MINT 4 TU: An overall TU strategy for recruiting women in STEM*

(*Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology)

As a technical university, it is a central task for us to increase interest in STEM subjects and to reflect the diversity of society in the composition of our students and employees. The proportion of women is still only slowly increasing, so our primary concern is to contribute to equal opportunities for women in STEM. This includes promoting STEM subjects for girls with the aim of inspiring and encouraging them to study these subjects.

Women are still significantly underrepresented in technical degree courses, including computer science. Over the course of an academic career, their proportion at the relevant qualification levels also decreases continuously. There is an urgent need for action to attract young women, to promote them, but also to address new target groups who have not previously considered our technical degree courses.

With MINT 4 TU, the Equal Opportunities Office presents a strategy developed from an equality and gender perspective that aims to

  • increase interest in STEM subjects,
  • attract potential students,
  • integrate gender and diversity into teaching,
  • strengthening diversity in subject cultures,
  • increasing the proportion of women,
  • promoting female students and
  • encourage young female academics to stay at our university

and above all to consider this as an overall task for the TU Braunschweig.

In an assessment, we identified nine relevant fields of action, bundled them together and presented them in a matrix. Actions and measures that already exist at TU Braunschweig are assigned here.

We see this overview as an interim status, as our work in progress: 
We invite you to get involved with the topics, to promote them, to network with all stakeholders at TU Braunschweig and to enrich the STEM strategy with further offers.
Please feel free to contact us.


Technische Universität Braunschweig

Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit

Bültenweg 17

38106 Braunschweig


Tel.: +49 (0)531 391-4545

Fax: +49 (0)531 391-8171

