Hintmann, M., Zimbelmann, S., Emde, B., Biedendieck, R. & Jahn, D. (2024)
Antibiotic Effect of High-Power Blue Laser Radiation
Photonics 11, 220. 10.3390/photonics11030220
Zangenehzadeh, S., Agocs, E., Jivani, H., Könemund, L., Neumann, L., Hirschberg, F., Herdan, S., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Roth, B.W., Johannes, H.-H. & Kowalsky, W. (2023)
Bacteria detection in a Kretschmann geometry flow cell at a plasmon-enhanced interface with spectroscopic ellipsometer.
Thin Solid Films., 764: 139583. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2022.139583
Mayer, J., Knuuti, T., Baumgarten, L., Menke, E., Bischoff, L., Bunk, B., & Biedendieck, R. (2022)
Construction and application of a plasmid-based signal peptide library for improved secretion of recombinant proteins with Priestia megaterium.
Microorganisms 10: 777. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10040777
Könemund, L., Neumann, L., Hirschberg, F., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Johannes, H.-H., & Kowalsky, W. (2022)
Functionalization of an Extended-Gate Field-Effect Transistor (EGFET) for Bacteria Detection
Sci. Rep., 12:4397. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-08272-3
Neumann, L., Könemund, L., Rohnacher, V., Pucci, A., Johannes, H.-H. & Kowalsky, W. (2021)
A2BC-Type Porphyrin SAM on Gold Surface for Bacteria Detection Applications: Synthesis and Surface Functionalization.
Materials 14,1934. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14081934
Neumann, L., Könemund, L., Hirschberg, F., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Johannes, H.-H. & Kowalsky, W. (2021)
Synthesis of 5,15-A2BC-Type Porphyrin to Modify a Field-Effect Transistor for Detection of Gram-Negative Bacteria
International Surfaces, Coatings & Interfaces Conference (SurfCoat Korea 2021), Virtual Conference, MAI. 26 – 28, 2021, Conference Proceeding Paper
Agócs, E., Zangenehzadeh, S., Günther, A., Johannes, H.-H., Roth, B., Kowalsky, W.
Ellipsometer development for process monitoring, Digital Optical Technologies, Munich, 2023, poster.
Herdan, S., Neumann, L., Könemund, L., Biedendieck, R., Johannes, H.-H., Jahn, D., Kowalsky, W.
Modification of Conductive Surfaces via Tailored Dyes Derivatives for Bacterial Detection, Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, 2023, poster.
Hintmann, M., Zimbelmann, S., Emde, B., Jahn, D., Biedendieck, R.
Antibiotic effect of high power blue laser radiation, VAAM-Jahrestagung, Göttingen, 2023, talk.
Hintmann, M., Zimbelmann, S., Emde, B., Jahn, D., Biedendieck, R.
Antibiotic effect of high power blue laser radiation, Braunschweig International Graduate School of Metrology (B-IGSM) Summerschool, Kloster Drübeck, Ilsenburg, 2023, poster.
Könemund, L., Bongartz, A., Schröder, F., Herdan, S., Neumann, L., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Johannes, H.-H., Kowalsky, W.
An Extended-Gate Field-Effect Transistor as a Highly Sensitive Biosensor to Detect Bacteria, Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, 2023, poster.
Könemund, L., Bongartz, A., Schröder, F., Neumann, L., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Johannes, H.-H., Kowalsky, W.
Detection of Bacterial Strains by an Extended-Gate Field-Effect Transistor Modified with Different Functional Layers, SMSE, Singapore, 2023, invited talk.
Musiol, M., Thorns, M., Hafemann, B., Schröder, F., Hirschberg, F., Eckert, A., Biedendieck, R., Johannes, H.-H., Jahn, D., Kowalsky, W.
Combination of droplet oscillation and dielectrophoresis to increase the sensitivity of biosensors, Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, 2023, talk.
Musiol, M., Schröder, F., Eckert, A., Biedendieck, R., Johannes, H.-H., Jahn, D., Kowalsky, W.
Optimizing Dielectrophoresis by Inducing Fluid Flow, COMSOL Conference, Munich, 2023, poster.
Schepergerdes, L., Thiel, S., Bunk, B., Spröer, C., Overmann, J., Jahn, D., Biedendieck, R.
Bioelectrochemical conversion of different waste substrates by (defined) microbial communities. Braunschweig International Graduate School of Metrology (B-IGSM) Summerschool, Kloster Drübeck, Ilsenburg, 2023, poster.
Schepergerdes, L., Thiel, S., Brozmann, A., Jahn, D., Biedendieck, R.
Utilization of fatty acids from food wastes by enriched environmental bacteria towards energy generation via cocultivation with Geobacter sulfurreducens. World Congress of chemical engineering (WCCE11), Buenos Aires, 2023, talk.
Schröder, F., Zangenehzadeh, S., Agócs, E., Musiol, M., Schittenhelm, M., Bongartz, A., Eckert, A., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Roth, B. W., Johannes, H.-H., Kowalsky, W.
Ellipsometric detection of bacteria using dielectrophoresis, European Biophysical Society's Association Congress, Stockholm, 2023, poster.
Schröder, F., Zangenehzadeh, S., Agócs, E., Musiol, M., Schittenhelm, M., Bongartz, A., Eckert, A., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Roth, B. W., Johannes, H.-H., Kowalsky, W.
Ellipsometric detection of bacteria using dielectrophoresis, , Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, 2023, poster.
Zangenehzadeh, S., Herdan, S., Agócs, E., Neumann, L., Könemund, L., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Roth, B., Johannes, H.-H., Kowalsky, W.
Surface plasmon resonance biosensors analysis with different functionalized layers for bacteria detection, Euro-pean Biophysical Society's Association Congress, Stockholm, 2023, poster.
Zangenehzadeh, S., Schroeder, F., Herdan, S., Agócs, E., Amroun, N., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Roth, B., Johannes, H.-H., Kowalsky, W.
Phase Modulator Ellipsometry based Biosensor for Detection of E. coli K12, Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, 2023, poster.
Zangenehzadeh, S., Schroeder, F., Eckert, A., Herdan, S., Schittenhelm, M., Agócs, E., Hirschberg, F., Biedendieck, R., Johannes, H.-H., Jahn, D., Kowalsky, W.
Plasmonic Sensing Enhancement by Dielectrophoretic Trapping of Bacteria in Total Internal Reflection Ellipsometry, MRS, Boston, virtual conference, 2022, talk.
Eckert, A., Könemund, L., Kirklies, T., Herdan, S., Neumann, L., Hirschberg, F., Biedendieck, R., Johannes, H.-H., Jahn, D., Kowalsky, W.
Enhancement of Bacteria Detection with an Extended-Gate Field-Effect Transistor (EGFET) by Dielectrophoretic Trapping of Bacteria, MRS, Boston, virtual conference, 2022, poster.
Könemund, L., Neumann, L., Hirschberg, F., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Johannes, H.-H., Kowalsky, W.
Modification of a Field-Effect Transistor for Gram-Negative Bacteria Detection Using Porphyrin SAMs, International Surfaces, Coatings & Interfaces Conference (Surf-Coat Korea 2021), Virtual Conference, MAI. 26 – 28, 2021, talk.
Neumann, L., Könemund, L., Hirschberg, F., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Johannes, H.-H., Kowalsky, W.
Synthesis of 5,15-A2BC-Type Porphyrin to Modify a Field-Effect Transistor for Detection of Gram-Negative Bacteria, International Surfaces, Coatings & Interfaces Conference (SurfCoat Korea 2021), Virtual Conference, MAI. 26 – 28, 2021, talk.