Welcome to the homepage of the International Research Training Group 2309
The IRTG "Geoecosystems in transition on the Tibetan Plateau" (TransTiP) is an international research training program which grants German and foreign students an international education within the cooperative environments of Technische Universität Braunschweig, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research in Beijing. TransTiP offers a PhD program specializing in Geosciences with a research and teaching focuses on:
aiming to understand consequences of climate change for geo-ecosystems on the TP and how these processes will affect water resources, carbon fluxes, biodiversity, as well as human-environment relationships in the future.
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TransTiP provides graduate student training organized in tandem projects which are run by two German and at least one Chinese PI. Sino-German collaboration is characterized by joint fieldwork, summer schools and a six-month research stay at the partner university.
Please download our flyerfor more information.
Prof. Dr. es sci Antje Schwalb
TU Braunschweig
Institut für Geosysteme und Bioindikation
Langer Kamp 19c
38106 Braunschweig
Phone +49 531 391-7241
Fax +49 531 391-8130
Dr. Nicole Börner & Julia Saul
TU Braunschweig
Institut für Geosysteme und Bioindikation
Langer Kamp 19c
38106 Braunschweig
Phone +49 531 391-7248
Fax +49 531 391-8130