Peer reviewed articles
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Zangenehzadeh, S., Agocs, E., Schröder, F., Amroun, N., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Günther, A., Zheng, L., Roth, B., Johannes, H.-H. & Kowalsky, W. (2024)
Polarization modulated spectroscopic ellipsometry-based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for E. coli K12 detection.
Sci Rep. 14, 27046
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Zimbelmann, S., Hintmann, M., Baumann, M., Jahn, D., Biedendieck, R. & Emde, B. (2024)
Selective Lethal Impact of Blue Laser Radiation Compared to High-Power LED Irradiation on Naturally Grown Biofouling in the Context of Underwater Biofouling Cleaning.
Procedia CIRP. 124, 696–699
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Piskol, F., Lukat, P., Kaufhold, L., Heger, A., Blankenfeldt, W., Jahn, D. & Moser, J. (2024)
Biochemical and structural elucidation of the L-carnitine degradation pathway of the human pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii
Front Microbiol. 15, 1446595
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Muñoz-Villagrán, C., Acevedo-Arbunic, J., Härtig, E., Sievers, S., Zühlke, D., Issotta, F., Mascayano, C., Jahn, D., Jahn, M., & Levicán, G. (2024)
The thioredoxin fold protein (TFP2) from extreme acidophilic Leptospirillum sp. CF-1 is a chaperedoxin-like protein that pre-vents the aggregation of proteins under oxidative stress
Int J Mol Sci. (IJMS), 25, 6905
PUBMED: 38544863
Mingers, T., Mass, V., Barthels, S., Borrero De Acuña, S.M., Biedendieck, R., Cooke, A., Dailey, T., Gerdes, S., Blankenfeld, W., Dailey, H., Warren, M., Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2024)
The Alternative Coproporphyrinogen III Oxidase (CgoN) Catalyzes the Oxygen-independent Conversion of Coproporphyrinogen III into Coproporphyrin III
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Hintmann, M., Zimbelmann, S., Emde, B., Biedendieck, R. & Jahn, D. (2024)
Antibiotic Effect of High-Power Blue Laser Radiation
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Pucelik, S., Becker, M., Heyber, S., Wöhlbrand, L., Rabus, R. A., Jahn, D. & Haertig, E. (2024)
The blue light-dependent LOV-protein LdaP of Dinoroseobacter shibae acts as antirepressor of the PpsR repressor, regulating photosynthetic gene cluster expression
Front Microbiol, 15, 1351297
Book articles and Reviews
Simon, M., Brinkhoff, T., Cypionka, H., Dittmar, T., Engelen, B., Blasius, B., Niggemann, J., Rabus, R., Moraru, C., Daniel, R., Jahn, D., Wagner-Doebler, I., Härtig, E., Schulz, S., Schomburg, D., Hiller, K., Göker, M., Overmann, J., Petersen, J., Pradella, S. & Dickschat, J. (2024)
Transregional Collaborative Research Centre (TRR 51) Ecology, Physiology and Molecular Biology of the Roseobacter Group: Towards a Systems Biology Understanding of a Globally Important Group of Marine Bacteria. Zenodo.
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Wichmann, J., Staar, M., Kubiak, M., Solarczek, J., Mayer, J., Jahn, D., Kampen, I., Schilde, C., Schallmey, A. & Biedendieck, R. (2024)
Correlation of structure and properties of enzyme crystals in consideration of downstream processing and formulation.
In "Dispersity, Structure and Phase Changes of Proteins and Bio Agglomerates in Biotechnological Processes", Kwade, A. and Kampen, I. (Eds.) Springer Nature, S. 1-57
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-63164-1_6
Brune, S.E., Jahn, D., Krull, R. & Biedendieck, R. (2024)
Production, purification, and characterization of recombinant β-lactoglobulin variants.
In "Dispersity, Structure and Phase Changes of Proteins and Bio Agglomerates in Biotechnological Processes", Kwade, A. and Kampen, I. (Eds.) Springer Nature, S. 181-200
Peer reviewed articles
PUBMED: 38067103
Kretschmer, M., Müller, J., Henke, P., Otto, V., Rodriguez, A.A., Müsken, M., Jahn, D., Borrero-de Acuña, J.M., Neumann-Schaal, M. & Wegner, A. (2023)
Isolation and Quantification of Bacterial Membrane Vesicles for Quantitative Metabolic Studies Using Mammalian Cell Cultures.
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Dougan, K.E., Zhi-Luo Deng, Z.-L., Wöhlbrand, L., Reuse, C., Bunk, B., Chen, Y., Hartlich, J., Hiller; K., John, U., Kalvelage, J., Mansky, J., Neumann-Schaal, M., Overmann, J., Petersen, J., Sanchez Garcia, S., Schmidt-Hohagen, K., Sha, S., Spröer, C., Sztajer, H., Wang, H., Bhattacharya, D., Rabus, R., Jahn, D., Xin Chan, C. & Wagner-Döbler, I. (2023)
Multi-omics analysis reveals the molecular response to heat stress in a “red tide” dinoflagellate
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Hamed, M.M., Abdelsamie, A. S., Rox, K., Schütz, C., Kany, A. M., Röhrig, T., Schmelz, S., Blankenfeldt,W., Arce-Rodriguez, A., Borrero-de Acuña, J. M., Jahn, D., Rademacher, J., Ringshausen, F., Cramer, N., Tümmler, B., Hirsch, A. K. H., Hartmann R. W. & Empting, M. (2023)
Towards translation of PqsR inverse agonists: from in vitro efficacy optimization to in vivo proof-of-principle
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Zangenehzadeh, S., Agocs, E., Jivani, H., Könemund, L., Neumann, L., Hirschberg, F., Herdan, S., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Roth, B.W., Johannes, H.-H. & Kowalsky, W. (2023)
Bacteria detection in a Kretschmann geometry flow cell at a plasmon-enhanced interface with spectroscopic ellipsometer.
Thin Solid Films., 764: 139583
Book articles and Reviews
Dudek, C. A., Overmann, J. & Jahn, D. (2023)
Vorhersage bakterieller Genregulation
BIOspektrum 19:252-254
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Mangan, M.S.J., Gorki, F., Krause, K., Heinz, A., Pankow, A., Ebert,T., Jahn, .D, Hiller, K., Hornung, V., Maurer, M., Schmidt, F.I., Gerhard, R., Latz, E. (2022)
Transcriptional licensing is required for Pyrin inflammasome activation in human macrophages and bypassed by mutations causing familial Mediterranean fever.
PLOS Biol. 20(11):e300135
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Piskol, F., Neubauer, K., Eggers, M., Bode, L. M., Jasper, J., Slusarenko, A., Reijerse, E., Lubitz, W., Jahn, D. & Moser, J. (2022)
Two-component carnitine monooxygenase from Escherichia coli: Functional characterization, Inhibition and mutagenesis of the molecular interface.
Biosc Rep., 42:BSR20221102
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Ballmann, R., Hotop, S.-K., Bertoglio, F., Steinke, S., Heine, P. A., Chaudhry, M.-Z., Jahn, D., Pucker, B., Baldanti, F., Piralla, A., Schubert,M., Čičin-Šain,L., Hust, M. & Dübel, S. (2022)
ORFeome phage display reveals a major immunogenic epitope on the S2 subdomain of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein.
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Biwer, P., Neumann-Schaal, M., Henke, P., Jahn, D. & Schulz, S. (2022)
Thiol metabolism and volatile metabolome of Clostridioides difficile.
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Könemund, L., Neumann, L., Hirschberg, F., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D., Johannes, H.-H. & Kowalsky, W. (2022)
Functionalization of an Extended-Gate Field-Effect Transistor (EGFET) for Bacteria Detection.
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Michel, A.-M., Manuel Borrero-de Acuña, J. M., Molinari, G., Ünal, C. M., Will, S., Derksen, E., Barthels, S., Bartram, W., Schrader, M., Rohde, M., Zhang, H., Hoffmann, T., Neumann-Schaal, M., Bremer, E. & Jahn, D. (2022)
Cellular adaptation of Clostridioides difficile to high salinity encompasses a compatible solute-responsive change in cell morphology.
Env Microbiol., 24:1499-1517
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Mansky, J., Wang, H., Ebert, M., Tomasch, J., Härtig, E., Jahn, D. & Wagner-Döbler, I (2022)
The influence of genes on the “killer plasmid” of Dinoroseobacter shibae on its symbiosis with the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum.
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Dudek, C.-A. & Jahn, D. (2022)
PRODORIC: state-of-the-art database of prokaryotic gene regulation.
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Book articles and Reviews
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Neumann-Schaal, M., Groß, U., Just, I., & Jahn, D. (2022)
Editorial: The Deadly Secrets of C. difficile—Insights Into Host-Pathogen Interaction.
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Editorial: The Deadly Secrets of C. difficile—Insights Into Host-Pathogen Interaction Volume II.
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Layer, G., Jahn, M., Moser, J. & Jahn, D. (2022)
Radical SAM Enzymes Involved in Tetrapyrrole Biosynthesis and Insertion.
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Peer reviewed articles
PUBMED: 34177868
Brauer, M., Lassek, C., Hinze, C., Hoyer, J., Becher, D., Jahn, D., Sievers, S., & Riedel, K. (2021)
What’s a biofilm? – How the choice of the biofilm model impacts the protein inventory of Clostridioides difficile.
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Beier, N, Kucklick, M, Fuchs, S., Mustafayeva, S., Behringer, M.,Härtig, E., Jahn, D., & Engelmann, S. (2021)
Adaptation of Dinoroseobacter shibae to oxidative stress and the specific role of RirA,
PLOS ONE, 16, e0248865
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Troitzsch, D., Zhang, H., Dittmann, S., Düsterhöft, D., Möller, T., Michel, A.-M., Jänsch, L., Riedel, K., Borrero-de Acuña, J., Jahn, D., & Sievers, S. (2021)
A point mutation in the transcriptional repressor PerR results in a constitutive oxidative stress response in Clostridioides difficile 630Δerm,
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Complexity of macrophage metabolism during infection,
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Hofmann, J. D., Biedendieck, R., Michel, A. M., Schomburg, D., Jahn, D. & Neumann-Schaal, M. (2021)
Influence of L-lactate and low glucose concentrations on the metabolism and the toxin formation of Clostridioides difficile,
PLOS ONE, 16, e0244988
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Towards recombinantly produced milk proteins: Physicochemical and emulsifying properties of engineered whey protein beta-lactoglobulin variants
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Book articles and Reviews
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The “Beauty in the beast” – the multiple uses of Priestia megaterium in biotechnology
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 105, 5719-5737
Jahn, M., Jahn, D., and Warren, M.J. (2021)
Bioenergetics Theory and Components| Heme Synthesis Three Ways in: Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry
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Peer reviewed articles
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Wiesselmann, M., Hebecker, S., Borrero-de Acuña, J., Nimtz, M., Bollivar, D., Jänsch, L., Moser, J., & Jahn, D. (2021)
Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase from Rhodobacter capsulatus: Radical SAM-dependent synthesis of the isocyclic ring of bacteriochlorophylls
Biochem. J., 477:4635-4654
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Chang, A., Jeske, L., Ulbrich, S., Hofmann, J., Koblitz, J., Schomburg, I., Neumann-Schaal, M., Jahn, D. & Schomburg, D. (2020)
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Massmig, M., Reijerse, E., Krausze, J., Laurich, C., Lubitz, W., Jahn, D. & Moser, J. (2020)
Carnitine metabolism in the human gut: Characterization of the two-component carnitine monooxygenase CntAB from Acinetobacter baumannii
J. Biol. Chem., 295,13065-13078
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Zwaag, J., ter Horst, R., Blaženović, I., Stoessel, D., Ratter, J., Worseck, J., Schauer, N., Stienstra, R., Netea, M., Jahn, D., Pickkers, P. & Kox, M. (2020)
Involvement of lactate and pyruvate in the anti-inflammatory effects exerted by voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system
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Kubannek, F., Thiel, S., Bunk, B., Huber, K., Overmann, J., Krewer, U., Biedendieck, R. & Jahn, D. (2020)
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Jasper, J., Vazquez Ramos, J., Trncik, C., Jahn, D., Einsle, O., Layer, G. & Moser, J. (2020)
Chimeric Interaction of Nitrogenase-like Reductases with the MoFe Protein of Nitrogenase.
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Behringer, M., Plötzky, L., Baabe, D., Zaretzke, M.-K., Schweyen, P., Bröring, M., Jahn, D., & Härtig, E. (2020)
RirA of Dinoroseobacter shibae senses iron via a [3Fe-4S]1+ cluster coordinated by three cysteine residues.
Biochem. J., 477,191-212
Book articles and Reviews
Jahn, M., Jahn, D., Moran, L. A., Horton, H. R., Scrimgeour, R. G., & Perr, M. D. (2020)
Horton Biochemie kompakt.
Pearson Studium, Pearson Deutschland, Munich, Germany
Peer reviewed articles
Jaensch, L., Bernal, I., Scheibel,J., Groebe, L., Klawonn,F., Neumann-Schaal, M., Hofmann, J.D., Michel, A.M., Jahn, D., Gerhard, R. & Bruder, D. (2019)
Role of human mucosal-associated invariant T (MALT) cells in age-associated Clostridium difficile infections.
Europ. J. Immun. 49, 143-144.
PUBMED: 31649093
Thiel, S., Bunk, B., Spröer, C., Overmann, J., Jahn, D. & Biedendieck, R. (2019)
Complete genome sequence of Raoultella electrica 1GB (DSM 102253T), isolated from anodic biofilms of a glucose-fed microbial fuel cell.
Microbiol Resour Announc 8(43)
PUBMED: 31227867
Mayer, J., Pippel, J., Günther, G., Müller, C., Lauermann, A., Knuuti, T., Blankenfeldt, W., Jahn, D. & Biedendieck, R. (2019)
Crystal structures and protein engineering of three different penicillin G acylases from Gram-positive bacteria with different thermostability.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 103:7537-7552
PUBMED: 30912268
Timmis, K.N., Cavicchioli, R., Garcia, J.L., Nogales, B., Chavarría, M., Stein, L., McGenity, T.J., Webster, N., Singh, B., Handelsman, J., de Lorenzo, V., Pruzzo, C., Timmis, J., Ramos Martín, J.L., Verstraete, W., Jetten, M., Danchin, A., Huang, W., Gilbert, J., Lal, R., Santos, H., Sang, S.Y., Sessitsch, A., Bonfante, P., Gram, L., Lin, R.T.P., Ron, E., Karahan, C., van der Meer, J.R., Artunkal, S., Jahn, D. & Harper, L. (2019)
The urgent need for microbiology literacy in society
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PUBMED: PMC6459899
Ünal, C. M., Karagöz, M. S., Berges, M., Priebe, C., Borrero De Acuña, J. M., Wissing, J., Jänsch, L., Jahn, D. & Steinert, M. (2019)
Pleiotropic Clostridioides difficile cyclophilin PpiB controls cysteine-tolerance, toxin production, the central metabolism and multiple stress responses
Front. Pharmacol. 10:340
PUBMED: 30835726
Münch, K., Münch, R., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D. & Müller, J. (2019)
Evolutionary model for the unequal segregation of high copy plasmids
PLOS Comp. Biol., 15:e1006724
PUBMED: 30608141
Blaženović, I., Kind, T., Sa, M., Ji, J., Vaniya, A., Wancewicz, B., Roberts, B., Torbasinovic, H., Lee, T., Mehta, S., Showalter, M., Song, H., Kwok, J., Jahn, D., Kim, J. & Fiehn, O. (2019)
Structure annotation of all mass spectra in untargeted metabolomics
Anal. Chem., 91:2155-2162
PUBMED: 30353924
Groenewald, M., Hebecker, S., Fritz, C., Czolkoss, S., Wieselmann, M., Heinz, D., Jahn, D., Narberhaus, F., Meriyem, A. & Moser, J. (2019)
Virulence of Agrobacterium tumefaciens requires Lipid Homeostasis mediated by the Lysyl-Phosphatidylglycerol Hydrolase
Mol. Microbiol., 111:269-286
Book articles and Reviews
Jahn, D. & Timmis, K. (2019)
Mikrobiologisches Wissen für alle bedeutet Klimaschutz!
BIOspektrum 25: 595.
PUBMED: 30828322
Neumann-Schaal, M., Jahn, D. & Schmidt-Hohagen, K. (2019)
Metabolism the difficile way - the key to the success of the pathogen Clostridioides difficile
Front. Microbiol., 10:219
Müller, K., Mingers, T., Haskamp, V., Jahn, D. & Jahn, M (2019)
Biosynthesis and Insertion of Heme
in "Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Series. Aerobic Utilization of Hydrocarbons, Oils, and Lipids", Rojo, F. (Eds.) Springer Nature, Cham, Schweiz, 201 – 228
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Berges, M. , Michel, A.-M., Lassek, C., , Nuss, A. M., Beckstette, M., Dersch, P., Riedel, K., Sievers, S., Becher, D., Otto, A. , Maaß, S., Rohde, M., Eckweiler, D., Borrero-de Acuna, J. M., Jahn, M. J., Neumann-Schaal, M. & Jahn, D. (2018)
Iron regulation in Clostridioides difficile
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PUBMED: 30564207
Ünal, C. M., Berges, M., Smit,N. Schiene-Fischer, C., Priebe, C., Strowig, T., Jahn, D. & Steinert, M. (2018)
PrsA2 (CD630_35000) of Clostridioides difficile is an active parvulin-type PPIase and a virulence modulator
Front. Microbiol., 9:2913
PUBMED: 30410474
Bernal, I, Hofmann, J. D., Bulitta, B., Klawonn, F., Michel, A.-M., Jahn, D., Neumann-Schaal, M., Bruder, D. & Jänsch, L. (2018)
Clostridioides difficile activates human mucosal-associated invariant T cells.
Front. Microbiol., 9:2532
PUBMED: 30186274
Hofmann, J. D., Otto, A., Berges, M., Biedendieck, R., Michel, A.-M., Becher, D., Jahn, D. & Neumann-Schaal, M. (2018)
Metabolic reprogramming of Clostridioides difficile during the stationary phase with the induction of toxin production.
Front. Microbiol., 9:1970
PUBMED: 30039521
Härtig, E., Frädrich, C., Behringer, M., Hartmann, A. , Neumann-Schaal, M. & Jahn, D. (2018)
Functional definition of the two effector binding sites, the oligomerization and DNA binding domains of the Bacillus subtilis LysR-type transcriptional regulator AlsR.
Mol. Microbiol., 109:845-864
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Groenewold, M., Massmig, M., Hebecker, S., Danne, L., Magnowska, Z., Nimtz, M., Narberhaus, F., Jahn, D., Heinz, D.W., Jänsch, L. & Moser, J. (2018)
A phosphatidic acid binding protein is important for lipid homeostasis and adaptation to anaerobic biofilm conditions in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Biochem J. 475:1885–1907
PUBMED: 29867814
Kirchhoff, C., Ebert, M., Jahn, D. & Cypionka, H. (2018)
Chemiosmotic energy conservation in Dinoroseobacter shibae: Proton translocation driven by aerobic respiration, denitrification and photosynthetic light reaction.
Front. Microbiol. 9:903
PUBMED: 29282292
Haskamp, V., Karrie, S., Mingers, T., Barthels, S., Alberge, F., Magalon, A., Müller, K., Bill, E., Lubitz, W., Kleeberg, K., Schweyen, P., Bröring, M., Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2018)
The radical SAM protein HemW is a heme chaperone.
J Biol Chem. 293:2558-2572
Peer reviewed articles
PUBMED: 29136200
Eckweiler, D., Dudek, C.-A., Hartlich, J., Broetje, D. & Jahn, D. (2017)
PRODORIC2: the bacterial gene regulation database in 2018.
Nucleic Acids Res. 46:D320-D326
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Borrero-de Acuña, J.M., Timmis, K.N., Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2017)
Protein complex formation during denitrification by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Microb Biotechnol. 10:1523-1534
PUBMED: 28765283
Ebert, M., Schweyen, P., Bröring, M., Laass, S., Härtig, E. & Jahn, D. (2017)
Heme and nitric oxide binding by the transcriptional regulator DnrF from the marine bacterium Dinoroseobacter shibae increases napD promoter affinity.
J. Biol. Chem. 292:15468-15480
PUBMED: 28619474
Riedel, T., Wetzel, D., Hofmann, J.D., Plorin, S.P.E.O., Dannheim, H., Berges, M., Zimmermann, O., Bunk, B., Schober, I., Spröer, C., Liesegang, H., Jahn, D., Overmann, J., Groß, U. & Neumann-Schaal, M. (2017)
High metabolic versatility of different toxigenic and non-toxigenic Clostridioides difficile isolates
Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 307:311-320
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Blaženović, I., Kind, T., Torbašinović, H., Obrenović, S., Mehta, S.S., Tsugawa, H., Wermuth, T., Schauer, N., Jahn, M., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D. & Fiehn, O. (2017)
Comprehensive comparison of in silico MS/MS fragmentation tools of the CASMI contest: database boosting is needed to achieve 93% accuracy
J. Cheminform. 9:32
PUBMED: 28473807
Ebert, M., Laass, S., Thürmer, A., Roselius L., Eckweiler, D., Daniel, R., Härtig, E. & Jahn, D. (2017)
FnrL and three Dnr regulators are used for the metabolic adaptation to low oxygen tension in Dinoroseobacter shibae.
Front. Microbiol. 8:642
Books, Book articles and Reviews
Jahn, D. (2017)
Das Mikrobiom. Dein Freund und Helfer
Audi BKK Magazin-Gesundheit 02/2017, Seite 8-13
PUBMED: 28123057
Dailey, H., Dailey, T., Gerdes, S., Jahn, D., Jahn, M., O´Brian, M. & Warren, M. J. (2017)
Prokaryotic heme biosynthesis: mutiple pathways to a common essential product.
Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 81:e00048-16
Peer reviewed articles
PUBMED: 28006011
Nuss, A. M., Schuster, F., Roselius L., Klein, J., Bücker, R., Herbst, K., Heroven, A. K., Pisano, F., Wittmann, C., Münch, R., Müller, J., Jahn, D. & Dersch, P. (2016)
A precise temperature-responsive bistable switch controlling Yersinia virulence.
PLOS Pathogens, 12: e1006091
PUBMED: 27466367
Füller, J. J., Röpke, R., Krausze, J., Rennhack, K. E., Daniel, N. P., Blankenfeldt, W., Schulz, S., Jahn, D. & Moser J. (2016)
Biosynthesis of Violacein: Structure and Function of L-Tryptophan Oxidase VioA from Chromobacterium violaceum.
J. Biol. Chem., 291: 20068-20084
PUBMED: 27303368
Patzelt, D., Michael, V., Päuker, O., Ebert, M., Tielen, P., Jahn, D., Tomasch, J., Petersen, J. & Wagner-Döbler, I. (2016)
Gene flow across genus barriers - Conjugation of Dinoroseobacter shibae's 191-kb killer plasmid into Phaeobacter inhibens and AHL-mediated expression of type IV secretion systems.
Front. Microbiol., 7: 742
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Books, Book articles and Reviews
Rabus, R., Engelmann, S., Jahn, D., Petersen, J., Schomburg, D., Schulz, S. & Wagner-Döbler, I. (2016)
Systembiologie der marinen Roseobacter-Gruppe
Systembiologie, 11: 16-19
Peer reviewed articles
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Hebecker, S. , Krausze, J., Hasenkampf, T., Schneider, J., Groenewold, M., Reichelt, J., Jahn, D., Heinz, D. W. & Moser, J. (2015)
Structures of two bacterial resistance factors mediating tRNA-dependent aminoacylation of phosphatidylglycerol with lysine or alanine
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Borrero-de Acuña, J. M., Molinari, G., Rohde, M., Dammeyer, T., Wissing, J., Jänsch, L., Arias, S. , Jahn, M. , Schobert, M. , Timmis, K.N. & Jahn, D. (2015)
A periplasmic complex of the nitrite reductase NirS, the chaperone DnaK and the flagellum protein FliC is essential for flagellum assembly and motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
J Bacteriol., 197:3066-3075
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Rücker, N., Billig, S., Bücker, R., Jahn, D., Wittmann, C. & Bange F. C. (2015)
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Broadened Substrate Specificity of 3-Hydroxyethyl Bacteriochlorophyllide α Dehydrogenase (BchC) Indicates a New Route for the Biosynthesis of Bacteriochlorophyll α
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Münch, K., Müller, J., Wienecke, S., Bergmann, S., Heyber, S., Biedendieck, R., Münch, R. & Jahn, D. (2015)
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Klingner, A., Bartsch, A., Dogs, M., Wagner-Döbler, I., Jahn, D., Simon, M., Brinkhoff, T., Becker, J. & Wittmann, C. (2015)
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Kiesel, S., Wätzlich, D., Lange, C., Reijerse, E., Bröcker, M.J., Rüdiger, W., Lubitz, W., Scheer, H., Moser, J. & Jahn, D. (2015)
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J Biol Chem., 290:1141-1154
Books, Book articles and Reviews
Borrero-de Acuña, J.M., Jänsch, L., Rohde, M., Timmis, K.N., Jahn, D. & Jahn, M. (2015)
Interatomic Characterization of Protein–Protein Interactions in Membrane-Associated Mega-complexes.
In: McGenity, T., Timmis, K., Nogales , B. (eds) Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols. Springer Protocols Handbooks. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Jahn, D. (2015)
CDiff: Systembiologie, Toxine und Epidemiologie von Clostridium difficile
BIOspektrum, 05:490-492
Madigan, M.T., Martinko, J.M., Stahl, D. & Clark, D.P. (2015)
Brock Mikrobiologie kompakt
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Peer reviewed articles
PUBMED: 25193818
Roselius, L., Langemann, D., Müller, J., Hense, B., Filges, S., Jahn, D. & Münch, R. (2014)
Modeling and analysis of a gene-regulatory feed-forward loop with basal expression of the second regulator
J Theoret Biol., 363:290-299
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Stojanovski, B. M., Hunter, G. A., Jahn, M., Jahn, D. & Ferreira, G.C. (2014)
Unstable reaction intermediates and hysteresis during the catalytic cycle of 5-aminolevulinate synthase: Implications from using pseudo and alternate substrates and a promiscuous enzyme variant
J Biol Chem., 289:22915-22925
PUBMED: 24962471
Zwerschke, D., Karrie, S., Jahn, D. & Jahn, M. (2014)
Leishmania major possesses a unique HemG-type protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase
Biosci Rep., 3:e00124
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Borrero-de Acuña, J.-M., Bielecka, A., Häussler, S., Schobert, M., Jahn, M., Wittmann, C., Jahn, D. & Poblete-Castro, I. (2014)
Production of medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate in metabolic flux optimized Pseudomonas putida
Microb Cell Fact., 13:88
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Laass, S., Kleist, S., Bill, N., Drueppell, K., Kossmehl, S., Woehlbrand, L., Rabus, R., Klein, J., Rohde, M., Bartsch, A., Wittmann, C., Schmidt-Hohagen, K., Tielen, P., Jahn, D. & Schomburg, D. (2014)
Gene regulatory and metabolic adaptation processes of Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL12T during oxygen depletion
J Biol Chem, 289:13219-13231
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Berger, A., Dohnt, K., Tielen, P., Jahn, D., Becker, J. & Wittmann, C. (2014)
Robustness and plasticity of metabolic pathway flux among uropathogenic isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
PLoS ONE, 9:e88368
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Genome sequence of the acute urethral catheter isolate Pseudomonas aeruginosa MH38
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Tielen, P., Wibberg, D., Blom, J., Rosin, N., Meyer, A.-K., Bunk, B., Schobert, M., Tüpker, R., Schatschneider, S., Rückert, C., Albersmeier, A., Goesmann, A., Vorhölter, F.-J., Jahn, D. & Pühler, A. (2014)
Genome sequence of the small colony variant Pseudomonas aeruginosa MH27 isolated from a chronic urethral catheter infection
GenomeA, 2:e01174-13
Book articles and Reviews
PUBMED: 23179618
Magnowska, Z., Hartmann, I., Jänsch, L. & Jahn, D. (2014)
Membrane proteomics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Methods Mol Biol., 1149: 213-224
Schomburg, D., Retter, I. & Jahn, D. (2014)
Braunschweiger Systembiologie-Zentrum BRICS - Systembiologie für Infektionsforschung und Biotechnologie, 08:28-31
Jahn, D. (2014)
Erreger und Epidemiologie - Clostridium difficile im Visier
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Peer reviewed articles
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Ebert, M.*, Laaß, S.*, Burghartz, M., Petersen, J., Koßmehl, S., Wöhlbrand, L., Rabus, R., Wittmann, C., Tielen, P. & Jahn, D. (2013)
Transposon mutagenesis identified chromosomal and plasmid encoded genes essential for the adaptation of the marine bacterium Dinoroseobacter shibaeto anaerobic conditions.
J Bacteriol., 195:4769-4777
*contributed equally to this work
PUBMED: 23823498
Patzelt, D., Wang, H., Buchholz, I., Rohde, M., Gröbe, L., Pradella, S., Neumann, A., Schulz, S., Heyber, S., Münch, K., Münch, R., Jahn, D., Wagner-Döbler, I. & Tomasch, J. (2013)
You are what you talk: quorum sensing induces individual morphologies and cell division modes in Dinoroseobacter shibae
ISME J., 7:2274-2286
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Tielen, P., Rosin, N., Dohnt, K., Haddad, I., Jänsch, L., Klein J., Meyer, A.-K., Narten, M., Pommerenke, C., Scheer, M., Schobert., M., Schomburg, D. & Jahn, D. (2013)
Regulatory and metabolic networks for the adaptation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to urinary tract-like conditions
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Frädrich, C., Krausze, J., Quade, N., Schubert, M., Heinz, D.W., Jahn, D. & Härtig, E. (2013)
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Kaufholz, A.-L., Hunter, G. A., Ferreira, G. A., Lendrihas, T., Hering, V., Layer, G., Jahn, M. & Jahn D. (2013)
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Moser, J., Lange, C., Krausze, J., Rebelein, J., Schubert, W.-D., Ribbe, M., Heinz, D.W. & Jahn, D. (2013)
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PUBMED: 23036925
Steen, A., Ütkür, F.Ö., Borrero-de Acuña, J.M., Bunk, B., Roselius, L., Bühler, B., Jahn, D. & Schobert, M. (2013)
Construction and characterization of nitrate and nitrite respiring Pseudomonas putida KT2440 strains for anoxic biotechnical applications
J Biotechnol., 163:155-165
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Korneli, C., David, F., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D. & Wittmann, C. (2013)
Getting the big beast to work--systems biotechnology of Bacillus megaterium for novel high-value proteins
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Korneli, C., Biedendieck, R., David, F., Jahn, D. & Wittmann, C. (2013)
High yield production of extracellular recombinant levansucrase by Bacillus megaterium
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 97:3343-3353
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Diekmann, N., Burghartz, M., Remus, L., Kaufholz, A.-L., Nawrath, T., Rohde, M., Schulz, S., Roselius, L., Schaper, J., Mamber, O., Jahn, D. & Jahn, M. (2013)
Microbial communities related to volatile organic compound emission in automobile air conditioning units
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 97: 8777-8793
Book articles and Reviews
Kaufholz, A.-L., Layer, G., Heinz, D., Jahn M. & Jahn, D. (2013)
The Structural Basis of Porphyrias - Defects of Heme Biosynthetic Enzymes
in Handbook of Porphyrin Science, Vol. 29, Ferreira, G. C., Kadish, K. M., Smith, K. M. (Eds.), p. 1 - 42, World Scientific Pub. Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
Peer reviewed articles
PUBMED: 23046954
Härtig, E. & Jahn, D. (2012)
Regulation of the Anaerobic Metabolism in Bacillus subtilis
Adv Microb Physiol., 61:195-216
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Klein, J., Leupold, S., Biegler, I., Biedendieck, R., Münch, R. & Jahn, D. (2012)
TLM-Tracker: Software for cell segmentation, tracking and lineage analysis in time-lapse microscopy movies
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Frädrich, C., March, A., Fiege, K., Hartmann, A., Jahn, D. & Härtig, E. (2012)
The transcription factor AlsR binds and regulates the promoter of the alsSD operon responsible for acetoin formation in Bacillus subtilis
J Bacteriol., 194: 1100-1112
PUBMED: 22142238
Abicht, H.K., Martinez, J., Layer, G., Jahn, D. & Solioz, M. (2012)
Lactococcus lactis HemW (HemN) is a heme-binding protein with a putative role in heme trafficking
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Shevshuk, O., Roselius, L., Günther, G., Klein, J., Jahn, D., Steinert, M. & Münch, R. (2012)
InFiRe - a novel computational method for the identification of insertion sites in transposon mutagenized bacterial genomes
Bioinformatics, 28:306-310
Book articles and Reviews
Jahn, D., Krull, R. & Wittmann, C. (Eds.) (2012)
From gene to product - Development of biotechnological processes by integrating genetic and engineering methods. Concluding reports, collaborative research centre SFB 578.
Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-17305-9 2.
Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2012)
Electron transfer reactions and oxidative phosphorylation
in "Biochemical pathways: an atlas of biochemistry and molecular biology" Michal, G., Schomburg, D. (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons, p 183-187
Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2012)
in "Biochemical pathways: an atlas of biochemistry and molecular biology" Michal, G., Schomburg, D. (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons, p 82-92
Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2012)
Protein synthesis in bacteria
in "Biochemical pathways: an atlas of biochemistry and molecular biology" Michal, G., Schomburg, D. (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons, p 210-218.
Tielen, P., Schobert, M., Härtig, E. & Jahn, D. (2012)
Anaerobic regulatory networks in bacteria
in "Bacterial regulatory networks", Filloux, A. A. M. (Ed.), Horizon Academic Press, Norwich, UK, 273 - 305
Bröcker, M., Jahn, D. & Moser, J. (2012)
Key Enzymes of Chlorophyll Biosynthesis
in "Handbook of Porphyrin Science", 20, 1-43
Peer reviewed articles
PUBMED: 21935588
Borgmeier, C., Biedendieck, R., Hoffmann, K., Jahn, D. & Meinhardt, F. (2011)
Transcriptome profiling of degU expression reveals unexpected regulatory patterns in Bacillus megaterium and discloses new targets for optimizing expression
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 92: 583-596
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Eppinger, M., Bunk, B., Johns, M.A., Edirisinghe, J.N., Kutumbaka, K.K., Koenig, S.S.K., Creasy, H.H., Rosovitz, M.J., Riley, D.R., Daugherty, S., Martin, M., Elbourne, L.D.H., Paulsen, I., Biedendieck, R., Braun, C., Grayburn, Dhingra, S., Lukyanchuk, V., Ball, B., ul-Qamar, R., Seibel, J., Bremer, E., Jahn, D., Ravel, J. & Vary, P.S. (2011)
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Piekarski, T., Jahn, D. & Tielen, P. (2011)
Marine Mikrobiologie: Etablierung genetischer Werkzeuge für Bakterien der Roseobacter-Gruppe.
BIOspektrum 04/11
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Strube, C.P., Homann, A., Gamer, M., Jahn, D., Seibel, J. & Heinz, D.W. (2011)
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Hebecker, S., Arendt, W., Heinemann, I.U., Tiefenau, J.H.J., Nimtz, M., Rohde, M., Söll, D., & Moser, J.. (2011)
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Biedendieck, R., Borgmeier, C., Bunk, B., Stammen, S., Scherling, C., Meinhardt, F., Wittmann, C. & Jahn, D. (2011)
Systems biology of recombinant protein production using Bacillus megaterium.
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De Armas-Ricard, M., Levicán, G., Katz, A., Moser, J., Jahn, D. & Orellana, O. (2011)
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Bartsch, A., Bunk, B., Haddad, I., Klein, J., Münch, R., Johl, T., Kärst, U., Jänsch, L., Jahn, D. & Retter, I. (2011)
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Garbe, J., Wesche, A., Bunk, B., Kazmierczak, M., Selezska, K., Rohde, C., Sikorski, J., Rohde, M., Jahn, D. & Schobert, M. (2011)
Characterization of JG024, a Pseudomonas aeruginosa PB1- like broad host range phage under simulated infection conditions.
BMC Microbiol., 10:301
Book articles and Reviews
Münch, R., Klein, J. & Jahn, D. (2011)
Bookchapter: Prediction and Analysis of Gene Regulatory Networks in Prokaryotic Genomes. Bioinformatics - Experimental Biology Systems ISBN 978-953-307-280-7. InTech - Open Access Publisher
Peer reviewed articles
PUBMED: 21068385
Gruner, I, Frädrich, C, Böttger H.L., Trautwein, A.X., Jahn, D. & Härtig, E. (2010)
Aspartate 141 it the fourth ligand of the oxygen sensing [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster of Bacillus subtilis transcriptional regulator Fnr
J. Biol. Chem., 286:2017-2021
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Schobert, M. & Jahn, D. (2010)
Anaerobic physiology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the cystic fibrosis lung.
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Tielen, P., Narten, M., Rosin, N., Biegler, I., Haddad, I., Hogardt, M., Neubauer, R., Schobert, M., Wiehlmann, L. & Jahn, D. (2010)
Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from urinary tract infections.
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PUBMED: 21197080
Storbeck, S., Rolfes, S., Raux-Deery, E., Warren, M.J., Jahn, D. & Layer, G. (2010)
A novel pathway for the biosynthesis of heme in Archaea: Genome-based bioinformatic predictions and experimental evidence.
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David, F., Westphal, R., Bunk, B., Jahn, D. & Franco-Lara, E. (2010)
Optimization of antibody fragment production in Bacillus megaterium: the role of metal ions on protein secretion.
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Haffke, M., Menzel, A., Carius, Y., Jahn, D. & Heinz, D.W. (2010)
Structures of the nucleotide-binding domain of the human ABCB6 transporter and its complexes with nucleotides.
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Rosenau, F., Isenhardt, S., Gdynia, A., Tielker, D., Schmidt, E., Tielen, P., Schobert, M., Jahn, D., Wilhelm, S. & Jaeger, K.E. (2010)
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PUBMED: 20596705
Stammen, S., Schuller, F., Dietrich, S., Gamer, M., Biedendieck, R. & Jahn, D. (2010)
Application of Escherichia coli phage K1E DNA-dependent RNA polymerase for in vitro RNA synthesis and in vivo protein production in Bacillus megaterium.
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Silva, P., Schulz, C., Jahn, M., Jahn, D. & Ramos, M. (2010) A Tale of two acids: When arginine is a more appropriate acid than H3O+.
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Bröcker, M., Schomburg, S., Heinz, D.W., Jahn, D., Schubert, W.D. & Moser, J. (2010)
Crystal structure of the nitrogenase-like dark operative protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase catalytic complex (ChlN/ChlB)2.
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Möbius, K., Arias-Cartin, R., Breckau, D., Haennig, A.-L., Riedmann, K., Biedendieck, R., Schroeder, S., Becher, D., Magalon, A., Moser, J., Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2010)
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Stammen, S., Müller, B.K., Korneli, C., Biedendieck, R., Gamer, M., Franco-Lara, E. & Jahn, D. (2010)
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Layer, G., Reichelt, J., Jahn, D. & Heinz, D.W. (2010)
Structure and function of enzymes in heme biosynthesis
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Trunk, K., Benkert, B., Quaeck, N., Muench, R., Scheer, M., Garbe, J., Jaensch, J., Trost, M., Wehland, J., Buer, J., Jahn, M., Schobert, M. & Jahn, D. (2010)
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Bröcker, M., Wätzlich, D., Saggu, M., Lendzian, F., Moser, J. & Jahn, D. (2010)
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Bunk, B., Schulz, A., Stammen, S., Münch, R., Warren, M. J., Rohde, M., Jahn, D. & Biedendieck, R. (2010)
A short story about a big magic bug.
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Biedendieck, R., Malten, M., Barg, H., Bunk, B., Martens, J.-H., Deery, E., Leech, H., Warren, M. J. & Jahn, D. (2010)
Metabolic engineering of cobalamin (vitamin B12) production in Bacillus megaterium.
Microbial Biotechnology 3: 24-37
Book articles and Reviews
Jahn, D., & Jahn, M. (2010)
Warum sind Bakterien unsere Freunde? In: Kinder-Uni Braunschweig-Wolfsburg (Sandhagen, P., Ed.), Westermann
Verlag Braunschweig, 13-30
PUBMED: 20140656
Biedendieck, R., Bunk, B., Fürch, T., Franco-Lara, E., Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2010)
Systems Biology of Recombinant Protein Production in Bacillus megaterium
in "Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology"
(Scheper, T., Ed.); Biosystems Engineering (Wittmann, C., Ed.)
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 120: 133-161
Bunk, B., Biedendieck, R., Jahn, D. & Vary, P. S. (2010)
Bacillus megaterium and other Bacilli, Industrial Applications
In Flickinger M. C. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology: Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology.
Volume 1 pp 429-443. John Wiley & Sons. Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
Layer, G., Jahn, D., Deery, E., Lawrence, A.D. & Warren, M. (2010)
Biosynthesis of heme and vitamin B12 in "Comprehensive natural products II Chemistry and Biology"
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Peer reviewed articles
PUBMED: 20021642
Piekarski, T., Buchholz, I., Drepper, T., Schobert, M., Wagner-Doebler, I., Tielen, P. & Jahn, D. (2009)
Genetic tools for the investigation of Roseobacter clade bacteria.
BMC Microbiology, 9: 265
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Biosynthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid
in Tetrapyrroles-Birth, life and death (Warren, M.J., Smith, A. G., Eds.)
Landes Bioscience, Austin, Texas, USA
Tielen, P., Hogardt, M., Schobert, M., Heesemann, J., & Jahn, D. (2009)
Systembiologie der Harnwegs- und Wundinfektion durch Pseudomonas aeruginosa
GENOMEXPRESS 3.09, 17-19
Schilling, M., Hempel, D.C., & Jahn, D. (2009)
Vom Gen zum Produkt - aber mit System
Spektrum der Wissenschaft 10/09, 34-41
Jahn, D., & Schomburg, D. (2009)
Quo vadis Systembiologie
BIOspektrum 15, 07.09, 810-811
Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2009)
Regulation und Systembiologie in "Taschenlehrbuch Biologie - Genetik"
(Munk, K., Ed.)
Thieme Verlag
Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2009)
Milk fat rancidity in "Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology"
(Timmis, KN, Ed.)
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany
Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2008)
Anpassungsfähigkeit von Mikroorganismen in "Taschenlehrbuch Biologie - Mikrobiologie" (Munk, K., Rd.)
Thieme Verlag
Dersch, P. & Jahn, D. (2008)
Mikrobielle Genetik in "Taschenlehrbuch Biologie - Mikrobiologie" (Munk, K., Rd.)
Thieme Verlag
PUBMED: 19047738
Masoumi, A., Heinemann, I. U., Rohde, M., Koch, M., Jahn, M. & Jahn D. (2008)
Complex formation between Protoporphyrinogen IX Oxidase and Ferrochelatase during Heme Biosynthesis in Thermosynechococcus elongatus.
Microbiology. 154:3707-3714
PUBMED: 18693243
Bröcker, M., Wätzlich, D., Uliczka, F., Virus, S., Saggu, M., Lendzian, F., Scheer, H., Rüdiger, W., Moser, J. & Jahn, D. (2008)
Substrate Recognition of Nitrogenase-like Dark Operative Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase from Prochlorococcus marinus.
J. Biol. Chem. 283:29873-29881
PUBMED: 18832311
Benkert, B., Quäck, N., Schreiber, K., Jaensch, L., Jahn, D. & Schobert, M. (2008)
Nitrate responsive NarX-NarL represses arginine mediated induction of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa arginine fermentation arcDABC operon.
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Klein, J., Leupold, S., Münch, R., Pommerenke, C., Johl, T., Kärst, U., Jänsch, L., Jahn, D. and Retter, I. (2008)
ProdoNet: identification and visualization of prokaryotic gene regulatory and metabolic networks.
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Pommerenke, C., Gabriel, I., Bunk, B., Münch, R., Haddad, I., Tielen, P., Wagner-Döbler I. & Jahn D. (2008)
ROSY - a flexible and universal database and bioinformatics tool platform for Roseobacter related species.
In Silico Biol. 8:177-186
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Heinemann, I. U., Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2008)
The biochemistry of heme biosynthesis.
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Bröcker, M.J., Virus, S., Ganskow, S., Heathcote, P., Heinz, D.W., Schubert, W-D., Jahn, D. & Moser, J. (2008)
ATP-Driven Reduction by Dark-Operative Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase from Chlorobium tepidum Mechanistically Resembles Nitrogenase Catalysis.
J. Biol. Chem. 283:10559-10567
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Tan, F.-C., Cheng,Q., Saha, K., Heinemann, I. U., Jahn, M., Jahn D. & Smith, A.G. (2008)
Identification and characterization of the Arabidopsis gene encoding the tetrapyrrole biosynthesis enzyme uroporphyrinogen III synthase.
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Fürch, T., Wittmann, C., Wang, W., Franco-Lara, E., Jahn, D. & Deckwer, W. D. (2007)
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Huot, J., Balg, C., Jahn, D., Moser, J., Émond, A., Blais, S, Chênevert, R. & Lapointe, J. (2007)
Mechanism of a GatCAB amidotransferase: aspartyl-tRNA synthetase increases its affinity for Asp-tRNAAsn, and novel aa-tRNA analogs are competitive inhibitors.
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Lüer, C., Schauer, S., Virus, S., Schubert, W.D., Heinz, D.W., Moser, J.& Jahn, D. (2007)
Glutamate Recognition and Hydride Transfer by Escherichia coli Glutamyl-tRNA Reductase.
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Biedendieck, R., Gamer, M., Jaensch, L., Meyer, S., Rohde, M., Deckwer, W.-D. & Jahn, D. (2007)
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Homann, A., Biedendieck, R., Goetze, S., Jahn, D. & Seibel, J. (2007)
Insights into polymer versus oligosaccharide synthesis: Mutagenesis and mechanistic studies of a novel levansucrase from Bacillus megaterium.
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Bäumchen, C., Roth, A. H. F. J., Biedendieck, R., Malten, M., Follmann, M., Sahm, H., Bringer-Meyer, S. & Jahn, D. (2007)
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Vary, P. S., Biedendieck, R., Fuerch, T., Meinhardt, F., Rohde, M., Deckwer, W.-D. & Jahn, D. (2007)
Bacillus megaterium - from simple soil bacterium to industrial protein production host.
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Klawonn, F., Choi, C., Benkert, B., Thielen, B., Münch, R., Schobert, M., Schomburg, D. & Jahn, D. (2007)
A Likelihood Ratio Test for Differential Metabolic Profiles in Multiple Intensity Measurements.
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Schreiber, K., Krieger, R., Benkert, B., Eschbach, M., Arai, H., Schobert, M. & Jahn, D. (2007)
The anaerobic regulatory network required for Pseudomonas aeruginosa nitrate respiration.
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Choi, C., Münch, R., Bunk, B., Barthelmes, J., Ebeling, C., Schomburg, D., Schobert, M. & Jahn, D. (2007)
Combination of a data warehouse concept with web services for the establishment of the Pseudomonas systems biology database SYSTOMONAS.
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Jordan, E., Hust, M., Roth, A., Biedendieck, R., Schirrmann, T., Jahn, D. & Duebel, S. (2007)
Production of recombinant antibody fragments in Bacillus megaterium.
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Heinemann, I.U., Diekmann, N., Masoumi, A., Koch, M., Messerschmidt, A., Jahn, M. & Jahn, D. (2007)
Functional definition of the tobacco protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase substrate binding site.
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Biedendieck, R., Beine, R., Gamer, M., Jordan, E., Buchholz, K., Seibel, J., Dijkhuizen, L., Malten, M. & Jahn, D. (2007)
Export, purification and activities of affinity tagged Lactobacillus reuteri levansucrase produced by Bacillus megaterium.
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Yang, Y., Malten, M., Grote, A., Jahn, D. & Deckwer, W.D. (2007)
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Plasmid system for the intracellular production and purification of affinity-tagged proteins in Bacillus megaterium.
Biotechnol Bioeng. 96, 525-537
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Choi, C., Muench, R., Leupold, S., Klein, J., Siegel, I., Thielen, B., Benkert, B., Kucklick, M., Schobert, M., Barthelmes, J., Ebeling, C., Haddad, I., Scheer, M., Grote, A., Hiller, K., Bunk, B., Schreiber, K., Retter, I., Schomburg, D. & Jahn, D. (2007)
SYSTOMONAS - an integrated database for systems biology analysis of Pseudomonas.
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Jahn, D., Moser, J., Schubert, W. & Heinz, D (2006)
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Yang, Y., Biedendieck, R., Wang, W., Gamer, M., Malten, M., Jahn, D. & Deckwer, W.-D. (2006)
High yield recombinant penicillin G amidase production and export into the growth medium using Bacillus megaterium.
Microb Cell Fact. 5:36
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Bunk, B., Kucklick, M., Jonas, R., Munch, R., Schobert, M., Jahn, D. & Hiller, K. (2006)
MetaQuant: a tool for the automatic quantification of GC/MS based metabolome data.
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Buchenau, B., Kahnt, J., Heinemann, I.U., Jahn, D. & Thauer, R.K. (2006)
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Haertig, E., Hartmann, A., Schatzle, M., Albertini, A.M. & Jahn, D. (2006)
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Schulze, J.O., Masoumi, A., Nickel, D., Jahn, M., Jahn, D., Schubert, W.D. & Heinz D.W. (2006)
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Hiller, K., Grote, A., Maneck, M., Muench, R. & Jahn, D. (2006)
JVirGel 2.0: computational prediction of proteomes separated via two dimensional gel electrophoresis under consideration of membrane and secreted proteins.
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Scheer, M., Klawonn, F., Muench, R., Grote, A., Hiller, K., Choi, C., Koch, I., Schobert, M., Haertig, E., Klages, U. & Jahn, D. (2006)
JProGO: A novel tool for the functional interpretation of prokaryotic microarray data using Gene Ontology information.
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Reents, H., Gruner, I., Harmening, U., Böttger, L.H., Layer, G., Heathcote, P., Trautwein, A.X., Jahn,D. & Haertig, E. (2006)
Bacillus subtilis Fnr senses oxygen via a [4Fe-4S]-cluster coordinated by three cysteine residures without change in the oligomeric state.
Mol. Microbiol. 60, 1432-1445
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Layer, G., Pierik, A.J., Trost, M., Rigby, S.E., Leech, H.K., Grage, K., Breckau, D., Astner, I., Jaensch, L., Heathcote, P., Warren, M.J., Heinz, D.W. & Jahn,D. (2006)
The substrate radical of Escherichia coli oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase HemN.
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Sun, J., Wang, W., Hundertmark, C., Zeng, A.P., Jahn, D. & Deckwer, W.D. (2006)
A protein database constructed from low-coverage genomic sequence of Bacillus megaterium and its use for accelerated proteomic analysis.
J. Biotechnol. 124, 486-495
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Schulze, J.O., Schubert, W.D., Moser, J., Jahn, D. & Heinz, D.W. (2006)
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Malten, M., Biedendieck, R., Gamer, M., Drews, A.C., Stammen, S., Buchholz, K., Dijkhuizen, L. & Jahn D (2006)
A Bacillus megaterium plasmid system for the production, export, and one-step purification of affinity-tagged heterologous levansucrase from growth medium.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72, 1677-1679
Deckwer, W.-D., Hempel, D.C., Zeng, A.-P. & Jahn D (2006)
Systembiotechnologische Ansätze zur Prozessentwicklung.
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Reents, H., Muench, R., Dammeyer, T., Jahn, D. & Haertig, E. (2006)
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Muench, R., Hiller, K., Grote, A., Scheer, M., Klein, J., Schobert, M. & Jahn, D. (2005)
Virtual Footprint and PRODORIC: an integrative framework for regulon prediction in prokaryotes.
Bioinformatics 21, 4187-4189
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Layer, G., Kervio, E., Morlock, G., Heinz, D.W., Jahn, D., Retey, J. & Schubert, W.D. (2005)
Structural and functional comparison of HemN to other radical SAM enzymes.
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PUBMED: 16121195
Astner, I., Schulze, J.O., van den Heuvel, J., Jahn, D., Schubert, W.D. & Heinz DW. (2005)
Crystal structure of 5-aminolevulinate synthase, the first enzyme of heme biosynthesis, and its link to XLSA in humans.
EMBO J. 24, 3166-3177
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Layer, G., Grage, K., Teschner, T., Schunemann, V., Breckau, D., Masoumi, A., Jahn, M., Heathcote, P., Trautwein, A.X. & Jahn, D. (2005)
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Wang, W., Hollmann, R., Furch, T., Nimtz, M., Malten, M., Jahn, D. & Deckwer W.D. (2005)
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Grote, A., Hiller, K., Scheer, M., Muench, R., Noertemann, B., Hempel, D.C. & Jahn D. (2005)
JCat: a novel tool to adapt codon usage of a target gene to its potential expression host.
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Lüer, C., Schauer, S., Moebius, K., Schulze, J., Schubert, W.-D., Heinz, D.W., Jahn, D. & Moser J.(2005)
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Malten, M., Nahrstedt, H., Meinhardt, F. & Jahn, D. (2005)
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Sauerwald, A., Zhu, W., Major, T.A., Herve, R., Palioura, S., Jahn, D., Whitman, W., Yates, J.R. 3rd., Ibba, M. & Soell, D. (2005)
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Frere, F., Reents, H., Schubert, W.D., Heinz, D.W., and Jahn, D.(2005)
Tracking the evolution of porphobilinogen synthase metal dependence in vitro.
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Malten, M., Hollmann, R., Deckwer, W.-D. & Jahn, D. (2005)
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Layer, G., Heinz, D.W., Jahn, D., Schubert, W.D. (2004) Structure and function of radical SAM enzymes.
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Haertig, E., Geng, H., Hartmann, A., Hubacek, A., Münch, R., Ye, R. W., Jahn, D. & Nakano M. M. (2004)
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Eschbach, M., Schreiber, K., Trunk, K., Buer, J., Jahn, D. & Schobert, M. (2004)
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Hiller, K., Grote, A., Scheer, M., Muench, R. & Jahn, D. (2004) PrediSi: prediction of signal peptides and their cleavage positions.
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Moser, J., Frere, F., Heinz, D. W., Jahn, D., and Schubert, W. (2003)
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Layer, G., Moser, J., Heinz, D. W., Jahn, D. & Schubert, W. D. (2003)
Crystal structure of coproporphyrinogen III oxidase reveals cofactor geometry of Radical SAM enzymes.
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Frankenberg, N., Moser, J. & Jahn, D. (2003)
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J. Biol. Chem. 278, 46625-46631
Leech, H. K., Raux, E., McLean, K. J., Munro, A. W., Robinson, N. J., Borrelly, G. P., Malten, M., Jahn, D., Rigby, S. E., Heathcote, P. & Warren, M. J. (2003)
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Eschbach, M., Mobitz, H., Rompf, A. & Jahn, D. (2003)
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Raux, E., Leech, H. K., Beck, R., Schubert, H. L., Santander, P. J., Roessner, C. A., Scott, A. I., Martens, J. H., Jahn, D., Thermes, C., Rambach, A. & Warren, M. J. (2003)
Identification and functional analysis of enzymes required for precorrin-2 dehydrogenation and metal ion insertion in the biosynthesis of sirohaem and cobalamin in Bacillus megaterium.
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Finking, R., Solsbacher, J, Konz, D., Schobert, M., Schafer, A., Jahn, D. & Marahiel, M. A. (2002)
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