News & Dates

Biopsychology Poster Congress

Participants of the poster session

The first poster conference as part of our department's biopsychology seminar took place on 11 July. To round off the semester, the students presented the results of their group work. Their task was to model an everyday situation using a game theory or optimality model. We are delighted with the numerous ideas and the enjoyable event!

Talk at the PTB

On May 6, Prof. Dr. Frank Eggert and Dr. Matthias Borgstede (Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg) are invited to the PTB for a lecture on "A Theory of Psychological Measurement Based on Relational Responding" from 10:00 to 11:30 am. Further information and the link to the online broadcast can be found here

Logo of PTB

Quality Assurance and Quality Management

Die Teilnehmenden der Vortragsreihe

We are pleased that our lecture series about quality assurance and quality management took place again this summer semester. Under the direction of Hon.-Prof. Dr. med. René Brouwer, FETCS, we offered four exciting lectures, which this year focused on the topic of AI in medicine. We would like to thank Hon.-Prof. Dr. med. René Brouwer, FETCS and all participants for the inspiring insights and discussions! Further information on the lecture series can be found here

New Dates for the Course Quality Assurance and Quality Management

Hon.-Prof. Dr. med Rene Brouwer

This summer semester, Prof. Dr. med. René Brouwer, FETCS, is offering an additional course on methods of quality assurance and quality management. In four lectures, which can also be attended individually, various speakers will report on current methods and approaches.
Topics in this summer semester 2024:

  • Overview and introduction Big data and clinical data analysis (Tue, 16.04.2024, 16:45 - 18:15, PK11.4)
  • Logistic regression and clinical examples (Wed, 17.04.2024, 09:45 - 11:15, RR58.3)
  • Tree-based classification methods and clinical applications (Wed, 17.04.2024, 16:45 - 18:15, RR58.2)
  • AI in medicine (Thu, 18.04.2024, 9:45 - 11:15, RR58.3)

The event is open to all. Please join the course on Stud.IP if you would like to attend.

Talk at the 70th Biometric Colloquium in Lübeck

Logo of the Conference

Alex Rieger, Jan de Haan and Frank Eggert together with Anne-Kathrin Schneider (Institute of Geoecology, TU Braunschweig), Anett Schibalski (Thünen Institut) and Boris Schröder-Esselbach (TU Berlin) present their talk "Promises and limitations of applying structural equation modelling techniques from psychology in other disciplines exemplified in geoecology" at the 70th Biometric Colloquium in Lübeck. It deals with the application of existing, in particular dynamic, structural equation modelling in ecological contexts. This talk originates from the interdisciplinary project win^2 with researchers from the Institute of Geoecology at TU Braunschweig.