Demonstration wave flume with climatic chamber




  • length: 8.0 m
  • width: 0.3 m
  • height: 0.4 m

wave generation

  • max. Wave height: 0,15 m
  • max. Wave period: 2,0 s

Current generation

  • max. Promotional volume: XXX m³/s
  • max. Current speed: XXX m/s

The demonstration wave channel with climate chamber is a unique experimental facility in which the ambient temperature can be adjusted in addition to wave and flow generation. The demonstration wave flume can therefore be used to investigate temperature-sensitive processes in addition to the interaction of waves and currents. In coastal engineering, these processes include, for example, the erosion of permafrost soils. The facility's resistance to salt water also enables research studies to be conducted into salt water intrusion.