Martingale Theory for Finance, Manchester, 2020
Stochastic Financial Models, Cambridge, 2019
WS 2023/24: Stochastic Analysis, TU Braunschweig
WS 2023/24: Random Walks and Analysis on Graphs, TU Braunschweig
2022/23: Random Models, Manchester.
2022/23: Martingale Theory for Finance, Manchester.
2021/22: Martingale Theory for Finance, Manchester.
2020/21: Martingale Theory for Finance, Manchester.
Michaelmas 2019: Advanced Probability, Cambridge.
Lent 2019: Stochastic Financial Models, Cambridge.
Lent 2018: Stochastic Financial Models, Cambridge.
Lent 2017: Stochastic Financial Models, Cambridge.
SS 2016: Stochastic for teacher students, Bonn.
WS 2015/16: Introduction to Malliavin Calculus, Bonn.
SS 2015: Stochastic Analysis, Cologne.
SS 2014: Introduction to Statistics, Bonn.
SS 2013: Introduction to Statistics, Bonn.
2010: Differential Calculus with Physical Applications, UBC Vancouver.
2009: Multivariable Calculus, UBC Vancouver.