Winning over female students

Programmes and initiatives

In the field of action "Attracting female students", programmes for female students should encourage their interest in STEM subjects. Career choice behaviour in Germany still follows gender role stereotypes. Although girls and young women often have the best prerequisites, especially in terms of their academic performance, they often do not consider technical professions.

In order to broaden their range of career choices, STEM programmes for pupils should be designed in such a way that they take into account the interests and needs of female pupils by highlighting the diversity and interdisciplinary nature of the subjects.

Self-assessment programmes can be used to check whether a student's own strengths and abilities match the requirements of the respective degree programme. The additional confirmation of suitability for the relevant subject can encourage and strengthen young women in particular to choose a technical subject. Bridging courses at the start of the degree programme (e.g. in mathematics, computer science) can also be helpful here.


Raising interest

Improving the fit: