January 29th: Solutions for the mock exam can be downloaded here.
January 20th: Next week, we will discuss a mock exam in the lectures. You can download the exercises here.
January 9th: Tomorrow, on Jan 10, there will be no "Lerntreff" on 8:00 AM.
December 16th: This wednesday, on Dec 18, the tutorials move into Room 811.
December 10th: The tutorials on Dec 18 (Wednesday next week) will be held in Room 812.
November 12th: The tutorials tomorrow, on wednesday, move into room 812 (same building, Mühlenpfordstraße 23, 8. OG). This affects both tutorials from 15:00 and from 16:45.
November 5th: The homework assignments use this scheme: Mark the exercises you solved and present your solutions in the tutorial, if prompted. You only gain points, if you checked the exercise, but if you fail to present any exercise you checked, you loose points for the entire sheet. To finish this course, you need 50 out of 100 points. The first exercise sheet was weighted 4 points.
October 23rd: The first exercises on thursday are moved to tomorrow, Oct 24th. This does not affect those on other weekdays, which still start next week. More information on Stud.IP.
October 21st: The exercises will be held biweekly on tuesday. The first exercise will be on October 29th. See the lecture schedule for more information. You can now register for the tutorials.
October 2nd: The first lecture is held on monday, October 21st.
October 1st: The information on this page are preliminary. Especially the schedule of the exercises is being updated.
The lecture is held by Prof. Dr. Roland Meyer. The exercises are held by René Maseli.
Two times a week, there will be lectures held by Prof. Meyer. Every two weeks, René Maseli will hold an exercise at one of those times, instead. The exercise will contain more examples to help you with your homework assignments and finally, the exam.
Lecture / Exercise (4212010):
Tutorials (4212046):
"Lerntreff Theorie":
To complete this course, you need to fulfill two requirements:
Date | Topic |
Oct. 21st | Partial Orders and Lattices |
Oct. 22nd | Fixed Points and Continuity |
Oct. 28th | Kleene's fixed point theorem |
Oct. 29th | Exercise 1 |
Nov. 4th | While Programs |
Nov. 5th | Dataflow Analyses |
Nov. 11th | Regular Languages |
Nov. 12th | Exercise 2 |
Nov. 18th | Finite Automata and Arden's Rule |
Nov. 19th | Closure properties of Regular Languages |
Nov. 25th | Theorem of Myhill & Nerode |
Nov. 26th | Exercise 3 |
Dec. 2nd | Minimal DFAs |
Dec. 3rd | Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages |
Dec. 9th | Formal Grammars and Contextfree Languages |
Dec. 10th | Exercise 4 |
Dec. 16th | Chomsky Normal Form and Greibach Normal Form |
Dec. 17th | History of Computer Science |
Jan. 6th | Pumping Lemma for Contextfree Languages |
Jan. 7th | Exercise 5 |
Jan. 13th | CYK Algorithm |
Jan. 14th | Pushdown Automata |
Jan. 20th | Characterisation of Contextfree Languages |
Jan. 21st | Exercise 6 |
Jan. 27th | Closure Properties of Contextfree Languages |
Jan. 28th | Exam Preparations |