Datenerfassung eines Brain-Computer-Interface mit einem Teensy 4.1
The Institute of Electrical Measurement Technology and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences are collaborating on research into a brain-computer interface (BCI). Textile electrodes are used to measure signals from the brain. The BCI is used to measure visual stimuli that are to be used to control an assistance robot in care. Up to now, the system has used an ATmega microcontroller to record data. This is to be replaced with a Teensy. To this end, the software is to be adapted for use with the Teensy as part of this project.
Previous knowledge: Microcontroller programming and C programming desirable
Aufbau einer Einlegesohle zur Messung der Druckverteilung des Fußes
Capacitive sensors can be used to measure pressure differences, among other things.This makes it possible to determine the pressure distribution of the foot using a simple insole equipped with capacitive sensors. As part of the work, an initial construction of such a sole is to be built. In addition, the required software for the microcontroller is to be developed.
Prior knowledge: Programming knowledge and experience in hardware development desirable
Keywords: microcontroller, C programming, circuit design, circuit construction