■ Nanotechnologie
■ Magnetische Sensoren
■ Biomedizinische Messtechnik
■ Metrologie für hohe Frequenzen bis in den THz-Bereich
■ Embedded Systems für die Metrologie
High-Tc Josephson Junction Arrays Fabricated by He-FIB
Max Pröpper, Dominik Hanisch, Christoph Schmid, Marius Neumann, Paul Julius Ritter, Marc-André Tucholke, Edward Goldobin, Dieter Koelle, Reinhold Kleiner, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1-5, Aug. 2025, Art no. 1100105
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2024.3516741
A Low-Power Cryogenic Analog Electrode Signal Processing Unit for Shuttling Operations in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Alexander Meyer, Zhaoqun Guo, Marius Neumann, Paul Julius Ritter, Jens Repp, Matthias Brandl, Meinhard Schilling, Vadim Issakov
2024 IEEE European Solid-State Electronics Research Conference (ESSERC), Bruges, Belgium, 2024, pp. 484-487
doi: 10.1109/ESSERC62670.2024.10719432
A Low-Power, High-Swing LDMOS Driver Amplifier for Shuttling Controller in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer Operating at 4 K
Zhaoqun Guo, Alexander Meyer, Adilet Dossanov, Paul Julius Ritter, Marius Neumann, Jens Repp, Matthias Brandl, Meinhard Schilling, Vadim Issakov
2024 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2024, pp. 54-57
doi: 10.1109/BCICTS59662.2024.10745686
Amplification- and Enzyme-Free Magnetic Diagnostics Circuit for Whole-Genome Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA
Enja Laureen Rösch, Rebecca Sack, Mohammad Suman Chowdhury, Florian Wolgast, Margarete Zaborski, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling, Thilo Viereck, Ulfert Rand, Aidin Lak
Chembiochem. 2024 May 6:e202400251
doi: 10.1002/cbic.202400251
Cooperative dynamics of DNA-grafted magnetic nanoparticles optimize magnetic biosensing and coupling to DNA origami
Aidin Lak, Yihao Wang, Pauline J. Kolbeck, Christoph Pauer, Mohammad Suman Chowdhury, Marco Cassani, Frank Ludwig, Thilo Viereck, Florian Selbach, Philip Tinnefeld, Meinhard Schilling, Tim Liedl, Joe Tavacolib, Jan Lipfert
Nanoscale, 16, 7678-7689 - 2024
doi: 10.1039/D3NR06253H
Improvements of magnetic nanoparticle assays for SARS-CoV-2 detection using a mimic virus approach
Tamara Kahmann, Florian Wolgast, Thilo Viereck, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, Volume 44, id.100654 - 2024
doi: 10.1016/j.sbsr.2024.100654
Integrated hyperthermia and magnetic particle imaging system for localized drug-release
Thilo Viereck, Kai Luenne, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging, Vol. 10 No. 1 Suppl 1 - 2024
Model Verification Of U-shaped Antenna Designs For THz Imaging Using Josephson Junctions
Paul Julius Ritter, Marius Neumann, Max Pröpper, Dominik Hanisch, Finn-Niclas Stapelfeldt, Julius Mumme, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
2024 49th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Perth, Australia, 2024, pp. 1-2
doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz60956.2024.10697863
Organic Molecular Glues to Design Three-Dimensional Cubic Nano-assemblies of Magnetic Nanoparticles
Mohammad Suman Chowdhury, Daniel Arenas Esteban, Rabia Amin, Claudia Román-Freijeiro, Enja Laureen Rösch, Markus Etzkorn, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig, Sara Bals, Verónica Salgueiriño, Aidin Lak
Chem. Mater. 2024, 36, 14, 6865–6876
doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c00770
Sparse-representation-based image reconstruction for magnetic particle imaging
Shijie Sun, Yaoyao Chen, Klaas-Julian Janssen, Thilo Viereck, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig, Lijun Xu, Jing Zhong
in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 73, pp. 1-9, 2024, Art no. 6001209
doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3332394
Superconducting NbTi radiofrequency resonator for surface ion traps
Marjan Schubert, David Fegelein, Dominik Hanisch, Max Pröpper, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1-5, May 2024, Art no. 1100505
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2024.3350588
THz Properties of He-FIB YBa2Cu3O7-x Josephson Junctions
Max Pröpper, Dominik Hanisch, Chistoph Schmid, Paul Julius Ritter, Marius Neumann, Edward Goldobin, Dieter Koelle, Reinhold Kleiner, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1-5, May 2024, Art no. 1100505
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2024.335314
Towards sensitive Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy-based immunoassays with adjustable DC offset fields
Florian Wolgast, Eike Wendt, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling, Thilo Viereck
International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI, Vol. 10 No. 1 Suppl - 2024
Antenna Designs for Efficient Coupling to Josephson Junctions for THz Microscopy
Paul Julius Ritter, Finn-Niclas Stapelfeldt, Marco Tollkühn, Dominik Hanisch, Max Pröpper, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 33 (5), 1-52 - 2023
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2023.3249132
Cooperative dynamics of DNA grafted magnetic nanoparticles optimize magnetic biosensing and coupling to DNA origami
Aidin Lak, Yihao Wang, Pauline J Kolbeck, Christoph Pauer, Mohammad Suman Chowdhury, Marco Cassani, Frank Ludwig, Thilo Viereck, Florian Selbach, Philip Tinnefeld, Meinhard Schilling, Tim Liedl, Joe Tavacoli, Jan Lipfert
bioRxiv, 2023.04. 11.536349 - 2023
doi: 10.1101/2023.04.11.536349
Decoupling the Characteristics of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Ultrahigh Sensitivity
Mohammad Suman Chowdhury, Enja Laureen Rösch, Daniel Arenas Esteban, Klaas-Julian Janssen, Florian Wolgast, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling, Sara Bals, Thilo Viereck, and Aidin Lak
Nano Letters 2023 23 (1), 58-65
doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c03568
Design and Characterization of a Hairpin Filter at GHz Frequencies Using a THz Microscope for Near-Field Analysis
Paul Julius Ritter, Marius Neumann, Julius Mumme, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023, pp. 1-2
doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10299026
Functional magnetic nanoparticles: from synthesis design to in-depth characterization and nano-labelling for ultrasensitive magnetic biosensing
Rebecca Sack, Mayiz Zgheib, Mohammad Suman Chowdhury, Yihao Wang, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling, Thilo Viereck, Aidin Lak
IEEE International Magnetic Conference - Short Papers (INTERMAG Short Papers), Sendai, Japan, 2023, pp. 1-2
doi: 10.1109/INTERMAGShortPapers58606.2023.10228506
High-Tc Josephson Junction Arrays for THz Applications
Dominik Hanisch, Max Pröpper, Paul Julius Ritter, Marco Tollkühn, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 1-5, Aug. 2023, Art no. 1501105
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2023.3257285
Low-cost standalone magnetic particle spectroscopy device for fast and sensitive immunoassays
Florian Wolgast, Tamara Kahmann, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig, Thilo Viereck
International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI 9 (1 Suppl 1) - 2023
Near-field Characterization of a GHz Branchline Coupler Using a THz Microscope
Marius Neumann, Paul Julius Ritter, Julius Mumme, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023, pp. 1-2
doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10299243
THz Microscopy With Josephson Cantilevers for Characterization of Additive Manufactured Spiral Phase Plates
Marco Tollkühn, Paul Julius Ritter, Dominik Hanisch, Max Pröpper, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 1-5, Aug. 2023, Art no. 2500205,
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2023.3261260
Towards simultaneous imaging of temperature and concentration with single-harmonic-based narrowband MPI
Klaas-Julian Janssen, Jing Zhong, Thilo Viereck, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI 9.1 Suppl 1 (2023)
Active impedance matching of a cryogenic radio frequency resonator for ion traps
Marjan Schubert, Lukas Kilzer, Timko Dubielzig, Meinhard Schilling, Christian Ospelkaus, Benedikt Hampel
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 093201 - 2022
doi: 10.1063/5.0097583
Air quality monitoring survey in german school classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic 2021
Meinhard Schilling, Simon Pelster, Timo Jelden, Eric Schlegel, Julius Mumme, Dean Ciric
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.135002022 - 2022
doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2203.13500
Amplification and extraction free quantitative detection of viral nucleic acids and single-base mismatches using magnetic signal amplification circuit
Enja Laureen Rösch, Rebecca Sack, Mohammad Suman Chowdhury, Florian Wolgast, Meinhard Schilling, Thilo Viereck, Aidin Lak
bioRxiv, 2022.12. 24.521858 - 2022
doi: 10.1101/2022.12.24.521858
Characterization of magnetic nanoparticles for narrow-band magnetic particle imaging
Klaas-Julian Janssen, Jing Zhong, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI 8 (1 Suppl 1) - 2022
Characterization of multi-frequency emission of far-infrared laser with Josephson junctions in a THz microscope
Paul Julius Ritter, Marco Tollkühn, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
2022 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Delft, Netherlands, 2022, pp. 1-2
doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9895908
Quantitative temperature visualization with single harmonic-based magnetic particle imaging
Klaas-Julian Janssen, Jing Zhong, Thilo Viereck, Meinhard Schilling, and Frank Ludwig
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 563, 169915 - 2022
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2022.169915
Single harmonic-based narrowband magnetic particle imaging
Klaas-Julian Janssen, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig, and Jing Zhong
Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 33, Number 9
doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/ac78c6
THz microscope for three-dimensional imaging with superconducting Josephson junctions
Marco Tollkühn, Paul Julius Ritter, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 043708 - 2022
doi: 10.1063/5.0084207
THz Microscopy of Light Modes Generated with Additive Manufactured Spiral Phase Plates
Marco Tollkühn, Paul Julius Ritter, Meinhard Schilling, Benedikt Hampel
2022 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Delft, Netherlands, 2022, pp. 1-2
doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz50927.2022.9895987
Dependence of biomolecule detection on magnetic nanoparticle concentration
Jing Zhong, Klaas-Julian Janssen, Sebastian Draack, Thilo Viereck, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 517, 167408 - 2021
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.167408
Dynamic gelation process observed in Cartesian magnetic particle imaging
Sebastian Draack, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling, Thilo Viereck
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 522, 167478, - 2021
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.167478
Magnetic particle imaging of particle dynamics in complex matrix systems
Sebastian Draack, Meinhard Schilling, Thilo Viereck
Physical Sciences Reviews.
doi: 10.1515/psr-2019-0123
Point-of-need detection of pathogen-specific nucleic acid targets using magnetic particle spectroscopy
Enja Laureen Rösch, Jing Zhong, Aidin Lak, Zhe Liu, Markus Etzkorn, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig, Thilo Viereck, Birka Lalkens
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 192 - 2021
doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2021.113536
Single Harmonic-based Narrowband Magnetic Particle Imaging
Klaas-Julian Janssen, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig, Jing Zhong
Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 33, Number 9 - 2021
doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/ac78c6
Toward Rapid and Sensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 with Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles
Jing Zhong, Enja Laureen Rösch, Thilo Viereck, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
ACS Sensors 2021 6 (3), 976-984 -2021
doi: 10.1021/acssensors.0c02160
Dual Frequency Mixing Products and Terahertz Hilbert-Transform Spectroscopy With Josephson Cantilevers in a THz Microscope
Marco Tollkühn, Ilya Elenskiy, Benedikt Hampel, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 1-5, Oct. 2020, Art no. 9001805
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2020.3008969
Influence of formulation parameters on the freeform extrusion process of ceramic pastes and resulting product properties
Benedikt Finke, Jutta Hesselbach, Anna Schütt, Marius Tidau, Benedikt Hampel, Meinhard Schilling, Arno Kwade, Carsten Schilde
Additive Manufacturing, Volume 32, March 2020, 101005
doi: 10.1016/j.addma.2019.101005
Magnetic nanoparticle-based biomolecule imaging with a scanning magnetic particle spectrometer
Jing Zhong, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Nanotechnology, Volume 31, page 225101 (9pp) - 2020
doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab776a
Tailoring the Surface Plasmon Resonance Energy of Au nanowires array by defect management and thermal treatment
Hongdan Yan, Bo Liu, Guanghua Fan, Alexander Glamazda, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling, Renxi Gao, Peter Lemmens
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 121, 114092 -2020
doi: 10.1016/j.physe.2020.114092
Anisotropic magnetoresistive sensors for control of additive manufacturing machines
Benedikt Hampel, Marco Tollkühn, Meinhard Schilling
tm - Technisches Messen, 86(10), pp. 609-618
doi: 10.1515/teme-2019-0016
Biophysical Characterization of (Silica-coated) Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles for Hyperthermia Treatment
Niklas Lucht, Ralf P. Friedrich, Sebastian Draack, Christoph Alexiou, Thilo Viereck, Frank Ludwig, Birgit Hankiewicz, Nanomaterials 2019, 9, 1713.
doi: 10.3390/nano9121713
Characterization of 40 GHz and 762 GHz sources with superconducting Josephson cantilevers in a THz microscope
Marco Tollkühn, Ilya Elenskiy, Benedikt Hampel, Meinhard Schilling
2019 IEEE International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC), Riverside, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 1-3
doi: 10.1109/ISEC46533.2019.8990940
Determination of dominating relaxation mechanisms from temperature-dependent Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy measurements
Sebastian Draack, Thilo Viereck, Felix Nording, Klaas-Julian Janssen, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 474, Pages 570-573 - 2019
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.11.023
Fabrication and Properties of Josephson Junction Cantilevers for Terahertz Applications
Ilya Elenskiy, Marco Tollkühn, Denis Kajevic, Michael Martens, Benedikt Hampel, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Tran. Appl. Supercond., Volume 29, Number 5, page 1800505 (1-5) - 2019
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2019.2900217
Josephson Cantilevers for THz Microscopy of Additive Manufactured Diffractive Optical Components
Benedikt Hampel, Marco Tollkühn, Ilya Elenskiy, Michael Martens, Denis Kajevic, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Tran. Appl. Supercond., Volume 29, Number 5, page 1800304 (1-4) - 2019
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2019.2896153
Magnetic field orientation dependent dynamic susceptibility and Brownian relaxation time of magnetic nanoparticles
Jing Zhong, Niklas Lucht, Birgit Hankiewicz, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, page 133102 (1-5) - 2019
doi: 10.1063/1.5120609
Multi-spectral Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy for the investigation of particle mixtures
Thilo Viereck, Sebastian Draack, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Volume 475, page 647--651 - 2019
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.11.021
Multiparametric Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy of CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles in Viscous Media
Sebastian Draack, Niklas Lucht, Hilke Remmer, Michael Martens, Birgit Fischer, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig, Thilo Viereck
J. Phys. Chem. C, 123 (11), pages 6787–6801 - 2019
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b10763
Nanofabrication of SOI‐Based Photonic Waveguide Resonators for Gravimetric Molecule Detection
Tony Granz, Julia Sophie Böke, Gerry Hamdana, Michael Martens, Arijit Misra, Stefan Preußler, Meinhard Schilling, Erwin Peiner, Thomas Schneider, Andreas Waag, Hutomo Suryo Wasisto
Eurosensors 2018, Volume 2 - 2019
doi: 10.3390/proceedings2131055
Sideband sensitivity of fluxgate sensors theory and experiment
Rahmondia N. Setiadi, Meinhard Schilling
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 285, 2019, Pages 573-580, ISSN 0924-4247
doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2018.11.049
Studieren ohne Sprachbarrieren: Peer-Education im internationalen Hochschulkontext
Maria Neumann, Dezhen Li, Meinhard Schilling
Handbuch Innovative Lehre, Springer, Wiesbaden, page 371--385 - 2019
doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-22797-5_27
THz Microscopy of Additive Manufactured Metamaterials at 24 GHz with Josephson Cantilevers
Benedikt Hampel, Marco Tollkühn, Ilya Elenskiy, Meinhard Schilling
in IEEE International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC), Riverside, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 1-3
doi: 10.1109/ISEC46533.2019.8990928
Approach to determine measurement uncertainty in complex nanosystems with multiparametric dependencies and multivariate output quantities
Benedikt Hampel, Bo Liu, Felix Nording, Johannes Ostermann, Paul Struszewski, Jannick Langfahl-Klabes, Mark Bieler, Harald Bosse, Bernd Güttler, Peter Lemmens, Meinhard Schilling and Rainer Tutsch
Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 29, Number 3, page 035003 (1-12) - 2018
doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/aa9d70
Excitation frequency dependence of temperature resolution in magnetic nanoparticle temperature imaging with a scanning magnetic particle spectrometer
Jing Zhong, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Volume 471, page 340--345 - 2018
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.09.112
Inductance analyzer based on auto-balanced circuit for precision measurement of fluxgate impedance
Rahmondia N. Setiadi, Meinhard Schilling
Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 29, Number 5, page 055007 (1-9) - 2018
doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/aaae97
Magnetic nanoparticle temperature imaging with a scanning magnetic particle spectrometer
Jing Zhong, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 29, page 115903 (9pp) - 2018
doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/aae3bd
Modeling the Impedance of Water-Cooled Core-Less Multi-Layered Solenoid Coils for MPI Drive Field Generation
Christian Kuhlmann, Sebastian Draack, Thilo Viereck, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Internat. Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging, Volume 4, Number 1, page - 2018
doi: 10.18416/ijmpi.2018.1804001
Noise Model of Capacitive and Textile Capacitive Noncontact Electrodes for Bioelectric Applications
Sara Nazari Asl, Martin Oehler, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circ. Syst., Volume 12, Number 4, page 851 -- 859 - 2018
doi: 10.1109/TBCAS.2018.2832287
Obstacles in using a computer screen for steady-state visually evoked potential stimulation
Katharina Olze, Christof Wehrmann, Luyang Mu, Meinhard Schilling
Biomedizinische Technik, Volume 63, Number 4, page 377--382 - 2018
doi: 10.1515/bmt-2016-0243
Potential of Animal Tissue to Replace Human Subjects in High-Voltage Safety Investigations
Xiaofei Guo, Mengdan Wang, Meinhard Schilling and Johann Meisner
VDE High Voltage Technology 2018; ETG-Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 2018, pp. 1-5.
Single print optimisation of fused filament fabrication parameters
Gabriel Pieter Greeff, Meinhard Schilling
Internat. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 99, page 845–858 - 2018
doi: 10.1007/s00170-018-2518-4
Spatial and temperature resolutions of magnetic nanoparticle temperature imaging with a scanning magnetic particle spectrometer
Jing Zhong, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Nanomaterials, Volume 8, page 866 (1-13) - 2018
doi: 10.3390/nano8110866
Charakterisierung von supraleitenden Josephson-Cantilevern für Messungen im THz-Mikroskop
Benedikt Hampel, Marco Tollkühn, Jörgen Jungclaus, Michael Martens, Meinhard Schilling
Technisches Messen, Volume 84, Number S1, page 29--33 - 2017
doi: 10.1515/teme-2017-0045
Closed loop control of slippage during filament transport in molten material extrusion
Gabriel Pieter Greeff, Meinhard Schilling
Additive Manufacturing, Volume 14, page 31--38 - 2017
doi: 10.1016/j.addma.2016.12.005
Dual-frequency magnetic particle imaging of the Brownian particle contribution
Thilo Viereck, Christian Kuhlmann, Sebastian Draack, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Volume 427, page 156--161 - 2017
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.11.003
Dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles in viscoelastic media Hilke Remmer, Eric Roeben, Annette M. Schmidt, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Volume 427, page 331--335 - 2017
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.10.075
Effect of alignment of easy axes on dynamic magnetization of immobilized magnetic nanoparticles
Takashi Yoshida, Yuki Matsugi, Naotaka Tsujimara, Teruyoshi Sasayama, Keiji Enpuku, Thilo Viereck, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Volume 427, page 162--167 - 2017
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.10.040
Field-induced plasticity of magneto-sensitive elastomers in context with soft robotic gripper applications
Jhohan Chavez Vega, Tobias Kaufhold, Valter Böhm, Tatjana Becker, Klaus Zimmermann, Michael Martens, Meinhard Schilling, Thomas Gundermann, Stefan Odenbach
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Volume 17, page 23--26 - 2017
doi: 10.1002/pamm.201710007
Gold-modified indium tin oxide as a transparent window in optoelectronic diagnostics of electrochemically active biofilms
Igor Schmidt, Alaaeldin Gad, Gregor Scholz, Heidi Boht, Michael Martens, Meinhard Schilling, Hutomo Suryo Wasisto, Andreas Waag, Uwe Schröder
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 94, page 74--80 - 2017
doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2017.02.042
HTS Multimaterial Gradiometer Modules for YBa2Cu3O7 SQUID Systems
Benedikt Hampel, Michael Martens, Marius Temming, Thomas Trame, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Tran. Appl. Supercond., Volume 27, Number 4 - 2017
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2017.2672724
Magnetic nanoparticle thermometry independent of Brownian relaxation
Jing Zhong, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Volume 51, Number 015001, page 9 - 2017
doi: 10.1088/1361-6463/aa993d
Magnetic nanoparticles as markers for biomedical analysis
Meinhard Schilling
Jahrbuch der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft 2016, page 201-216, J. Cramer Verlag - 2017
Measurement system for temperature dependent noise characterization of magnetoresistive sensors
Felix Nording, Sebastian Weber, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Rev. Sci. Instrum., Volume 88, Number 3 - 2017
doi: 10.1063/1.4978324
Messaufbau zur Charakterisierung von magnetischen Sensormaterialien
Felix Nording, Niklas Boy, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Technisches Messen, Volume 84, Number 3, page 174--180 - 2017
doi: 10.1515/teme-2016-0064
Modelling plexcitons of periodic gold nanorod arrays with molecular components
Bo Liu, Hongdan Yan, Rainer Stosch, Benedikt Wolfram, Martin Bröring, Andrey Bakin, Meinhard Schilling, Peter Lemmens
Nanotechnology, Volume 28, Number 195201, 1--6 - 2017
doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/aa67d8
Offsetunterdrücktes AMR-Magnetometer mit 100 kHz Frequenzbandbreite
Felix Nording, Waldemar Bischel, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Technisches Messen, Volume 84 (S1), page 102--105 - 2017
doi: 10.1515/teme-2017-0041
Properties and applications of electrically conductive thermoplastics for additive manufacturing of sensors
Benedikt Hampel, Samuel Monshausen, Meinhard Schilling
Technisches Messen, Volume 84, Number 9, page 593--599 - 2017
doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/teme-2016-0057
Temperature-dependent MPS measurements
Sebastian Draack, Thilo Viereck, Christian Kuhlmann, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Internat. Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging, Volume 3, Number 1 - 2017
doi: 10.18416/ijmpi.2017.1703018
A shielded fluxgate sensor for spatially resolved measurements of magnetic dipole fields
Dennis Rühmer, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, Volume 238, page 229--233 - 2016
doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2015.12.020
Charakterisierung von elektrisch leitfähigen Thermoplasten für die Additive Fertigung
Benedikt Hampel, Samuel Monshausen, Meinhard Schilling
XXX. Messtechnisches Symposium des AHMT e.V., page 53--60 - 2016
doi: 10.1515/9783110494297-008
Influence of static magnetic field strength on the temperature resolution of a magnetic nanoparticle thermometer
Jing Zhong, Jan Dieckhoff, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Appl. Phys. Volume 120, page 143902-1--8 - 2016
doi: 10.1063/1.4964696
Magnetic-field dependence of Brownian and Néel relaxation times
Jan Dieckhoff, Dietmar Eberbeck, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 119, page 043903-1--8 - 2016
doi: 10.1063/1.4940724
Magnetisierungsmessaufbau zur magnetischen Charakterisierung dünner Permalloyschichten
Felix Nording, Niklas Boy, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
XXX. Messtechnisches Symposium des AHMT e.V., Stefan Zimmermann (Hrsg.), page 159--166, 2016
doi: 10.1515/9783110494297-021
Magnetorelaxometry of few Fe3O4 nanoparticles at 77 K employing a self-compensated SQUID magnetometer
Alexander Guillaume, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Alexander Kassner, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Volume 408, page 46--50 - 2016
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.01.071
Debye-Based Frequency-Domain Magnetization Model for Magnetic Nanoparticles in Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy
Thilo Wawrzik, Takashi Yoshida, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
IEEE Trans Magn. 51, 5300404, 2015
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2014.2332371
Dipole-Sensitive Homogeneous-Field Compensated High-Tc DC SQUID
Alexander Guillaume, Frank Ludwig, Denis Kajevic, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Volume 25, page 1600405, 2015
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2014.2359764
Drive-field frequency dependent MPI performance of single-core magnetite nanoparticle tracers
Christian Kuhlmann, Amit P. Khandhar, Richard M. Ferguson, Scott J. Kemp, Thilo Wawrzik, Meinhard Schilling, Kannan M. Krishnan, Frank Ludwig
IEEE Trans. Magn. 51, 6500504, 2015
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2014.2329772
Magnetic Field Exposure Assessment in Electric Vehicles
Andrea Vassilev, Alain Ferber, Christof Wehrmann, Olivier Pinaud, Meinhard Schilling, and Alastair R. Ruddle
IEEE Trans. Electromag. Comp., 57, 35-43, 2015
doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2014.2359687
Messtechnische Expositionswertbestimmung zur elektromagnetischen Sicherheit im Automobil
Christof Wehrmann, Maximilian Rickers, Meinhard Schilling
Technisches Messen, Volume 82, Number 4, page 209–21, 2015
doi: 10.1515/teme-2014-0010
Noise properties of textile, capacitive EEG electrodes
Sara Nazari Asl, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, Volume 1, Number 1, page 34--37, 2015
doi: 10.1515/cdbme-2015-0009
Resolving particle size modality in bi-modal iron oxide nanoparticle suspensions
Aidin Lak, Andreas F. Thünemann, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 380, 140–143, 2015
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.08.050
Single-core magnetic markers in rotating magnetic field based homogeneous bioassays and the law of mass action
Jan Dieckhoff, Stefan Schrittwieser, Joerg Schotter, Hilke Remmer, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 380, 205–208, 2015
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.10.088
Suitability of magnetic single- and multi-core nanoparticles to detect protein binding with dynamic magnetic measurement techniques
Hilke Remmer, Jan Dieckhoff, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 380, 236–240, 2015
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.10.087
Vector fluxgate magnetometer for high operation temperatures up to 250°C
Dennis Rühmer, Sebastian Bögeholz, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, Volume 228, page 118--124 - jun 2015
doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2015.03.004
Design of experiments for highly reproducible pulsed laser deposition
of YBa2Cu3O7−δ
Meinhard Schilling, Alexander Guillaume, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Frank Ludwig
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 034008-1 – 10, 2014
doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/47/3/034008
Information and Communication Technologies for Promoting and Sustaining Quality of Life, Health and Self-sufficiency in Ageing Societies Outcomes of the Lower Saxony Research Network Design of Environments for Ageing (GAL)
Reinhold Haux, Andreas Hein, Gerald Kolb, Harald Künemund, Jens.-E. Appell, Hans-Jürgen Appelrath, Christian Bartsch, Jürgen M. Bauer, Marcus Becker, Petra Bente, Jörg Bitzer, Susanne Boll, Felix Büsching, Lena Dasenbrock, Riana Deparade, Dominic Depner, Katharina Elbers, Uwe Fachinger, Juliane Felber, Florian Feldwieser, Anne Forberg, Matthias Gietzelt, Stefan Goetze, Mehmet Gövercin, Axel Helmer, Tobias Herzke, Tobias Hesselmann, Wilko Heuten, Rainer Huber, Manfred Hülsken-Giesler, Gerold Jacobs, Elke Kalbe, Arno Kerling, Timo Klingeberg, Yvonne Költzsch, Christopher Lammel-Polchau, Wolfram Ludwig, Michael Marschollek, Birger Martens, Eike Michael Meyer, Jochen Meyer, Hubertus Meyer zu Schwabedissen, Niko Moritz, Heiko Müller, Wolfgang Nebel, Franz J. Neyer, Petra-Karin Okken, Julia Rahe, Hartmut Remmers, Lars Rölker-Denker, Meinhard Schilling, Birte Schöpke, Jens Schröder, Gisela C. Schulze, Mareike Schulze, Sina Siltmann, Binaying Song, Jens Spehr, Enno-Edzard Steen, Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen, Nele-Marie Tanschus, Uwe Tegtbur, Andreas Thiel, Wilfried Thoben, Peter Van Hengel, Stefan Wabnik, Sandra Wegel, Olaf Wilken, Simon Winkelbach, Thorben Wist, Klaus-Hendrik Wolf, Lars Wolf, Melanie Zokoll-Van Der Laan
Informatics for Health and Social Care, Volume 39(3-4), 16-187 - 2014
doi: 10.3109/17538157.2014.931849
Magnetic marker based homogeneous bioassays utilizing rotating magnetic fields
Jan Dieckhoff, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 115, 17B304, 2014
doi: 10.1063/1.4862943
Messplattform zur Verifikation der elektromagnetischen Sicherheit in Elektrofahrzeugen
Christof Wehrmann, Meinhard Schilling
XXVIII. Messtechnisches Symposium des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik, Tagungsband, Andreas Schütze, Bastian Schmitt (Hrsg.), Shaker Verlag, Aachen (2014), ISBN 978-3-8440-2994-9, S. 177 – 186, 2014
doi: 10.5162/AHMT2014/P7
Protein detection with magnetic nanoparticles in a rotating magnetic field
Jan Dieckhoff, Aidin Lak, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 115, 024701, 2014
doi: 10.1063/1.4861032
SSVEP measurements for BCI applications with higher frequencies based on capacitive EEG
Katharina Olze, Ying Su, Meinhard Schilling
Biomed Tech 2014, 59, S. 951, 2014
DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2014-5011
A 3D MPI system for biological studies on mice
Christian Kuhlmann, Thilo Wawrzik, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging, IWMPI 2013, Berkeley, CA art.no. 6528373, IEEE XPlore, 2013
doi: 10.1109/IWMPI.2013.6528373
Characterization of magnetic nanoparticle systems with respect to their magnetic particle imaging performance
Frank Ludwig, Dietmar Eberbeck, Norbert Löwa, Uwe Steinhoff, Thilo Wawrzik, Meinhard Schilling, Lutz Trahms
Biomed Tech (Berl). 2013 Dec;58(6):535-45.
doi: 10.1515/bmt-2013-0013
Effect of Brownian relaxation in frequency-dependent Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy measurements
Thilo Wawrzik, Christian Kuhlmann, Hilke Remmer, Nicole Gehrke, Andreas Briel, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging, IWMPI 2013, Berkeley, CA art.no. 6528371, IEEE XPlore - 2013
doi: 10.1109/IWMPI.2013.6528371
Estimating particle mobility in MPI
Thilo Wawrzik, Christian Kuhlmann, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging, IWMPI 2013, Berkeley, CA art.no. 6528372, IEEE XPlore - 2013
doi: 10.1109/IWMPI.2013.6528372
Evaluation of a novel portable capacitive ECG system in the clinical practice for a fast and simple ECG assessment in patients presenting with chest pain: FIDET (Fast Infarction Diagnosis ECG Trial)
Eva C. L. Rasenack, Albrecht Elsässer, Martin Oehler, Meinhard Schilling, Lars S. Maier
Clinical Research in Cardiology, Volume 102, Number 3, 179-184 - mar 2013
doi: 10.1007/s00392-012-0512-7
Field Stability of a Directly Coupled High-Tc SQUID Design Regarding MRX Measurements
Alexander Guillaume, Frank Ludwig, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Tran. Appl. Supercond., Volume 23, Number 3 - jun 2013
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2012.2231893
Highly stable monodisperse PEGylated iron oxide nanoparticle aqueous suspensions: a nontoxic tracer for homogeneous magnetic bioassays
Aidin Lak, Frank Ludwig, Jan Dieckhoff, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Oliver Goldmann, Heinrich Lünsdorf, Dietmar Eberbeck, Andreas Kornowski, Matthias Kraken, Fred J. Litterst, Kathrin Fiege, Petra Mischnick, Meinhard Schilling
Nanoscale, Volume 5, page 11447-11455, 2013
doi: 10.1039/C3NR02197A
Magnetic Particle Imaging-Scanner with 10 kHz drive-field frequency
Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig, Christian Kuhlmann, Thilo Wawrzik
Biomedical Engineering - 2013
Biomed Tech (Berl). 2013 Dec;58(6):557-63.
doi: 10.1515/bmt-2013-0014
Motion artefact detection in capacitively coupled EEG recording
Christof Wehrmann, Marlene Langer, Meinhard Schilling
Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, Volume 2013 - 2013
doi: 10.1515/bmt-2013-4165
Scanner setup and reconstruction for three-dimensional magnetic particle imaging
Thilo Wawrzik, Christian Kuhlmann, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Proceedings of SPIE 8672, 86721B - 2013
doi: 10.1117/12.2006392
Size Distribution and Magnetization Optimization of Single-Core Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by Exploiting Design of Experiment Methodology
Aidin Lak, Frank Ludwig, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Jan Dieckhoff, Kathrin Fiege, Meinhard Schilling
in IEEE Trans. Magn., 49, 2013, 201-207
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2224325
Size dependent structural and magnetic properties of FeO-F3O4 nanoparticles
Aidin Lak, Matthias Kraken, Frank Ludwig, Andreas Kornowski, Dietmar Eberbeck, Sibylle Sievers, Fred J. Litterst, Horst Weller, Meinhard Schilling
Nanoscale 5, 12286-12295, 2013
doi: 10.1039/c3nr04562e
Active Cooling of Downhole Instrumentation for Drilling in Deep Geothermal Reservoirs
Erik Pennewitz, Meinhard Schilling, Thomas Kruspe, Sebastian Jung, Ruehs Andreas
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2012 IEEE International, 600-603, 2012
doi: 10.1109/I2MTC.2012.6229454
Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetic Particle Imaging by Magnetorelaxometry, AC Susceptibility, Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy and Static Magnetization Measurements
Frank Ludwig, Thilo Wawrzik, Meinhard Schilling
Magnetic Particle Imaging, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 140, 35–40, 2012
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-24133-8_6
Characterization of Resovist nanoparticles for magnetic particle imaging
Takashi Yoshida, Keiji Enpuku, Frank Ludwig, Jan Dieckhoff, Thilo Wawrzik, Aidin Lak, Meinhard Schilling
Magnetic Particle Imaging, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 140, 3–7, 2012
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-24133-8_1
Evaluation of Sorbents at Elevated Temperatures for Downhole Application
Erik Pennewitz, Thomas Kruspe, Sebastian Jung, Meinhard Schilling
Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 29, 1543-1548, 2012
doi: 10.3303/CET1229258
First clinical evaluation of a novel capacitive ECG system in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Mareike Weil, Martin Oehler, Meinhard Schilling, Lars S. Maier
Clinical Research in Cardiology, Volume 101, Issue 3, 165-175, 2012
doi: 10.1007/s00392-011-0377-1
Fluxgate magnetorelaxometry: A new approach to study the release properties of hydrogel cylinders and microspheres
Stefanie Wöhl-Bruhn, Erik Heim, Ariane Schwoerer, Andreas Bertz, Steffen Harling, Henning Menzel, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig, Heike Bunjes
Internat. J. Pharmaceutics, Volume 436, 677–684, 2012
doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2012.07.021
High-density array of Au nanowires coupled by plasmon modes
Yan Hong-Dan, Peter Lemmens, Johannes Ahrens, Martin Bröring, Sven Burger, Winfried Daum, Gerhard Lilienkamp, Sandra Korte, Aidin Lak, Meinhard Schilling
Acta Phys. Sin., Volume 61, Number 32, 237105-1–6, 2012
doi: 10.7498/aps.61.237105
Homogeneous bioassays based on the manipulation of magnetic nanoparticles by rotating and alternating magnetic fields – a comparison
Jan Dieckhoff, Takashi Yoshida, Keiji Enpuku, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
IEEE Trans. Magn., Volume 48, 3792-3795, 2012
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2198797
Magnetic fluid dynamics in a rotating magnetic field
Takashi Yoshida, Keiji Enpuku, Jan Dieckhoff, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 111, 053901-1-10, 2012
doi: 10.1063/1.3688254
Magnetic Particle Imaging: Exploring particle mobility
Thilo Wawrzik, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Magnetic Particle Imaging, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 140, 16–23, 2012
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-24133-8_4
Mobile wearable device for long term monitoring of vital signs
Timo Klingeberg, Meinhard Schilling
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 106, Number 2, 89-96, 2012
doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2011.12.009
Nanoanalytics for protein production processes
Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
From gene to product - Development of biotechnological processes by integrating genetic and engineering methods, Cuvillier Verlag, 195–210, 2012
Optimization of magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic particle imaging
Frank Ludwig, Thilo Wawrzik, Takashi Yoshida, Nicole Gehrke, Andreas Briel, Dietmar Eberbeck, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Trans. Magn., Volume 48, 3780–3783, 2012
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2012.2197601
Perspectives of magnetic particle spectroscopy for magnetic nanoparticle characterization
Thilo Wawrzik, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Magnetic Particle Imaging, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 140, 41–45, 2012
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-24133-8_7
Protein purification with functionalized magnetic nanoparticles
Georg Garnweitner, Meinhard Schilling
From gene to product - Development of biotechnological processes by integrating genetic and engineering methods, Cuvillier Verlag, 211-225, 2012
Single-core fluxgate gradiometer with simultaneous gradient and homogeneous feedback operation
Michal Janosek, Pavel Ripka, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 111 (7), pp. 07E328 - 07E328-3, 2012
doi: 10.1063/1.3676238
Spatial and field resolution of wire-wound fluxgates in magnetic dipole fields
Dennis Rühmer, Piraveena Shanmuganathan, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, Volume 173, 30–35, 2012
doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2011.10.009
Subject response variability in terms of colour and frequency of capacitive SSVEP measurements
Marianne Gerloff, Meinhard Schilling
Proceedings BMT 2012, Jahrestagung, Jena, 46. DGBMT, 95-98, 2012
doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/bmt-2012-4119
Synthesis of Single-Core Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as a Potential Tracer for Magnetic Particle Imaging
Aidin Lak, Thilo Wawrzik, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Magnetic Particle Imaging, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 140, 91–95, 2012
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-24133-8_15
Tailoring defect structure and optical absorption of porous anodic aluminum oxide membranes
Yan Hong-Dan, Peter Lemmens, Dirk Wulferding, Jianmin Shi, Klaus Dieter Becker, Chengtian Lin, Aidin Lak, Meinhard Schilling
Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 135, 206-211, 2012
doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.04.059
Transport properties of YBa2Cu3O7 Josephson junctions at THz frequencies
Alexander Guillaume, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Christian Brendel, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Physics Procedia, Volume 36, 19-24, 2012
doi: 10.1016/j.phpro.2012.06.033
Drahtlose Messtechnik zur Langzeitüberwachung von Vitalparametern
Timo Klingeberg, Meinhard Schilling
Messtechnisches Symposium (XXV.) des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik e.V., 51–62, 22.-24.09.2011
Fluxgate based detection of magnetic nanoparticle dynamics in a rotating magnetic field
Jan Dieckhoff, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99, 112501-1-3, 2011
doi: 10.1063/1.3639276
HTS Josephson Junction Cantilever With Integrated Near Field THz Antenna
Christian Brendel, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Volume 21, Number 3, 319–322, 2011
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2010.2096452
Imposed layer-by-layer growth of ZnO on GaN/sapphire substrates using pulsed laser interval deposition
Alexander Hirsch, Christian Wille, Heiko Bremers, Uwe Rossow, Andreas Hangleiter, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Thin Solid Films, Volume 519, 7683–7685, 2011
doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2011.05.057
Atomic force microscope cantilever as an encoding sensor for real-time displacement measurement
Xiaomei Chen, Ludger Koenders, Helmut Wolff, Frank Haertig, Meinhard Schilling
Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 21, Number 10, 1-8, 2010
doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/21/10/105205
Determination of core and hydrodynamic size distributions of CoFe2O4 nanoparticle suspensions using ac susceptibility measurements
Frank Ludwig, Alexander Guillaume, Meinhard Schilling, Natalia Frickel, Annette M. Schmidt
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 108, 033918-1–5, 2010
doi: 10.1063/1.3463350
Fluxgate magnetometer for temperatures up to 180°C
Patrik Sebbes, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
J. of Electrical Engineering 61, 21–23, 2010
Influence of Synthesis Parameters on Magnetization and Size of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Aidin Lak, Frank Ludwig, Ilka-Maria Grabs, Georg Garnweitner, Meinhard Schilling
AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1311, 224–230 (2010)
doi: 10.1063/1.3530016
Magnetic particle spectroscopy for the evaluation of eld-dependent harmonics generation
T. Wawrzik, J. Hahn, F. Ludwig and M. Schilling
Magnetic Nanoparticles – Particle Science, Imaging Technology, and Clinical Applications,
Proceedings of First International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging, World Scientific 2010, 86–91, 2010
doi: 10.1142/9789814324687_0012
Measurements of dimensional standards and etalons with feature size from tens of micrometers to millimeters by using sensor strengthened nanomeasuring machine
Xiaomei Chen, Yu Wan, Ludger Koenders, Meinhard Schilling
Measurement, Volume 43, Number 10, 1369-1375, 2010
doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2010.07.014
Lightweight Capacitive 8 Channel-EEG-Helmet
Marianne Gerloff, Martin Oehler, Stefan Mitschke, Meinhard Schilling
Biomed Tech Proceedings, Volume 55 - oct 2010
Multivariate Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy for Magnetic Nanoparticle Characterization
Thilo Wawrzik, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1311, 267–270, 2010
doi: 10.1063/1.3530024
The Lower Saxony research network design of environments for ageing: towards interdisciplinary research on information and communication technologies in ageing societies
R. Haux, A. Hein, M. Eichelberg, J.-E. Appell, H.-J. Appelrath, C. Bartsch, T. Bisitz, J. Bitzer, M. Blau, S. Boll, M. Buschermöhle, F.Büsching, B. Erdmann, U. Fachinger, J. Felber, T. Fleuren, M. Gietzelt, S. Goetze, M. Gövercin, A. Helmer, W. Heuten, V. Hohmann, R. Huber, M. Hülsken-Giesler, G. Jacobs, R. Kayser, A. Kerling, T. Klingeberg, Y. Költzsch, H. Künemund, J. Kunze, W. Ludwig, M. Marschollek, B. Martens, M. Meis, E. M. Meyer, J. Meyer, W. Nebel, F. J. Neyer, P.-K. Okken, H. Remmers, L. Rölker-Denker, T. Rohdenburg, M. Schilling, G. C. Schulze, B. Song, J. Spehr, E. Steinhagen-Thiessen, U. Tegtbur, W. Thoben, P. Van Hengel, S. Wabnik, F. Wahl, S. Wegel, O. Wilken, S. Winkelbach, T. Wist, M. Wittrock, K.-H. Wolf, L. Wolf and M. Zokoll-Van Derlaan
Informatics for Health and Social Care 35(34), 92103
doi: 10.3109/17538157.2010.520419
Two-dimensional magnetic particle imaging
Thilo Wawrzik, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Magnetic Nanoparticles – Particle Science, Imaging Technology, and Clinical Applications, Proceedings of First International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging, World Scientific 2010, 100–105, 2010
doi: 10.1142/9789814324687_0014
Anwendung eines kapazitiven Helmsystems für ein SSVEP-basiertes Brain-Computer Interface
Martin Oehler, Mischa Siekmann, Gabriel Curio, Meinhard Schilling
Biophysiologische Interfaces in der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, Volume 30, 6–11, 2009
Assembly for One-dimensional Magnetic Particle Imaging
Thilo Wawrzik, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 25/II, 898–900, 2009
Binding assays with streptavidin-functionalized superparamagnetic nanoparticles and biotinylated analytes using fluxgate magnetorelaxometry
Erik Heim, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Volume 321, 1628–1631, 2009
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2009.02.101
Capacitive ECG system with direct access to standard leads and body surface potential mapping
Martin Oehler, Meinhard Schilling, Hans-Dieter Esperer
Biomedizinische Technik, Volume 54, 329–335, 2009
doi: 10.1515/BMT.2009.042
Characterization of magnetic core-shell nanoparticles by fluxgate magnetorelaxometry, ac susceptibility, transmission electron microscopy and photon correlation spectroscopy – a comparative study
Frank Ludwig, Erik Heim, Meinhard Schilling
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Volume 321, 1644–1647, 2009
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2009.02.105
Comparison and calibration of fluxgate and SQUID magnetorelaxometry techniques for the characterization of magnetic core-shell nanoparticles
Frank Ludwig, Erik Heim, Dietmar Eberbeck, Kay Schwarz, Lutz Trahms, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Trans. Magn., Volume 45, Number 10, 4857–4860, 2009
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2024635
Effect of HF concentration on physical and electronic properties of electrochemically formed nano-porous silicon
P. Kumar, Peter Lemmens, M. Ghosh, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
J. Nanomater., Volume 2009, 728957-1–7, 2009
doi: 10.1155/2009/728957
HTS Josephson junction cantilever microscopy of microwave devices
Felix Stewing, Christian Brendel, Meinhard Schilling
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Volume 19, Number 3, 719–721, 2009
doi: 10.1109/TASC.2009.2019428
Imaging of the power distribution of a circular oversized waveguide with a Josephson cantilever at 762 GHz
Christian Brendel, Felix Stewing, Torben Gerke, Meinhard Schilling
Superconductor Science and Technology, Volume 22, Number 11, 114013-1–6, 2009
doi: 10.1088/0953-2048/22/11/114013
Iron/Nickel nanowire growth in anodic aluminum oxide templates: Transfer of length scales and periodicity
Hongdan Yan, Peter Lemmens, H. Dierke, S. C. White, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
J. Phys.: Conf. Series, Volume 145, 012079-1–4, 2009
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/145/1/012079
Magnetic relaxation imaging of magnetic nanoparticle distributions
Dennis Rühmer, Erik Heim, Thilo Wawrzik, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 25/VII, 418–420, 2009
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-03885-3_116
Magnetic Relaxation Imaging with a Fluxgate Sensor Scanner
Dennis Rühmer, Erik Heim, Alexander Hirsch, Frank Ludwig, Rainer Piel, Felix Stewing, Meinhard Schilling
SENSOR 2009, 14th International Conference of Sensors, Technologies, Electronics and Applications, Volume 2, 29–33, 2009
doi: 10.5162/sensor09/v2/a6.3
Magnetorelaxometry of nanoparticles using a GMI magnetometer
B. Dufay, Sebastian Saez, Matthieu Denoual, Christophe Dolabdjian, Frank Ludwig, Erik Heim, Meinhard Schilling, L. Melo, David Menard, A. Yelon
Sensor Letters, Volume 7, 429–432, 2009
doi: 10.1166/sl.2009.1087
New Developments of Electromagnetic Sensors for Biomedical Applications
Meinhard Schilling
Proceedings des 10. Symposiums "Magnetoresitive Sensors and Magnetic Systems", 8–15, 2009
Noise optimization of racetrack fluxgate sensors
Rainer Piel, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Sensor Letters, Volume 7, Number 1-5, 317–321, 2009
doi: 10.1166/sl.2009.1078
Quantitative and Qualitative Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles by Magnetorelaxometry using a laboratory MRX-Analyzer
Erik Heim, Marianne Gerloff, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 25/VII, 650–652, 2009
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-03885-3_180
Three dimensional near-field radiation imaging up to the THz regime
C. Brendel, F. Stewing, T. Gerke, and M. Schilling
ISEC 2009 International Superconductive Electronics Conference 2009 June 16-19, MD-05, 2009 Fukuoka, Japan
doi: 10.1515/FREQ.2008.62.5-6.149
Vom Gen zum Produkt - aber mit System
Meinhard Schilling, Dietmar Christian Hempel, Dieter Jahn
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, S. 34–41 - Oktober 2009
A multichannel portable ECG system with capacitive sensors
Martin Oehler, Vincent Ling, Kai Melhorn, Meinhard Schilling
Physiol. Meas., Volume 29, 783–793 - 2008
doi: 10.1088/0967-3334/29/7/007
Body surface potential mapping of the heart based on capacitive electrodes
Martin Oehler, Meinhard Schilling
Proceedings Workshop Biosignalverarbeitung 2008, Potsdam, 50–51, 2008
1. Preis Nachwuchswissenschaftlerwettbewerb
Characterization of superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles by fluxgate magnetorelaxometry for use in biomedical applications
Frank Ludwig, Erik Heim, Meinhard Schilling, Keiji Enpuku
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 103, Number 7, 07A314-1–3, 2008
doi: 10.1063/1.2840048
Extraction of SSVEP Signals of a Capacitive EEG Helmet for Human Machine Interface
Martin Oehler, Peter Neumann, Matthias Becker, Gabriel Curio, Meinhard Schilling
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference IEEE EMBS, Vancouver, 4495–4498, 2008
doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2008.4650211
Fluxgate magnetorelaxometry for characterization of hydrogel polymerization kinetics and physical entrapment capacity
Erik Heim, Steffen Harling, Frank Ludwig, Henning Menzel, Meinhard Schilling
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Volume 20, 2008, 204106-1–5
doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/20/20/204106
Free-carrier compensation in ferromagnetic ion-implanted
Dirk Menzel, Ali Awada, Hanno Dierke, Joachim Schoenes, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 103, page 07D106 (1--3) - 2008
doi: 10.1063/1.2830796
Hydrogel characterization: Swelling versus fluxgate magnetorelaxometry
Steffen Harling, Erik Heim, Ariane Schwoerer, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling, Henning Menzel
Journal of Controlled Release, Volume 132, Number 3, e68–e69, 2008
doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2008.09.063
Magnetische Nanopartikel für Anwendungen in biochemischer Analytik und medizinischer Diagnostik
Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Proc. of VDE Kongress, München Germany, Volume ITG 1.41 - 3.-5. November 2008
Novel multichannel capacitive ECG-System for cardiac diagnostics beyond the standard-lead system
Martin Oehler, Meinhard Schilling, Hans-Dieter Esperer
Proc. ECIFMBE 2008, Antwerp, Volume 22, 30–33, 2008
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-89208-3_9
Proteins and patients – magnetic nanoparticles as analytic markers
Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig
Advances in Solid State Physics, Volume 46, 83–93, 2008
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-38235-5_7
Three dimensional near-field radiation imaging up to the THz-regime
Felix Stewing, Christian Brendel, Meinhard Schilling
Frequenz, Volume Vol. 62, 149 –152, 2008
doi: 10.1515/FREQ.2008.62.5-6.149
Capacitive ECG-System for Real-Time Diagnostics
Martin Oehler, Meinhard Schilling
Biomedizinische Technik, Volume 52, on CD, 2007
Characterization of superparamagnetic nanoparticles by analyzing the magnetization and relaxation dynamics using fluxgate magnetometers
Frank Ludwig, Erik Heim, Meinhard Schilling
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 101, Number 11, 113909-1–10, 2007
doi: 10.1063/1.2738416
Fluxgate magnetorelaxometry of superparamagnetic nanoparticles for hydrogel characterization
Erik Heim, Steffen Harling, Kai Pöhlig, Meinhard Schilling, Frank Ludwig, Henning Menzel
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Volume 311, Number 1, 150–154, 2007
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.10.1155
Liquid phase immunoassay using magnetic markers and superconducting quantum interference device
Keiji Enpuku, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, Takashi Matsuda, Hiroyuki Kuma, Feng Dang, Naoya Enomoto, Junichi Hojo, Kohji Yoshinaga, Frank Ludwig, Fatemeh Ghaffari, Erik Heim, Meinhard Schilling
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 46, Number 11, 7524–7529, 2007
doi: 10.1143/JJAP.46.7524
Magnetic Nanoparticle Analyzer for Magnetic Nanoparticle Characterization and Binding Assays
Erik Heim, Frank Ludwig, Rainer Piel, Meinhard Schilling, Wenzhong Liu
Biomedizinische Technik, Volume 52, on CD, 2007
Properties of magnetic nanoparticles in the Brownian relaxation range for liquid phase immunoassays
Keiji Enpuku, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, Takashi Matsuda, Feng Dang, Naoya Enomoto, Junichi Hojo, Kohji Yoshinaga, Frank Ludwig, Fatemeh Ghaffari, Erik Heim, Meinhard Schilling
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 102, 054901-1–7, 2007
doi: 10.1063/1.2775882
Comparison of capacitive ECG with conventional ECG
Martin Oehler, André Riggert, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling, Benjamin Blankertz, Klaus-Robert Müller, Volker Kunzmann, Gabriel Curio
Biomedizinische Technik, Volume 51, on CD, 2006
Ferromagnetism in Fe and Co-implanted SnO2 films
Joachim Schoenes, U. Pelzer, Dirk Menzel, Kerstin Franke, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Physica Status Solidi (c), Volume 3, 4115–4118, 2006
doi: 10.1002/pssc.200672819
Investigation of superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles by fluxgate magnetorelaxometry for use in magnetic relaxation immunoassays
Frank Ludwig, Erik Heim, Dirk Menzel, Meinhard Schilling
J. Appl. Phys., Volume 99, Number 08, 08P106-1–3, 2006
doi: 10.1063/1.2171121
Room temperature near-field microwave imaging with an YBa2Cu3O7 Josephson cantilever
Meinhard Schilling, Andre Kaestner, Felix Stewing
Applied Physics Letters, Volume 88, 252507-1–3, 2006
doi: 10.1063/1.2214152
Informationsfusion in Multisensorsystemen für die Sportmedizin
Meinhard Schilling, Uwe Tegtbur
Expertenforum (GMA/VDE) Informationsfusion in der Mess- und Sensortechnik,
Eisenach, 2006, J. Beyerer, F. Puente Leon, K.-D. Sommer (Hrsg.) Informationsfusion in der Mess- und Sensortechnik", Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, Juli 2006, 251–260
XIX. Messtechnisches Symposium 2005 in Braunschweig
M. Schilling (Hrsg.)
Editorial von tm - Technisches Messen 4/2006, 73. Jahrgang April 2006,
Technisches Messen 73, 187–188, 2006
Crystalline growth of cubic (Eu, Nd): Y2O3 thin films on α-Al2O3 by pulsed laser deposition
P. B. W. Burmester, G. Huber, M. Kurfiss, Meinhard Schilling
Appl. Phys. A, Volume 80, 627–630, 2005
doi: 10.1007/s00339-003-2250-1
Development of RSFQ voltage drivers arbitrary AC Waveform synthesisers
M. I. Khabipov, D. Hagedorn, F. Im. Buchholz, J. Kohlmann, F. Maibaum, Meinhard Schilling, J. Niemeyer
European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), 1175–1178, 2005
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/43/1/286
Epitaxial properties of Al-Doped ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition on SrTiO3 (100)
Matthias Karger, Meinhard Schilling
Phys. Rev. B, Volume 71, 075304-1–4, 2005
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.075304
Investigation of magnetic nanoparticles for the quantitative and specific analysis of biomolecules with magnetorelaxometry
Erik Heim, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Biomedizinische Technik, Volume 50, Number 1, 613–614, 2005
Magnetorelaxometry of magnetic nanoparticles in magnetically unshielded environment utilizing a differential fluxgate arrangement
Frank Ludwig, Sascha Mäuslelein, Erik Heim, Meinhard Schilling
Rev. Sci. Instrum., Volume 76, 106102-1–3, 2005
doi: 10.1063/1.2069776
Magnetorelaxometry of magnetic nanoparticles with fluxgate magnetometers for the analysis of biological targets
Frank Ludwig, Erik Heim, Sascha Mäuslelein, Dietmar Eberbeck, Meinhard Schilling
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Volume 293, 690–695, 2005
doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2005.02.045
Messtechnisches Symposium (XIX.) des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik e.V.
Meinhard Schilling
29.09.-01.10.2005, Braunschweig
172 S., M. Shaker Verlag, Herzogenrath, 2005
Analysis of biological target concentrations in solution by magnetorelaxometry
Erik Heim, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Biomedizinische Technik, Volume 49, 420–421, 2004
DC-SQUID Magnetometers from YBa2Cu3O7-δ for biomagnetic applications
Henry Barthelmess, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling, Dietmar Drung, Thomas Schurig
High Temperature Superconductivity 2, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 299–336, 2004
doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-07764-1_11
In-situ RHEED analysis of the epitaxial overgrowth of SrTiO3 and YBa2Cu3O7 films for multilayer devices
M. Karger, E. Heim, F. Ludwig, M. Schilling
Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 181, edited by A. Andreone, G. P. Pepe, Chistiano and G. Masullo, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol (UK) and Philadelphia (USA), 1556–1560, 2004
Magnetorelaxometry of magnetic nanoparticles – a new method for the quantitative and specific analysis of biomolecules
Frank Ludwig, Erik Heim, Meinhard Schilling
Proceedings of 2004 4th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (on CD), 245–247, 2004
doi: 10.1109/NANO.2004.1392312
Characterization of crystalline europium doped -Y2O3 PLD-films grown on -Al2P3
P. B. W. Burmester, T. Ishii, G. Huber, M. Kurfiss, Meinhard Schilling
Materials Science and Engineering B, Volume 105, 25–29, 2003
doi: 10.1016/j.mseb.2003.08.009
Epitaxial conditions of YBa2Cu3O7-δ ramp-edge Josephson junctions
Matthias Karger, Erik Heim, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, 1556–1560, 2003
Hilbert transform spectroscopy using Josephson junction arrays of the high-Tc superconductor
Andre Kaestner, Frank Ludwig, Frank Ludwig, Meinhard Schilling
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, 3067–3071, 2003
Hochempfindliche, integrierte Magnetfeldsensoren - Ein Überblick
Meinhard Schilling
XVII. Messtechnisches Symposium des AHMT e.V., 43–52, 2003
Rauscheigenschaften magnetoresistiver Sensoren
Meinhard Schilling
Proceedings des 7. Symposiums "Magnetoresitive Sensoren", 8–15, 2003
DC-SQUID magnetometers from YBa2Cu3O7 in AC fields for application in multichannel systems
H. Barthelmess, B. Schiefenhövel, M. Schilling
Physica C, Volume 368, 37–40, 2002
doi: 10.1016/S0921-4534(01)01136-4
Dependence of the substrate stucture and the film growth at the junction of YBCO SEJ rf-SQUIDS on the IBE process and effects on the SQUID´s characteristics
M. Fardmanesh, J. Schubert, R. Akram, M. Banzet, W. Zander, Y. Zhang, M. Schilling, H.-J. Krause
Physica C, Volume 372, 240–244, 2002
doi: 10.1016/S0921-4534(02)00680-9
Thickness dependent phase separation in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 films
R. Rauer, J. Bäckström, D. Budelmann, M. Kurfiss, M. Schilling, M. Rübhausen, K. Dörr, S.L. Cooper
Appl. Phys. Lett., Volume 81, 3777–3779, 2002
doi: 10.1063/1.1520705
1/f Noise Characteristics of SEJ Y-Ba-Cu-O rf-Squids on LaAlO3 Substrate and the Step Structure, Film and Temperature Dependence
M. Fardmanesh, J. Schubert, R. Akram, M. Bick, Y. Zhang, M. Banzet, W. Zander, H.-J. Krause, H. Burkhardt, M. Schilling
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Volume 11, 1363–1366, 2001
doi: 10.1109/77.919604
Dependence of Sensitivity and Noise of fluxgate sensors on racetrack geometry
C. Hinnrichs, J. Stahl, K. Kuchenbrandt, M. Schilling
IEEE Trans. Magn., Volume 37, 1983–1985, 2001
doi: 10.1109/20.951028
HTS-Multichannel-System for Magnetocardiography and Magnetoencephalography
H. Barthelmess, M. Halverscheid, B. Schiefenhövel, E. Heim, M. Schilling, R. Zimmerman
BIOMAG 2000 Conference, 927–930, 2001
Höchstempfindliche Magnetfeldsensoren für den Niederfrequenzbereich
M. Schilling
Technisches Messen, Volume 6, 261–268, 2001
Low-noise biomagnetic measurements with a multichannel dc-SQUID system at 77K
H. Barthelmess, M. Halverscheid, B. Schiefenhövel, E. Heim, M. Schilling, R. Zimmerman
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Volume 11, Number 1, 657–660, 2001
doi: 10.1109/77.919430
Proximity effect in YBa2Cu3O7-y/PrBa2Cu3O7-y superlattices studied by inelastic light scattering
D. Budelmann, S. Ostertun, M. Rübhausen, A. Bock, M. Schilling, H. Burkhardt, U. Merkt, A. Krämer
Phys. Rev. B, Volume 63, 174508-1–6, 2001
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.63.174508
SQUIDs 2000 - HTS dc-Squid Mehrkanalsystem für biomagnetische Messungen
H. Barthelmess, E. Heim, B. Schiefenhövel, M. Halverscheid, M. Schilling
Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik , herausgeber: VDI-Technologiezentrum Phsikalische Technilogien, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 207–210, 2001
THz-Spectroscopy with YBa2Cu3O7-Josephson Junctions on a LaAIO3Bicrystals
F. Ludwig, A. Kaestner, M. Volk, M. Schilling
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Volume 11, 586–588, 2001
On-chip spread of the characteristic parameters in YBa2Cu3O7-Josephson junctions with
PrBa2Cu3O7-barrier on LaAlO3
H. Burkhardt, A. Rauther, A. Kaestner, and M. Schilling
European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), (Sitges, Spain 1999), (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol 1997), Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 167, 269 - 272 (2000)
Operation of a YBa2Cu3O7 dc SQUID magnetometer with integrated multiloop pick-up
coil in unshielded environment and in static magnetic fields
K.-O. Subke, C. Hinnrichs, H.-J. Barthelmess, M. Halverscheid, C. Pels, M. Schilling
European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), (Sitges, Spain 1999), (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol 1997), Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 167, 573 - 576 (2000)
Noise and linearity of a fluxgate-magnetometer in racetrack geometry
C. Hinnrichs, C. Pels, and M. Schilling
J. Appl. Phys. 87, 7085 - 7087 (2000)
doi: 10.1063/1.372939
Current-Phase Relationship for YBa2Cu3O7 Ramp-Edge Josephson Junctions
E. Ilichev, V. Zakosarenko, V. Schultze, H.E. Hoenig, H.-G. Meyer, K.O. Subke, H. Burkhardt, and M. Schilling
Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 100 - 102 (2000)
doi: 10.1063/1.125669
HTS Josephson junctions as electromagnetic sensors for low and high frequencies
M. Schilling, H.-J. Barthelmess, S. Krey, and F. Ludwig
in Festkörperprobleme / Advances in Solid State Physics, edited by B. Kramer (Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 2000), Vol. 40, pp. 769 - 778
doi: 10.1007/BFb0108394
Sensitive Josephson magnetometry of flux quantization in a normal conducting hole in a narrow YBa2Cu3O7 line
H.-J. Barthelmess, S. Krey, S. Ostertun, and M. Schilling
Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 1992 - 1994 (2000)
doi: 10.1063/1.1290493
Status of highly sensitive magnetic field sensors
M. Schilling, and R. Mattheis
in Proceedings of the Statusseminar Magnetoelektronik, Dresden, 14.-16. Juni 2000, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf, S. 79-82
YBa2Cu3O7 Josephson junctions on LaAlO3 bicrystals for terahertz frequency applications
A. Kaestner, M. Volk, F. Ludwig, M. Schilling, and J. Menzel
Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 3057 - 3059 (2000)
doi: 10.1063/1.1323545
Heteroepitaxy and Noise in Integrated HTS dc-SQUID Magnetometers
M. Schilling
in Festkörperprobleme / Advances in Solid State Physics, edited by B. Kramer (Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1999), Vol. 38, pp. 485 - 496
Highly sensitive magnetometers based on YBa2Cu3O7 Josephson junction arrays
S. Krey, O. Brügmann, and M. Schilling
Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 293 - 295 (1999)
doi: 10.1063/1.123003
Technology for YBa2Cu3O7 SNS- and SIS-Josephson Junctions
K.-O. Subke, S. Krey, H. Burkhardt, A. Bartold, and M. Schilling
Applied Superconductivity Conference (Palm Desert, 1998), IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 9, 3125 - 3128 (1999)
doi: 10.1109/77.783691
Very large YBa2Cu3O7 Josephson junction arrays
H. Burkhardt, O. Brügmann, A. Rauther, F. Schnell, and M. Schilling
Applied Superconductivity Conference (Palm Desert, 1998), IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 9, 3153 - 3156 (1999)
doi: 10.1109/77.783698
Noise properties of YBa2Cu3O7 Josephson junction array magnetometers
S. Krey, O. Brügmann, and M. Schilling
Applied Superconductivity Conference (Palm Desert, 1998), IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 9, 3401 - 3404 (1999)
doi: 10.1109/77.783759
Low-frequency noise and linearity of a YBa2Cu3O7 dc superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer in static magnetic fields
S. Krey, H.-J. Barthelmess, and M. Schilling
in Proceedings of the Seventh International Superconducting Electronics Conference (ISEC'99), pp. 143 - 145
doi: 10.1063/1.371630
Microwave and dc-transport in YBa2Cu3O7 ramp-edge Josephson junction arrays
H. Burkhardt, A. Rauther, and M. Schilling
Physica C 326 - 327, 93 - 98 (1999)
doi: 10.1016/S0921-4534(99)00371-8
Low-frequency noise and linearity of a YBa2Cu3O7 dc superconducting quantum interference
device magnetometer in static magnetic fields
S. Krey, H.-J. Barthelmess, and M. Schilling
J. Appl. Phys. 86, 6602 - 6604 (1999)
doi: 10.1063/1.371630
Interaction of Process Parameters in the Laser Deposition of YBa2Cu3O7 Films
J.-K. Heinsohn, D. Reimer, A. Richter, K.-O. Subke, and M. Schilling
Physica C 299, 99 - 112 (1998)
doi: 10.1016/S0921-4534(97)01899-6
SQUIDs in der Kardiographie
M. Schilling, U. Merkt, und U. Leder
Spektrum der Wissenschaft 5, 25 - 30 (1998)
Integrated YBa2Cu3O7 Magnetometers for Biomagnetic Applications
S. Krey, K.-O. Subke, D. Reimer, M. Schilling, R. Scharnweber, and B. David
Applied Superconductivity 5, 213 - 219 (1998)
doi: 10.1016/S0964-1807(97)00047-1
Integrated HTS DC-SQUID Magnetometers
M. Schilling
Applied Superconductivity 6, 291 - 295 (1998)
doi: 10.1016/S0964-1807(98)00051-9
Integrierte dc-SQUID Magnetometer für Hoch-Tc-Mehrkanalanwendungen
K.-O. Subke, S. Krey, C. Hinnrichs, H. Barthelmeß, M. Schilling und U. Merkt
BMBF-Statusseminar (Gelsenkirchen, 1998) in Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik, herausgegeben vom VDI-Technologiezentrum Physikalische Technologien (VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1998), pp. 107-110
SQUID 2000 - Die nächste Generation von Hoch-Tc-Mehrkanalsystemen
M. Schilling
BMBF-Statusseminar (Gelsenkirchen, 1998), in Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik, herausgegeben vom VDI-Technologiezentrum Physikalische Technologien (VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1998), pp. 54-59
Electrical and Noise Properties of YBa2Cu3O7 Ramp-type Josephson Junctions
M. Schilling
Applied Superconductivity Conference (Pittsburgh, 1996), IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 7, 2960 - 2963 (1997)
doi: 10.1109/77.621935
A New Concept for Integrated YBa2Cu3O7 Magnetometers
R. Scharnweber, and M. Schilling
Applied Superconductivity Conference (Pittsburgh, 1996), IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 7, 3485 - 3488 (1997)
doi: 10.1109/77.622144
Noise Properties and Epitaxial Quality in Low-noise Integrated YBa2Cu3O7 Magnetometers
R. Scharnweber, N. Dieckmann, and M. Schilling
Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 2189 - 2191 (1997)
doi: 10.1063/1.119037
Integrated YBa2Cu3O7 Magnetometers for Biomagnetic Applications
S. Krey, K.-O. Subke, D. Reimer, M. Schilling, and R. Scharnweber
in 6th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC'97, Berlin), edited by H. Koch and S. Knappe (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, 1997) Vol. 3, pp. 13 - 15
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Process Optimization for High Yield of YBa2Cu3O7 Ramp-edge Josephson Junctions with PrBa2Cu3O7 Barriers
K.-O. Subke, S. Krey, H. Burkhardt, D. Reimer, and M. Schilling
6th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC'97, Berlin), edited by H. Koch and S. Knappe (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, 1997) Vol. 2, pp. 88 - 90
Integrated HTS DC-SQUID Magnetometers
M. Schilling
in 6th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC'97, Berlin), edited by H. Koch and S. Knappe (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, 1997) Vol. 1, pp. 57 - 59
YBa2Cu3O7 Magnetometers - Physics and Applications,
M. Schilling
Habilitationsarbeit, Hamburg 1997
Electrical Field Dependence of the Quasi-Particle Transport in YBa2Cu3O7 Josephson Junctions in Ramp-edge Geometry
H. Predel, H. Burkhardt, and M. Schilling
European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), (Veldhoven, 1997), in Applied Superconductivity 1997, edited by H. Rogalla and D.H.A. Blank, (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol 1997), Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 158, pp. 471 - 474
Magnetic Field Dependence of Microwave Properties of Ramp-type Josephson Junctions with PrBa2Cu3O7 Barriers
H.F. Sakeek, T. Daum, R. Scharnweber, and M. Schilling
Physica C 258 1 - 8 (1996)
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Temperature Dependence of Noise Properties of Directly Coupled YBa2Cu3O7 Magnetometers with PrBa2Cu3O7 Ramp-type Josephson Junctions
A. Lewalter, F. Ludwig, D. Reimer, and M. Schilling
Physica C 266 303 - 308 (1996)
doi: 10.1016/0921-4534(96)00347-4
Integrated YBa2Cu3O7 Magnetometer with Flux Transformer and Multiloop Pick-up Coil
R. Scharnweber, and M. Schilling
Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 1303 - 1305 (1996)
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Effects of Columnar Defects and Intrinsic Pinning on the Bose-Glass Transitions of YBa2Cu3O7 and Bi2Sr2Cu2O8 Thin Films
G. Nakielski, M. Kaufmann, A. Rickertsen, M. Baumann, M. Schilling, G. Wirth, T. Amrein, and J. Kötzler
European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Spring Meeting (Strasbourg, 1996), Journal of Alloys and Compounds 251, 138-141 (1997)
Integrierte Magnetometer aus YBa2Cu3O7 für den Betrieb in unabgeschirmter Umgebung
M. Schilling, D. Reimer, R. Scharnweber, K.O. Subke und U. Merkt
BMBF-Statusseminar (Köln, 1996) in Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik
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Biomagnetic Measurements with an Integrated YBa2Cu3O7 Magnetometer in a handheld Cryostat
M. Schilling, S. Krey, and R. Scharnweber
Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 2749 - 2751 (1996)
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Magnetic and Phononic Excitations in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7 Films
N. Dieckmann, M. Rübhausen, A. Bock, M. Schilling, K.-O. Subke, U. Merkt, and E. Holzinger-Schweiger
Physica C 272, 269 - 276 (1996)
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DC-SQUIDs and Flux Transformers in YBa2Cu3O7 Magnetometers at 77 K
M. Schilling, R. Scharnweber, and S. Völkl
Applied Superconductivity Conference (Boston, 1994)
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 5, 2346-2349 (1995)
doi: 10.1109/77.403056
Integrated YBa2Cu3O7 Multi-loop Magnetometers at 77 K
D. Reimer, M. Schilling, S. Knappe, and D. Drung
Applied Superconductivity Conference (Boston, 1994)
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 5, 2342-2345 (1995)
doi: 10.1109/77.403055
Noise Properties of YBa2Cu3O7 Multi-Loop Magnetometers at 77 K
D. Reimer, F. Ludwig, M. Schilling, S. Knappe, and D. Drung
European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), (Edinburgh, 1995) in Applied Superconductivity 1995
edited by D. Dew-Hughes, (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol 1995), Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 148, pp. 1605 - 1608
YBa2Cu3O7 Flip-Chip Magnetometers with PrBa2Cu3O7 Barrier Josephson Junctions at 77 K
R. Scharnweber, K.-O. Subke, and M. Schilling
European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), (Edinburgh, 1995) in Applied Superconductivity 1995, edited by D. Dew-Hughes, (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol 1995), Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 148, pp. 1609 - 1612
YBa2Cu3O7 Direct Current Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices with Artificial PrBa2Cu3O7 Barriers above 77 K
M. Schilling, D. Reimer, and U. Merkt
Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 2584-2586 (1994)
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Thermosonic Bond Contacts with Gold Wire to YBa2Cu3O7 Microstructures
L. Burmeister, D. Reimer, and M. Schilling
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Optimierung integrierter Magnetometer aus YBa2Cu3O7 für den Betrieb bei 77 K
M. Schilling, D. Reimer, R. Scharnweber und U. Merkt
BMFT-Statusseminar (Weimar, 1994) in Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik, herausgegeben vom VDI-Technologiezentrum Physikalische Technologien (VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1994), pp. 26-29
Input Coils for YBa2Cu3O7 Flux-Transformers
S. Friemel and M. Schilling
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Buffer layers of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia for YBa2Cu3O7 Devices on Silicon Substrates
F. Goerke and M. Schilling
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DC-SQUIDs of YBa2Cu3O7 with Artifcial PrBa2Cu3Ox - Barriers
M. Schilling, T. Bade, and U. Merkt
Applied Superconductivity Conference (Chicago,1992)
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DC-SQUIDs aus YBa2Cu3O7 mit PrBa2Cu3Ox Barrieren: Komponenten für integrierte Magnetometer
M. Schilling, T. Bade und U. Merkt
BMFT-Statusseminar (Potsdam, 1992)
in Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik, herausgegeben vom VDI-Technologiezentrum
Physikalische Technologien (VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1993), pp. 363-366
Laserdeposition of Epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7 Films with Low Droplet Densities
M. Schilling, F. Goerke, and U. Merkt
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Flux-voltage Modulation of YBa2Cu3O7 DC-SQUIDs with artifcial Barriers
M. Schilling, D. Reimer, and U. Merkt
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Inductance and Magnetic Flux Sensitivity of YBa2Cu3O7 DC-SQUIDs
M. Schilling, D. Reimer, and U. Merkt
4th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC 93), (Boulder, Colorado, USA 1993), pp. 174-175
Integrated Magnetometer Devices of YBa2Cu3O7
D. Reimer and M. Schilling
European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), (Göttingen, 1993)
in Applied Superconductivity, edited by H.C. Freyhardt (DGM Informationsgesellschaft mbH) Vol.2, pp. 1533-1536
Laserdeposition of YBa2Cu3Ox Films with Low Droplet Densities
M. Schilling, F. Goerke, and U. Merkt
High Tc Superconductor Thin Films, edited by L. Correra, (North-Holland, Amsterdam
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Planar X-Band SQUID-Gradiometer for HTS Applications
B. Mayer, R. Knöchel, T.Bade, M. Schilling, and B. David
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Supraleitende Quanteninterferometer aus YBa2Cu3O7
M. Schilling
Dissertation, Hamburg 1992
Multilayer YBa2Cu3Ox Structures - an Approach to SQUID Applications
M. Schilling, T. Bade, and U. Merkt
SQUID 1991 (Berlin, 1991) in Superconducting Devices and Their Applications, edited by H. Koch and H. Lübbig,
(Springer, Berlin, 1992), Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 64, pp. 133-137
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-77457-7_21
Critical Current Densities of Epitaxial YBa2Cu3Ox Microstructures
M. Schilling, R. Handt, N. H. Hansen, A. Bock, T. Zettler, and U. Merkt
in Proceedings of the Third German-Soviet Bilateral Seminar on High Temperature Superconductivity (Karlsruhe 1990), herausgegeben vom VDI-Technologiezentrum Physikalische Technologien (Düsseldorf,1990) pp. 424-429
YBa2Cu3Ox-Microstructures on Semiconductor Substrates
M. Schilling and U. Merkt
Applied Superconductivity Conference (Snowmass Village, Colorado 1990),
IEEE Trans. Magn. 27, 1630-1633 (1991)
doi: 10.1109/20.133985
Morphologie von YBa2Cu3Ox-Schichten aus dem Laserablationsprozeß
M. Schilling, F. Goerke, D. Reimer und U. Merkt
BMFT-Statusseminar (Baden-Baden, 1990) in Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik, herausgegeben vom VDI-Technologiezentrum Physikalische Technologien (VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1991), pp. 323-326
Transport Measurements on Superconducting YBa2Cu3Ox Microstructures
M. Schilling and U. Merkt
International Cryogenic Materials Conference, (Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1990) in High Temperature Superconductors. Materials Aspects, edited by H.C. Freyhardt, R.
Flükiger, and M. Peukert (DGM Informationsgesellschaft, Oberursel, 1991) Vol.2, pp. 1109-1112
Optimization of the In Situ Process for YBa2Cu3Ox-Films prepared by Laser Ablation
M. Schilling, K. D. Laue, and U. Merkt
European Materials Research Society - Spring Conference (Strasbourg, 1990), Journal of the less-comm. Metals, 164 & 165, 400 - 406, 1990
doi: 10.1016/0022-5088(90)90239-G
Präparation und Charakterisierung von Volumenproben und dünnen Schichten aus Hochtemperatursupraleitern
M. Schilling
Diplomarbeit, Hamburg 1989
Infrared Spectroscopy of Electronic Exitations in YBa2Cu3Ox
E. Batke, A. D. Wieck, M. Schilling, and U. Merkt
19th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, (Warschau, Polen, 1988)
in The Physics of Semiconductors, edited by W. Zawadzki (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 1988) Vol. 2, pp. 1737-1740
Der im Institut erstellte Universalzähler mit sehr großem Dynamikumfang soll im Dual-Slope-Verfahren für die Strommessung eingesetzt werden. Dabei soll der Gesamtstrom in viele Strom-pfade aufgeteilt werden und diese einzeln im Dual-Slope-Verfahren gemessen werden. Dabei sollen Ströme von Milliampere bis hinunter zu Picoampere gemessen werden. Besonders interessant ist hier die Messunsicherheit, die auf diese Weise für den Gesamtstrom erreicht werden kann. Um die Zeitmessung für die Stromintegration zu verbessern kann eine lokale Atomuhr eingesetzt werden.
Vorkenntnisse: DMM-Vorlesung
Stichworte: Elektronik, Frequenzmessung
Wir wollen untersuchen, wie man in der Messtechnik elektrische Spannungen mit sehr großer Dynamik messen kann. Wie man also sehr kleine Spannung von gleichzeitig gemessenen sehr großen Spannungen trennen kann, z.B. 10V Amplitude eines Sinussignals von 1 nV Amplitude eines Sinussignals anderer Frequenz. Dafür wollen wir einen Universalzähler mit sehr großem Dynamikumfang im Dual-Slope-Verfahren einsetzen und Signalverarbeitung mit 64-Bit Zahlen testen.
Vorkenntnisse: DMM-Vorlesung
Stichworte: Elektronik, Frequenzmessung