Diversity-competent teaching

Tools and training programmes

What options, hints and tips are there for organising your own teaching in a way that is open to gender and diversity? In the field of action "Diversity-competent teaching", you will find references to corresponding offers from TU Braunschweig (e.g. the form for pronoun queries, further education offers from kh:n, etc.) as well as from other universities and organisations. Not all references are aimed exclusively at STEM subjects, but are always applicable to teaching in this subject group.

The added value of diversity-open teaching for STEM subjects is manifold. It deals productively with the heterogeneity of students in terms of nationalities, educational backgrounds, previous knowledge and gender. This contributes to the fact that new "types" of students are addressed and thus the proportion of women can also be increased. In addition, diversity-open teaching is a test criterion for the (re-)accreditation of degree programmes.

Offers of the TU Braunschweig:

Offers from other universities and institutions: