, 1793-1805. DOI:

Berger, K., Gröngröft, A., Gebert, J. (2019): 20 years performance of a landfill cover system with components constructed from pre-treated dredged sediments. Waste Management 100, 230-239.

Gebert, J., Knoblauch, C., Gröngröft, A. (2019): Gas production from dredged sediment. Waste Management 85, 82-89.

Gebert, J., Streese-Kleeberg, J. (2017): Coupling stable isotope analysis with gas push-pull tests to derive in-situ values for the fractionation factor αox associated with the microbial oxidation of methane in soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal.

Geck, C. Scharff, H., Pfeiffer, E.-M., Gebert, J. (2016): Validation of a simple model to predict the performance of methane oxidation systems, using field data from a large scale biocover test field. Waste Management 56, 280-289.

Gebert, J., Rachor, I.M., Streese-Kleeberg, J., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (2016): Methane oxidation in a landfill cover soil under conditions of diffusive and advective flux, assessed by in-situ and ex-situ methods. Current Environmental Engineering 3 (2), 144-160.

Röwer, I.U., Scharff, H., Pfeiffer, E.-M., Gebert, J. (2016): Optimized landfill biocover for CH4 oxidation I: Experimental design and oxidation performance. Current Environmental Engineering 3 (2), 80-93.

Röwer, I.U., Streese-Kleeberg, J., Scharff, H., Pfeiffer, E.-M., Gebert, J. (2016): Optimized landfill biocover for CH4 oxidation II: Implications of spatially heterogeneous fluxes for monitoring and emission prediction. Current Environmental Engineering 3 (2), 94-106.

Gebert, J., Perner, M. (2015): Differentiation of microbial community composition in soil by preferential gas flow. European Journal of Soil Biology 69, 8-16.

Preuss, I., Knoblauch, C., Gebert, J., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (2013): Improved quantification of microbial CH4 oxidation efficiency in arctic wetland soils using carbon isotope fractionation. Biogeosciences 10, 2539-2552.

Rachor, I., Gröngröft, A., Gebert, J., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (2013): Variability of methane emissions from an old landfill on different time scales. European Journal of Soil Science 64, 16-26.

Gebert, J., Knoblauch, C., Gadd, G., Pfeiffer, E.-M., Dilly, O. (2011): Sustainability of geochemical cycling. Editorial. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 110, doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2011.04.008.

Gebert, J., Rachor, I., Gröngröft, A., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (2011): Temporal variability of soil gas composition in landfill covers. Waste Management 31, 935-945.

Gebert, J., Röwer, I. U., Scharff, H., Roncato, C. D. L., Cabral, A. R. (2011): Can soil gas profiles be used to assess microbial CH4 oxidation in landfill covers? Waste Management 31, 987-994.

Rachor, I., Gebert, J., Gröngröft, A., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (2011): Assessment of the methane oxidation capacity of compacted soils intended for use as landfill cover materials. Waste Management 31, 833-842.

Röwer, I. U., Geck, C., Gebert, J., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (2011): Spatial variability of soil gas concentrations and methane oxidation in landfill cover soils. Waste Management 31, 926-934.

Bohn, S., Brunke, P., Gebert, J., Jager, J. (2011): Influence of vegetation on microbial methane oxidation – A column study. Waste Management 31, 854-863.

Streese-Kleeberg, J., Rachor, I., Gebert, J., Stegmann, R. (2011): Field quantification of methane oxidation in landfill cover soils by means of gas push-pull tests. Waste Management 31, 995-1001.

Gebert, J., Gröngröft, A., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (2011): Relevance of soil physical properties for the microbial oxidation of methane in landfill covers. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43, 1759-1767.

Gebert, J., Singh, B.K., Pan, Y., Bodrossy, L. (2009): Activity and structure of methanotrophic communities in landfill cover soils. Environmental Microbiology Reports 1, 414-423.

Scheutz, C., Bogner, J., De Visscher, A., Gebert, J., Hilger, H., Huber-Humer, M., Kjeldsen, P., Spokas, K. (2009): Microbial methane oxidation processes and technologies for mitigation of landfill gas emissions. Waste Management & Research 27, 409-455.

Cabral, A.R., Capanema, M.A., Gebert, J., Moreira, J.F., Jugnia, L.B. (2009): Quantifying microbial methane oxidation efficiencies in two experimental landfill biocovers using stable isotopes. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 209, 157-172.

Huber-Humer, M., Gebert, J., Hilger, H. (2008): Biotic systems to mitigate landfill methane emissions. Waste Management & Research 26, 33-46.

Gebert, J., Stralis-Pavese, Alawi, M., N. & Bodrossy, L. (2008): Analysis of methanotrophic communities in landfill biofilters by means of diagnostic microarray. Environmental Microbiology 10, 1175-1188.

Gebert, J., Köthe, H., Gröngröft, A. (2006): Prognosis of methane formation by river sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments 6, 75-83.

Gebert, J., Gröngröft, A. (2006): Performance of a passively vented field-scale biofilter for the microbial oxidation of landfill methane. Waste Management 26, 399-407.

Gebert, J., Gröngröft, A. (2006): Passive landfill gas emission – influence of atmospheric pressure and implications for the operation of methane-oxidising biofilters. Waste Management 26, 245-251.

Gebert, J., Gröngröft, A., Schloter, M., Gattinger, A. (2004): Community structure in a methanotroph biofilter as revealed by phospholipid fatty acid analysis. FEMS Microbiology Letters 240, 61-68.

Gebert, J., Gröngröft, A., Miehlich, G. (2003): Kinetics of microbial landfill methane oxidation in biofilters. Waste Management 23, 609-619.

Dissertation und habilitation theses

Gebert, J. (2013): Microbial oxidation of methane fluxes from landfills. Habilitation. Hamburger Bodenkundliche Arbeiten 66.

Gebert, J. (2004): Microbial methane oxidation in biofilters for the treatment of residual emissions on passively vented landfills (in German). Dissertation. Hamburger Bodenkundliche Arbeiten 55.

Book contributions

Gröngröft, A., Gebert, J. (2023): Ausgewählte Bodenprofile, Profil 126: Subtyp Normreduktosol (XXn). In: Joisten, H., Giani, L. , Kochan, N., Kühn, D., Sauer, D., Schad, P., Sponagel, H. (Hrsg) (2023): Böden Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz, S. 512-214. Springer Nature.

Gebert, J., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (Eds.) (2012): Mikrobielle Methanoxidation in Deponie-Abdeckschichten, Abschluss-Workshop. Hamburger Bodenkundliche Arbeiten 68.

Gebert, J., Streese-Kleeberg, J., Melchior, S. (2011): Methanoxidation zur passiven Restgasbehandlung. Müllhandbuch Kennzahl 9306, Lieferung 1/11, Erich Schmidt-Verlag Berlin, ISSN 0176-4969.

Gebert, J., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (Eds.) (2010): Mikrobielle Methanoxidation in Deponie-Abdeckschichten. Hamburger Bodenkundliche Arbeiten 63.

Rachor, I., Gröngröft, A., Streese-Kleeberg, J., Bohn, S., Melchior, J., Gebert, J., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (2009): Verminderung von Deponiegasemissionen durch die mikrobielle Oxidation von Methan.
In: Mahammadzadeh, M., Biebeler, H., Bardt, H. (Hrsg.): Klimaschutz und Anpassung an die Klimafolgen. Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, S. 115-122.

Guidelines and technical reports

Geck, C., Röwer, I.U., Kleinschmidt, V., Scharff, H., Gebert, J. (2016): Design, validation and implementation of a novel accumulation chamber system for the quantification of CH4 and CO2 emissions from landfills. Technical Report.

Gebert, J., Huber-Humer, J., Oonk, H., Scharff, H. (2011): Methane Oxidation Tool - An approach to estimate methane oxidation on landfills.  Explanatory document.

Gebert, J., Huber-Humer, J., Oonk, H., Scharff, H. (2011): Methane Oxidation Tool - An approach to estimate methane oxidation on landfills. Excel file.

Gebert, J., Streese-Kleeberg, J., Melchior, S. (2011): Technische Lösungen zur mikrobiellen Oxidation von Methan. Müll-Handbuch 4383, Lieferung 1/2011.