QuantumFrontiers General Assembly

17. Mai 2021 - 18. Mai 2021

Create an account and log into the virtual conference platform: before Friday, May 14th: meetanyway.com/events/quantumfrontiers-general-assembly-2021/

Poster Submission Deadline: May 7th

TG Leader's 2-Minute Overview Presentation Submission: May 12th

"Office Hours" at the Info Desk in MeetAnyway to answer last minute questions about poster sorting, talks, etc.: May 14th 10:00 am to 12:00 pm


Dear QF-Members,

Please create an account and log into the virtual conference platform for our QF General Assembly so that you can familiarize yourself with the layout:

The platform facilitates a more in-person-like conference experience for our QF community. It will allow you to interact with more topics and people in smaller groups.
Take advantage of the platform to:
- learn about QF's Topical Groups (TGs) by visiting the various poster rooms on Days 1 and 2. (exactly as you'd expect from an in-person conference!)
- have discussions with a diverse range of colleagues at the virtual meeting tables and via the networking coffee breaks

Secondly, please use our "Poster Submission Guideline" with details on the poster sorting.

If you log into the virtual conference platform you can see how posters are displayed (placeholders for now...).
The embedded document (can also be slides) can be up to 30MB (PNG, JPEG, SVG, GIF and PDF) and the thumbnail up to 5MB (JPEG or PNG).

When you are discussing in the Poster Room video chat (use "join"), you can share any format of the poster that you'd like.   

Thank you for your understanding that the submission deadline May 7th is to give the QF-office time to upload all ca. 70-100 posters.  
This also gives you the possibility to give feedback by Friday May 14th, if your poster is not displayed properly.  
Feedback can be given via email or by joining the Info Desk in the conference platform on Friday May 14th from 10:00am - 12:00pm.

Really looking forward to seeing and discussing with the entire QF community! It will be a celebration of all the great research taking place in QF.   

Best regards,
QF Office