
Presenting with impact: A powerful introduction to presentation skills Wenige Plätze frei

As scientists and researchers, you are called upon to present and communicate your research throughout your career, whether it be in lecture or seminar settings, or presenting key messages to your colleagues or laboratory team. This course programme aims to provide you with the tools, support and bespoke personalised training so that you can give confident and compelling presentations and feel better able to engage and build connection with your audiences. This online workshop programme is formatted in three parts: an introductory plenary skills session, a one-to-one coaching session to build on and advance the skills, and a completion plenary session that aims to invite the delivery of a final talk to consolidate the work.

The workshop focuses on increasing awareness of what makes a presentation brilliant, and a toolkit to enhance dynamic delivery. Expect to affirm the strengths of your current style while developing new skills. You will learn to sharpen your crafting and delivery of content, and engage in practice sessions to apply the skills.

Please note that this workshop will be held online.

Notes on the one-to-one coaching:

The intention of this session is to support the participant with expanding on the skills from Part 1, to explore and shore up any current challenges and collaborate on ways to enhance your presenting approach and style.

We will work on a selection of the following areas depending on your individual preferences:

  • Embodying key skills so that you are equipped to present at your best
  • Managing your state and your energy to an advantage, and to let it support you in delivering a talk with credibility and powerful presence
  • Exploring voice & physicality tools to support you to feel at your most confident and to deliver your message in the way you intend. Using your body, breath and voice to instill confidence in your audience.
  • Developing expression through tonality, articulation and range work so as to communicate ideas with skill to engage and influence, over any platform; whether that’s virtually or in person.

  • Inhalte sind ...

  • Hooking your audience and keeping them with you
  • Understanding and applying the key drivers of an effective talk
  • Creating a powerful presence through use of body language and voice skills
  • Using structuring techniques to keep you on track and bring clarity of thought
  • Using storytelling to build connection and clarify complexity
  • Tips and techniques with working with international audiences

  • Workshopleitung:
    Kate Montague, M.A.

    Veranstaltungszeiten Termine
    12.09.2024, 09.00 bis 13.00 Uhr
    16.09.2024, nach Vereinbarung
    19.09.2024, 09.00 bis 13.00 Uhr

    WindH-Programm WindH
    WindH-Modul: Modul 3
    Zertifikat: Wahlpflichtveranstaltung
    Arbeitseinheiten (AE): 20

    Teilnahmeentgelt Gebuehr
    Entgelt: 190 €
    PauschalkundIn: 0€
    GutscheinkundIn: 0€

    Veranstaltungsort Ort
    Raum: Zugang wird (per E-Mail) bekannt gegeben
    Ort: Online
    Weitere Informationen zur Anfahrt

    Braunschweiger Verkehrsbetriebe