

  • Berghoefer, F. L., & Vollrath, M. (2023). Prefer what you like? Evaluation and preference of cycling infrastructures in a bicycle simulator. Journal of Safety Research, 87, 157-167.
  • Baur, L., & Vollrath, M. (2023). Interference causes forgetting relevant information while driving much more strongly than decay. Transportation Research Part F, 97, 207-2012.
  • Berghoefer, F. L., & Vollrath, M. (2023). Motivational and deterrent effects of route attributes in cyclists’ route choice. Transportation Research Part F, 95, 343-354.
  • Berghoefer, F. L., Huemer, A. K., & Vollrath, M. (2023). Look right! The influence of bicycle crossing design on drivers’ approaching behavior. Transportation Research Part F, 95, 98-111.


  • Stange, V., Steimle, M., Maurer, M., & Vollrath, M. (2022). Is the automated vehicle “aware” of the pedestrian? Examining driving behavior adaptation as a cue to inform the passenger of a potential hazard. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 16, 100701.
  • Huemer, A.K., Banach, E., Bolten, N., Helweg, S., Koch, A. & Martin, T. (2022). Secondary task engagement, risk-taking, and safety-related equipment use in German bicycle and e-scooter riders - an observation. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 172,106685.
  • Berghoefer, F. L. & Vollrath, M. (2022). Cyclists' perception of cycling infrastructure – A Repertory Grid approach. Transportation Research Part F, 87, 249-263.
  • Berghöfer, F.L. & Huemer, A.K. (2022). Gestaltung von Radfahrfurten und Fahrerblickverhalten. Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 68 (2), 84-89.
  • Huemer, A.K.,  Rosenboom, L.M., Naujoks, M. & Banach, E. (2022). Testing cycling infrastructure layout in virtual environments: An examination from a bicycle rider’s perspective in simulation and online.
    Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 14, 100586.
  • Stange, V., Goralzik, A., Ernst, S., Steimle, M., Maurer, M., & Vollrath, M. (2022). Please stop now, automated vehicle! – Passengers aim to avoid risk experiences in interactions with a crossing vulnerable road user at an urban junction. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 87, 164–188.
  • Stange, V., Kühn, M., & Vollrath, M. (2022). Manual Drivers’ Experience and Driving Behavior in Repeated Interactions with automated Level 3 Vehicles in Mixed Traffic on the Highway. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 87, 426–443.
  • Stange, V., Kühn, M., & Vollrath, M. (2022). Safety at First Sight? – Manual Drivers’ Experience and Driving Behavior at First Contact with Level 3 Vehicles in Mixed Traffic on the Highway. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 87, 327–346. 
  • Yang, W.C. & Huemer, A.K. (2022). Patterns of risk-taking behaviors among motorcyclists at signalized intersections in Taiwan. Transactions on Transport Sciences.


  • Huemer, A. K., Strauß, F. M., Vollrath, M. (2021). Funken beim Fahren – Ablenkungswirkung eines Funk-geräte-Mikrofons während der Fahrt. Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 67 (4), 215-221.
  • Huemer, A.K. & Strauß, F.M. (2021). Attitude vs. infrastructure: influences on the intention to overtake cyclists. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 10, 100397.
  • Vollrath, M., Clifford, C. & Huemer, A.K., (2021). Even experienced phone users drive worse while texting – A driving simulator study, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 78, 218-225.


  • Huemer, A.K., Gercek, S. & Vollrath, M. (2019).Secondary task engagement in German cyclists - An observational study. Safety Science, 120, 290-298,
  • Oehl, M., Brandenburg, S., & Huemer, A. K. (2019). German Professional Bike Messengers' Experiences and Expressions of Cycling Anger. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20:7, 753-758,
  • Vollrath, M.. Huemer, A.K., & Nicolai, C. (2019). Young people use their smartphone all the time - even when crossing the street? IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
  • Oehl, M., Brandenburg, S., & Huemer, A. K. (2019). Cyclists' anger experiences in traffic: The Cycling Anger Scale. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 62, 564-574.
  • McDonald, A. D., Alambeigi, H., Engström, J., Markkula, G., Vogelpohl, T., Dunne, J., & Yuma, N. (2019). Toward Computational Simulations of Behavior During Automated Driving Takeovers: A Review of the Empirical and Modeling Literatures. Human Factors, 61(4), 642-688,
  • Powelleit, M., & Vollrath, M. (2019). Situational influences on response time and maneuver choice: Development of time-critical scenarios. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 122, 48-62,
  • Ringhand, M., & Vollrath, M. (2019). Effect of complex traffic situations on route choice behaviour and driver stress in residential areas. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 60, 274-287,
  • Ringhand, M., & Vollrath, M. (2019). Faster or slower? Valence framing of car drivers' urban route choices. Transportation Research Procedia, 37, 123-130,
  • Schewe, F., & Vollrath, M. (2019). Visualizing distances as a function of speed: Design and evaluation of a distance-speedometer. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 64, 260-273,
  • Shet, R. A., & Schewe, F. (2019). Performance Evaluation of Cruise Controls and Their Impact on Passenger Comfort in Autonomous Vehicle Platoons. In 2019 IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring) (pp. 1-7). IEEE,


  • Huemer, A. K. (2018). Cycling under the influence of alcohol in Germany. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 56, 408-419,
  • Huemer, A. K. (2018). Motivating and deterring factors for two common traffic-rule violations of cyclists in Germany. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 54, 223-235,
  • Huemer, A. K., Oehl, M., & Brandenburg, S. (2018). Influences on anger in German urban cyclists. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, 969-979.
  • Huemer, A. K., Schumacher, M., Mennecke, M. & Vollrath, M. (2018). Systematic review of observational studies on secondary task engagement while driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 119, 225-236.
  • Ringhand, M. & Vollrath M. (2018). Make this detour and be unselfish! Influencing urban route choice by explaining traffic management. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 53, 99-116,

  • Vogelpohl, T., Kühn, M., Hummel, T., & Vollrath, M. (2018). Asleep at the automated wheel-Sleepiness and fatigue during highly automated driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention,
  • Vogelpohl, T., Kühn, M., Hummel, T., Gehlert, T., & Vollrath, M. (2018). Transitioning to manual driving requires additional time after automation deactivation. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 55, 464-482,
  • Winkler, S., Kazazi, J., & Vollrath, M. (2018). Practice makes better - Learning effects of driving with a multi-stage collision warning system. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 117, 398-409.
  • Winkler, S., Kazazi, J., & Vollrath, M. (2018). How to warn drivers in various safety-critical situations - Different strategies, different reactions. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 117, 410-426.


  • Schumacher, M.B., Jongen, S., Knoche,A., Petzke, F., Vuurman, E.F., Vollrath, M. & Ramaekers, J. (2017). Effect of chronic opioid therapy on actual driving performance in non-cancer pain patients. Psychopharmacology, DOI 10.1007/s00213-017-4539-3.
  • Vollrath, M. & Fischer, J. (2017). When does alcohol hurt? A driving simulator study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 109, 89-98.
  • Goralzik, A. & Vollrath, M. (2017). The effects of road, driver, and passenger presence on drivers' choice of speed: a driving simulator study. Transportation Research Procedia, 25, 2061-2075.
  • Ringhand, M. & Vollrath, M. (2017). Investigating urban route choice as a conflict between waiting at traffic lights and additional travel time. Transportation Research Procedia, 25, 2432-2444.


  • Huemer, A.K. & Eckhardt-Lieberam, K. (2016). Regelkenntnisse bei deutschen RadfahrerInnen: Online-Befragungen unter Erwachsenen und SchülerInnen. Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 62 (5), 250-260.
  • Vollrath, M., Huemer, A.K., Teller, C., Likhacheva, A. & Fricke, J. (2016). Do German Drivers use their Smartphones safely? - Not really! Accident Analysis and Prevention, 96, 29-38.
  • Kazazi, J., Winkler, S. & Vollrath, M. (2016). The influence of attention allocation and age on intersection accidents. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 43, 1-14.
  • Winkler, S., Werneke, J. & Vollrath, M. (2016). Timing of early warning stages in a multi stage collision warning system: Drivers' evaluation depending on situational influences. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 36, 57-68.
  • Vollrath, M., Huemer, A.K., Teller, C., Likhacheva, A., Fricke, J. (2016). Do German drivers use their smartphone safely? - Not really! Accident Analysis and Prevention, 96, 29-38.


  • Kazazi, J., Winkler, S. & Vollrath, M. (2015). Accident prevention through visual warnings. How to design warnings in head-up display for older and younger drivers. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18, 1028-1034.
  • Winkler, S., Kazazi, J. & Vollrath, M. (2015). Distractive or supportive - how warnings in the head-up display affect drivers' gaze and driving behavior. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18, 1035-1040.
  • Axer, S., Belz, J., Leske, K., Friedrich, B., Hesse, T. & Vollrath, M. (2015). Navigation of blind and visually impaired people. International Transportation, 67, 48-51.


  • Werneke, J., Kleen, A. & Vollrath, M. (2014). Perfect timing: Urgency, not driving situations, influence the best timing to activate warnings. Human Factors, 56(2).


  • Beller, J., Heesen, M., & Vollrath, M. (2013). Improving the driver-automation interaction: An approach using automation uncertainty. Human Factors, 55(6)
  • Werneke, J. & Vollrath, M. (2013). How to present collision warnings at intersections? - A comparison of different approaches. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 52, 91-99.


  • Muhrer, E., Reinprecht, K. & Vollrath, M. (2012). Driving with a partially autonomous forward collision warning system: how do drivers react? Human Factors, 54(5), 698-708.

  • Werneke, J. & Vollrath, M. (2012). What does the driver look at? The influence of intersection characteristics on attention allocation and driving behavior. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 45, 610-619.

  • Fofanova, J. & Vollrath, M. (2012). Distraction in older drivers - A face-to-face interview study. Safety Science, 50, 502-509.

  • Huemer, A.K., & Vollrath, M. (2012). Learning the Lane Change Task: Comparing different training regimes in semi-paced and continuous secondary tasks. Applied Ergonomics. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2012.01.002 .


  • Maciej, J., Nitsch, M. & Vollrath, M. (2011). Conversing while driving: The importance of visual information for conversation modulation. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 14, 512-524.
  • Muhrer, E. & Vollrath, M. (2011). The effect of visual and cognitive distraction on driver's anticipation in a simulated car following scenario. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 14, 555-566.
  • Fofanova, J. & Vollrath, M. (2011). Distraction while driving: The case of older drivers. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 14, 638-648.
  • Fofanova, J., Maciej, J. & Vollrath, M. (2011). Ältere Autofahrer beim Linksabbiegen: Eine Beobachtungsstudie im Realverkehr. Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 57(4), 176-180.
  • Huemer, A.K., Vollrath, M., (2011). Driver secondary tasks in Germany: Using interviews to estimate prevalence. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, 1703-1712.


  • Huemer, A.K., & Vollrath, M. (2010). Alcohol-related impairment in the Lane Change Task. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, 1983-1988.
  • Muhrer, E., & Vollrath, M. (2010). Expectations while car following—The consequences for driving behaviour in a simulated driving task. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42(6), 2158-2164.


  • Maciej, J. & Vollrath, M. (2009). Comparison of manual vs. speech-based interaction with in-vehicle information systems. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 41, 924-930.
  • Lang, T., Göres, T., Jünemann, D., Vollrath, M., Werneke, J. & Huemer, A. (2009). Untersuchung von "Human Factors" bei Landmaschinen. Landtechnik, 1, 58-60.
  • Vollrath, M., Maciej, J., Howe, J. & Briest, S. (2009). Fahren Ältere situationsbewusster als Jüngere? Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaften, 1, 23-32.


  • Vollrath, M. (2007). Speech and driving - solution or problem? IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 1(2), 89-94.
  • Vollrath, M. (2007). Elektronische Schutzengel: Fahrerassistenzsysteme. IQ Journal, 2/07, 6-7.
  • Vollrath, M. (2007). Das Auto denkt mit. DLR Nachrichten, 118, 20-23.