
Ausgewählte Publikationen

Herr, M., Radespiel, R., Spinner, S., Rudnik, R., Probst, A., Embedded WMLES of transonic buffet on a nacelle-aircraft configuration, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 2023.

Magrini, A., Subbian, G., Buosi, D., Spinner, S. Benini, E, Radespiel, R., Comparison of engine models of UHBR turbofan at high incidence, AIAA SciTech Forum, January 2023.

Schnorr, E. Scholz, P., Radespiel, R.: A method to quantify the supersonic discharge of airbag cold gas inflators, Experiments in Fluids, 63:177,, 2022.

Karpuk, S., Radespiel, R. Elham, A.: Assessment of Future Airframe and Propulsion Technologies on Sustainability of Next-Generation Mid-Range Aircraft, Aerospace 2022, 9, 279.

J. Pohl, R. Radespiel, B. Herrmann, S.L. Brunton, R. Semaan: Gust mitigation through closed-loop control. Part I: Trailing-edge flap response, PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS 7, 024705, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.024705, (2022)

Barklage, A., Römer, U., Bertram, A., Bekemeyer, P., Himisch, J., Radespiel, R., Badrya, C., Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification of a Hybrid Laminar Flow Control System, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022, doi 10.2514/6.2022-2452, AIAA Journal, August 2022,

Subbian, G. Magrini, A., Benini, E., Buosi, D., Ponza, R., Radespiel, R., RANS Analysis of HL-CRM at Landing Configuration with differnet Flap Deflections and Engine Representations, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022, doi 10.2514/6.2022-0048.

Friedrichs, J., Elham, A., Hühne, C., Radespiel, R., Bauknecht, A., Vehicle Technologies towards Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation, AIAA  SciTech Forum 2022, doi 10.2514/6.2022-0685.

Subbian, G., Botelho e Souza, A. C., Radespiel, R., Zander, E.,  Moshagen, T., Friedman, N., Moioli, M., Breitsamter, K., Sorenzen, K., Calibration of an Extended Eddy Viscosity Turbulence Model Using Bayesian Update, AIAA Journal,, 2022.

Beckers, M.F., Schollenbergger, M., Lutz, T., Bongen, D., Radespiel, R., Florenciano, J.L., Funes-Sebastian, D. E.: CFD Investigation of High-Lift Propeller Positions for a Distributed Propulsion System, AIAA Aviation 2022, Chicago, USA, AIAA-2022-3217, DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-3217, 2022.

Bongen, D., Beckers, M.F., Schollenberger, M., Bergman, D.P., Lutz, T., Gothow, A., Saeed, M. Weiss, J., Bardenhagen, A., Radespiel, R.: Simulation of a Dirstibuted Propulsion System in a Wind Tunnel. AIAA Aviation 2022, Chicago, USA, AIAA-2022-3218, DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-3818, 2022.

Barklage, A., Römer. U., Seitz, A. Horn, M., Radespiel, R., Scholz. P., Badrya, C.: Uncertainty Analysis of the laminar boundary layer control TSSD Concept, AIAA Aviation 2022, Chicago, USA, AIAA-2022-3551, DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-3551, 2022.

Rathje, N., Ströer, P., Weiner, A., Knopp, T., Probst, A., Radespiel, R.: Experimental analysis of longitudinal vortex dynamics, AIAA Aviation 2022, Chicago, USA, AIAA-2022-3305, DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-3305, 2022.

Seitz, A., Horn, M., van Roojen, B., Barklage, A., Scholz, P., Badrya, C., Radespiel, R., Wind Tunnel Verification of Laminar Boundary Layer Control TSSD Concept, AIAA Aviation 2022, Chicago, USA, AIAA-2022-3552, DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-3552, 2022.

Grappadelli, M. C., Sudhi, A., Radespiel, R., Badrya, C., Experimental study of a wing with hybrid laminar flow control application, AIAA Aviation 2022, Chicago, USA, AIAA-2022-3770, DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-3770, 2022.

P. Kumar, R. Radespiel: Numerical Simulations and Experiments for Flows over Porous Me-dia. In: Radespiel, R. Semaan, R. (Eds.): Fundamentals of High Lift for Future Civil Aircraft, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 145, 2021,

R. Semaan, Y. El Sayed, S. Loges, B. R. Noack, R. Radespiel: Active Flow Control Experiments on a High-Lift Configuration, In: Radespiel, R. Semaan, R. (Eds.): Fundamentals of High Lift for Future Civil Aircraft, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 145, 2021,

D. François, S. Probst, T. Knopp, C. Grabe, T. Landa, R. Radespiel: Numerical Simulation of the Streamwise Transport of a Delta Wing Leading-Edge Vortex, Journal of Aircraft,, 2021.

Klug, L., Naik, H. Ullah, J. Lutz, Th., Wild, J., Heinrich, R., Radespiel, R.: Gust alleviation on a forward swept transport aircraft at transonic speeds, AIAA-2021-1649, 2021, doi10.2514/6.2021-1649

Ullah, J., Lutz, Th., Klug, L., Radespiel, R. Wild, J.: Active Gust Load Alleviation by Combined Actuation of Trailing Edge and Leading Edge Flap at Transonic Speeds, AIAA-2021-1851, 2021, doi10.2514/6.2021-1831

Barklage, A., Radespiel, R.: Interaction of Wake and Propulsive Jet Flow of a Generic Space Launcher, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 146, 2021, pp 129-143,

Subbian, G., Magrini, A., Buosi, D., Radespiel, R., Ponza, R., Bernini, E.: Investigation of HL-CRM aerodynamics with a UHBR nacelle in powered-on condition, AIAA-2021-3547, 2021.

Sudhi, A., Radespiel, R., Badrya, C.: Design of Transonic Swept Wing for HLFC Application. AIAA-2021-2606, 2021,

Mrosek, M., Othmer, C., Radespiel, R.: Variational Autoencoders for Model Order Reduction in Vehicle Aerodynamics, AIAA-2021-3049, 2021, DOI: 10.2514/6.2021-3049 .

C. Breitenstein, R. Radespiel, Flow Simulation of the Flight Manoeuvres of a Large Transport Aircraft with Load Alleviation, The Aeronautical Journal, 2021,

Horst, P., Elham, A., Radespiel, R.: Reduction of Aircraft Drag, Load, and Mass for Energy Transition in Aeronautics, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, 1.-4. September 2020, Paper No. 530164, 2020, doi10.25967/530164

Subbian, G., Botelho e Souza, A. C., Radespiel, R., Zander, E.,  Moshagen, T., Friedman, N., Moioli, M., Breitsamter, K., Sorenzen, K., Calibration of an extended Eddy Viscosity Turbulence Model using Uncertainty Quantification, AIAA Paper 2020-1031, DOI 10.2514/6.2020-1031.

Klug, L., Radespiel, R., Ullah, J., Seel, F., Lutz, T., Wild, J., Heinrich, R., Streit, T., Actuator concepts for active gust alleviation on transport aircraft at transonic speeds, AIAA Paper-2020-0271, DOI 10.2514/6.2020-0271.

Landa, T., Klug, L., Radespiel, R., Probst, S., Knopp, T.: Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a Streamwise Vortex Downstream of a Delta Wing, AIAA Journal, Vol. 58, No. 7, July 2020,

Radespiel, R., Stoll, E., Horst, P., Höfner, K., Keßler, C., Tichy, L.: Klima und Fliegen – Lösungsansätze aus der Luftfahrtforschung,

Radespiel, R., Stoll, E., Horst, P., Höfner, K., Keßler, C., Tichy, L.: Climate and Aviation – Solution Approaches by Aeronautical Research,

Marineau, E.C., Grossir, G., Wagner, A., Leinemann, M., Radespiel, R., Tanno, H., Chynoweth, B. C., Schneider, S. P., Wagnild, R. M., and Casper K. M.: Analysis of Second-Mode Amplitudes on Sharp Cones in Hypersonic Wind Tunnels, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, March, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 307-318,, 2019.

Duan, L., Choudhari, M. M., Chou, A.,  Munoz, F., Radespiel, Thomas Schilden, T., Schröder, W., Marineau, E. C.,  Casper, K. M., Chaudhry, R. S., Candler, G. V., Gray, K. A., Schneider, S. P.: Characterization of Freestream Disturbances in Conventional Hypersonic Wind Tunnels, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 357-368,, 2019.

Burnazzi, M., Knopp, T., Strelets, M., Shur, M., Travin, A., Breitenstein, W., Scholz, P. Radespiel, R., Prediction Capabilities of Two Reynolds Stress Turbulent Models for aTurbulent Wake Subjected to Adverse Pressure Gradient. New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII in: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 142, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-25252-6, 2019.

Botelho e Souza, A. C., Radespiel, R., Validation of a New Near-Wall Reynolds Stress Model for Aeronautical Applications. New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII in: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 142, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-25252-6, 2019.

Subbian, G., Radespiel, R., Assessment of Extensions for an Eddy Viscosity Turbulence Model for Vortical Flows. New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII in: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 142, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-25252-6, 2019.

Probst, S., Knopp, T., Francois, D., Grabe, C., Landa, T., Radespiel, R., Scale-resolving Simulations of the Streamwise Vortex Downstream of a Delta Wing. AIAA-2019-0331, 2019.

Landa, T.,  Klug, L.,  Radespiel, R., Probst, S.,  Knopp, T., Experimental Analysis of the Interaction between Streamwise Vortices and a High-Lift Airfoil, AIAA-2019-0576, 2019.

El Sayed, Y. M., Gomes de Paula, N. C., Sedlacek, D., Semaan, R., Radespiel, R., Investigations into the Effects of Unsteady Blowing on the Wake of a Coanda Flap, AIAA-2019-0587, 2019.

Munoz, F., Ali, S.R.C., Leinemann, M., Radespiel, R., Semper, M., Cummings, R., Theiss, A., Transition Measurements on Slender and Blunt Bodies in Ludwieg Tubes at Mach 6, AIAA-2019-0626, 2019.

Botelho e Souza, A. C., Radespiel, R., Second-Moment-Closure Modeling for Low-Reynolds-Number regions of Aeronautical Applications, AIAA-2019-0585, 2019.

Munoz, F., Wu, J., Radespiel, R.,  Semper, M.,  Cummings, R., Duan, L., Schilden, T., Freestream Disturbances Characterization in Ludwieg Tubes at Mach 6, AIAA-2019-0878, 2019.

Breitenstein, W., Scholz, P., Radespiel, R., Burnazzi, M., Knopp, T., Guseva, E., Shur, M., Strelets, M., A Wind Tunnel Experiment for Symmetric Wakes in Adverse Pressure Gradients, AIAA-2019-1875, 2019.

Leinemann, M., Radespiel, R., Muñoz, F., Esquieu, S., McKiernan, G., Schneider, S., Boundary Layer Transition on a Generic Model of Control Flaps in Hypersonic Flow, AIAA-2019-1908, 2019.

Radespiel, R. and Schneider, S. P.: Introduction to the Special Section on Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition Prediction, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 306-306,, 2019.

Radespiel, R., Ali, S. R. C., Muñoz, F., Bowersox, R. D. W., Leidy, A. N., Tanno, H., Kirk, L. C., and Reshotko, E.: Experimental Investigation of Roughness Effects on Transition on Blunt Spherical Capsule Shapes, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 405-420,, 2019.

Kumar, P., Radespiel, R.: Numerical Simulations of Flows Through Non-uniform Porous Media, Tenth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD10), Barcelona,Spain, July 9-13, 2018, Paper No. ICCFD10-284, 2018.

Radespiel, R., Ali, S. R. C., Bowersox, R. D. W., Leidy, A. N., Tanno, H., Kirk, L. C., and Reshotko, E.: Experimental investigation of Roughness Effects on Transition on Blunt Spherical Capsules, AIAA-2018-0059, 2018.

L. Duan; J. Huang; C. Deegan; M.M. Choudhari; A. Chou; R. Radespiel; S. Ali; F. Munoz; E.C. Marineau; K.M. Casper; W. Schroeder; T. Schilden; R.S. Chaudhry; G.V. Candler; K.A. : Disturbances in Conventional Hypersonic Wind Tunnels, AIAA-2018-0347, 2018.

E. C. Marineau, G. Grossir, A. Wagner, M. Leinemann, R. Radespiel, H. Tanno, T. P. Wadhams, B. C. Chynoweth, S. P. Schneider: Compilation and Analysis of Second Mode Amplitudes on Sharp Cones in Hypersonic Wind Tunnels, AIAA-2018-0349, 2018.

M. Kruse; F. Munoz; R. Radespiel: Transition Prediction Results for Sickle Wing and NLF(1)-0416 Test Cases, AIAA-2018-0537, 2018.

Y. El Sayed M.; R. Semaan; R. Radespiel: Sparse Modeling of the Lift Gains of a High-Lift Configuration with Periodic Coanda Blowing, AIAA-2018-1054, 2018.

Landa, T., Cecora, R.-D., Radespiel, R.: Application of Reynolds-Stress-Models on Free Shear Layers, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 136, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-319-72020-3, 2018.

N. Beck, T. Landa , A. Seitz, L. Boermans, Y. Liu, R. Radespiel: Drag Reduction by Laminar Flow Control, Energies 2018, 11, 252; doi:10.3390/en11010252, 2018.

El Sayed M. Y., Semaan R., Sattler S., Kumar P., Radespiel R., Behr C., Sinapius M., Petersen J., Wierach P., Abel, M., and Noack, B., Open- and Closed-loop control investigations of unsteady Coanda actuation on a high-lift configuration, AIAA Paper 2018-3684, 2018.

S. Levedag, U. Klingauf, M. Hornung, J. Klenner, E. Messerschmid, R. Radespiel: "Zukunftsfähigkeit der Luftfahrtforschung in Deutschland. Diskussion", Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften - Leopoldina, Halle (Saale), 2018.

Semaan, R, El Sayed M, Y., and Radespiel, R., Sparse Model of the Lift Gains of a Circulation Control Wing with Unsteady Coanda Blowing, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Active Flow and Combustion Control 2018, Vol. 141, pp 3-18, Springer, 2018.

Francois, D.G., Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. : Numerical Investigations of Spanwise-Varied Unsteady Coanda Actuation on a High-Lift Configuration. Journal of Aircraft, DOI: org/10.1007/s00348-017-2424-9, 2018.

Landa, T., Radespiel, R., Ritter, S.: Simulations of Streamwise Vortices on a High-LiftWing with UHBR-Engine, in: A. Dillmann et al. (eds.), New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XI, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 136,, 2018.

Kumar, P., Friedman, N., Zander, E. and Radespiel, R.: Bayesian calibration of VRANS model parameters for turbulent flow simulations over porous materials. New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XI in: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 136, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-64518-6, 2018.

Ali, S.R.C., Cardenas, R.Z. Radespiel, R., Schilden, T., Schröder, W.: Stagnation point probes in hypersonic flow, in: A. Dillmann et al. (eds.), New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XI, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 136,, 2018.

El Sayed M. Y., Semaan, R., Sattler, S., Radespiel, R.. Wake characterization methods of a circulation control wing. Experiments in Fluids, 58:144,, 2017.

Radespiel, R. Heinze, W., Bertsch, L.: High lift research for future transport aircraft, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, 5-7 September 2017, Paper No. 450128, urn:nbn:de:101:1-201803092309, 2017.

Yang, X., Radespiel, R.: Longitudinal Aerodynamic Performance of the Apollo Entry Capsule near Transonic Speeds, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, DOI: 10.2514/1.A33609, 2017.

El Sayed, Y., Semaan, R., Radespiel, R.: Open Loop Control on a Coanda Flap Water Tunnel Model. AIAA-2017-3247, AIAA Aviation Forum 2017, Denver, 2017.

Lenfers, C. Beck, N. Radespiel, R.: Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Propeller Slipstream Interaction with active High Lift Wing. AIAA-2017-3248, AIAA Aviation Forum 2017, Denver, 2017.

Kauth, F., Seume, J.R., Radespiel, R., et al: Progress in Efficient Active High-Lift. AIAA-2017-3559, AIAA Aviation Forum 2017, Denver, 2017.

Kumar, P., Radespiel, R.: Aerodynamic Sensitivities of 2D High Lift airfoil Configured with Porous Trailing Edges, AIAA-2017-3562, AIAA Aviation Forum 2017, Denver, 2017.

Landa, T., Radespiel, R., Wild, J.: Numerical simulation of streamwise vortices on a high-lift wing. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, 3-15, doi: 10.1007/s13272-016-0217-0, 2017.

Schreyer, A. M., Stephan, S., Radespiel, R.: Characterization of the supersonic wake of a generic space launcher. CEAS Space Journal Vol. 9(1), pp. 97-110, DOI 10.1007/s12567-016-0134-4, 2017.

Mößner, M., Radespiel, R.: Flow Simulations over Porous Media – Comparisons with Experiments, Computers and Fluids, 2017,

Stephan, S., Radespiel, R.: Propulsive jet simulation with air and helium in launcher wake flows, CEAS Space Journal 9, pp195-209, (2017).

Klein, S.; Scholz, P.; Radespiel, R.: A two-element high-lift airfoil in disturbed flow conditions, CEAS Aeronaut J, 8(1), 79-91, DOI 10.1007/s13272-016-0221-4, 2016.

Ehlers, H., Kontrath, R., Wokoeck, R., Radespiel, R. , "Three-Dimensional Flow Field Investigations of Flapping Wing Aerodynamics", AIAA Journal (2016), volume 54, issue 11, pp 3434-3449, doi:

Theiss, A., Hein, S., Ali; S.R.C., Radespiel, R.: Wake flow instability studies behind discrete roughness elements on a generic re-entry capsule, AIAA-2016-4382, 2016.

Schilden, T., Ali, S.R.C., Schreyer, A.-M., Wu, J., Schröder, W., Radespiel, R.: Analysis of Acoustic and Entropy Disturbances in a Hypersonic Wind Tunnel, Physics of Fluids, Vol.28, No.5, 2016, DOI: 10.1063/1.4948435.

Radespiel, R.: Im Steigflug, Forschung, Das Magazin der deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1/2016, pp 4-9.

Schreyer, A.-M.; Stephan, S.; Radespiel, R.: Flow structure and unsteadiness in the supersonic wake of a generic space launcher, AIAA-2016-1589, 2016.

Klein, S.; Scholz, P., Radespiel, R.: Transient, Three-Dimensional Disturbances Interacting with a High-Lift Airfoil - Wind Tunnel Experiments, AIAA-2016-1844, 2016.

Ehlers, H., Konrath, R., Börner, M., Wokoeck, R., Radespiel, R.: Time Resolved Flow Field Investigations of Low Reynolds number Transient Maneuvers, AIAA-2016-1076, 2016. 

Wu, J., Liu, X., Radespiel, R.: RANS Simulations of a Tandem Nozzle Supersonic Wind Tunnel, Aerospace Science and Technology, December 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2015.11.041.

Statnikov, V., Stephan, S., Pausch, K.,  Meinke, M., Radespiel, R., Schröder, W.:  Experimental and numerical investigations of the turbulent wake flow of a generic space launcher at M = 3 and M = 6, CEAS Space Journal, DOI 10.1007/s12567-016-0112-x, February 2016.

Landa, T., Radespiel, R., Wild, J.: Numerical Simulations of Streamwise Vortices on a Generic High-Lift Configuration, AIAA-2016-0304, 2016.

Radespiel, R., Burnazzi, M., Casper, M., Scholz, P.: Active flow control for high lift with steady blowing, The Aeronautical Journal,  Vol. 120, pp. 171-200, doi: 10.1017/aer.2015.7, 2016.

Radespiel, R.; François, D. G., Hoppmann, D., Klein, S., Scholz, P., Wawrzinek, K., Lutz, T., Auerswald,T. , Bange, J., Knigge, C., Raasch, S., Uebelacker, S., Hain, R. Kähler, C.J., Kelleners, P., Heinrich, R., Reuß, S., Probst, A., Knopp, T.: Simulation of Wing and Nacelle Stall, AIAA-2016-1830, 2016.

Burnazzi, M., Thiemeier, J., Radespiel, R.: Numerical Stall Behavior Investigation of an Aircraft equipped with Coanda Flap and Droop Nose, STAB Symposium 2014, München, Nov 2014, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design,  Vol. 132, Springer-Verlag, 2016, pp. 3-16.

Cecora, R.D., Radespiel, R., Jarkirlic, S.: Modelling of Reynolds Stress Augmentation in Shear Layers with Strongly Curved Velocity Profiles. In EISFELD, B. (Editor), Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-15639-2, ISBN 978-3-319-15638-5, 2015.

Beck, N., Radespiel, R., Lenfers, C., Friedrichs, J., Rezaeian, A.: Aerodynamic Effects of Propeller Slipstream on a Wing with Circulation Control, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 1422-1436, DOI:, 2015.

Francois, G. D., Radespiel, R., Reuss, S., Probst, A.: Computations of Separated Flows with a Hybrid RANS/LES Approach. Symposium “Simulation of Wing and Nacelle Stall” Braunschweig, 1-2 December 2014, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 131, Springer-Verlag, 2015,

Stephan, S., Wu, J., Radespiel, R.: Propulsive jet influence on generic rocket launcher base flow. CEAS Space Journal. doi 10.1007/s12567-015-0098-9. 2015.

Klein, S., Hahn, D., Scholz, P., Radespiel, R.: High-Lift Airfoil Interacting with a Vortical Disturbance: Wind-Tunnel Measurements. AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, No. 6, 2015,  pp. 1681-1692.

Mößner, M., Radespiel, R.: Modelling of turbulent flow over porous media using a volume averaging approach and a Reynolds stress model. Computers & Fluids, Vol. 108, (2015), pp. 25-42.

Wu, J., Radespiel, R.: Flow quality experiment in a Tandem Nozzle Wind Tunnel at Mach 3, Experiments in Fluids, DOI 10.1007/s00348-014-1887-1, 2015.

Wu, J., and Radespiel, R. Investigation of Instability Waves in a Mach 3 Laminar Boundary Layer, AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, No. 12, pp. 3712-3725, doi: 10.2514/1.J054040, 2015.

Petzold, R., Radespiel, R.: Transition on a Wing with Spanwise Varying Crossflow and Linear Stability Analysis, AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, No. 2, 2015, pp 321-335.

Burnazzi, M., Radespiel, R.: Synergies between suction and blowing for active high-lift flaps, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, DOI 10.1007/s13272-014-0146-8, Vol.6, No. 2, 2015.

Wu, J., Radespiel, R.: Experimental Investigation of a Newly Designed Supersonic Wind Tunnel. Progress in Flight Physics 7, pp 123-144, DOI: 10.1051/eucass/201507123, 2015.

Francois, D.G., Radespiel, R., Probst, A.: Forced Synthetic Turbulence Approach to Stimulate Resolved Turbulence Generation in Embedded LES, Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 130, Springer-Verlag, 2015, pp. 81-92.

Cecora, R., Radespiel, R., Eisfeld, B., Probst, A.: Differential Reynolds-Stress Modeling for Aeronautics, AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, No. 3, 2015, pp.739-755,

Burnazzi, M.  Kumar, P.,  Radespiel, R., Semaan, R.: Numerical Assessment of Periodic Actuation Approaches for Flow Separation Control, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Augsburg, 16.-18. September 2014, Paper 2014-340274, 2014.

Mößner, M. and Radespiel, R.: Flow Simulations over Porous Media – Comparisons with Experiments. Eighth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD8-2014-0272, 2014.

Radespiel, R., Burnazzi, M.: Fundamentals in Coanda Flap Design. AFCC 2014 in Berlin, in: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 127, Springer-Verlag, 2014, pp. 101-114.

Munoz, F., Radespiel, R., Theiss, A., Hein, S.: Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Instabilities in Conical Boundary Layers at Mach 6. AIAA-2014-2778, 2014.

Ali, S.R.C., Wu, J., Radespiel, R., Schilden, T., Schröder, W.: High-Frequency Measurements of Acoustic and Entropy Disturbances in a Hypersonic Wind Tunnel, AIAA-2014-2644, 2014.

Theiss, A., Hein, S., Heitmann, D., Ali, S.R.C., Radespiel, R.: Numerical and experimental investigation of laminar-turbulent boundary layer transition on a blunt generic re-entry capsule. AIAA-2014-2353, 2014.

Francois, D.G., Radespiel, R., Probst, A.: Airfoil Stall Simulations with Algebraic Delayed DES and Physically Based Synthetic Turbulence for RANS-LES Transition. AIAA-2574-2014, 2014.

Burnazzi, M.; Radespiel, R.: Design and Analysis of a Droopnose Configuration for Coanda Flap Applications. AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 51, No. 5, 2014, pp. 1567-1579.

Beck, N., Radespiel, R., Lenfers, C., Friedrichs, J., Rezaeian, A.: Aerodynamic effects of propeller slipstream on a wing with circulation control by internally blown flaps. AIAA-2014-0407, 2014.

Mößner, M., Radespiel, R.: Implementation of Flow through Porous Media into a Compressible Flow Solver, STAB Symposium 2012, Stuttgart, 6-7-Nov 2012, in: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 124, Springer-Verlag, 2014.

Cecora, R.D., Radespiel, R., Jarkirlic, S.: Modelling of Reynolds Stress Augmentation in Shear Layers with Strongly Curved Velocity Profiles. Proc. 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), July 2014.

Burnazzi, M., Radespiel, R.: Assessment of leading-edge devices for stall delay on an airfoil with active circulation control, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2014, pp. 359-385.

Beutel, T., Sattler, S., El Sayed, Y., Schwerter, M., Zander, M., Büttgenbach, S., Leester-Schädel, M., Radespiel, R., Sinapius, M., Wierach, P.: Design of a high-lift experiment in water including active flow control, Smart Materials and Structures, doi:10.1088/0964-1726/23/7/077004, 2014.

Casper, M., Stephan, S., Scholz, P., Radespiel, R.: Qualification of oil-based tracer particles for heated Ludwieg tube. Exp Fluids, Vol. 55:1753 (15 pages), DOI 10.1007/s00348-014-1753-1, 2014.

Buchmann, N.; Radespiel, R.: Three-Dimensional Flapping Wing Analysis. AIAA Journal, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2014, pp. 203-206.

Müller, L.; Heinze, W.; Kozulovic, D.; Hepperle, M. Radespiel, R. : Aerodynamic Installation Effects of an Over-the-Wing Propeller Installation Effects on a High-Lift Configuration,  AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2014, pp. 249-258.

Munoz, F.; Heitmann, D.; Radespiel, R.: Instability Modes in Boundary Layers of an Inclined Cone at Mach 6. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 51, No.2, DOI 10.2514/1.A32564, 2014, pp. 442-454.

Müller, L., Kozulovic, D., Radespiel, R.: Aerodynamic performance of an over-the-wing propeller configuration at increasing Mach number. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, 10.-12. September 2013, Stuttgart, Germany, 2013. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2014, pp. 305-317, DOI 10.1007/s13272-014-0108-1.

Radespiel, R., Heinze, W.: SFB 880 – Fundamentals of high-Lift for future commercial aircraft. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, 10.-12. September 2013, Stuttgart, Germany, 2013. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2014, pp. 239-251. DOI 10.1007/s13272-014-0103-6.

Burnazzi, M., Radespiel, R.: Numerical Simulations of an Airfoil Equipped with Suction and Blowing for Active High-Lift. Proceedings Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, 10.-12. September 2013, Stuttgart, Germany, 2013.

Stephan, S., Radespiel, R., Müller-Eigner, R.: Jet Simulation Facility using the Ludwieg Tube Principle, 5th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Science, 1-5 July 2013, Munich, Germany, 2013.

Osswald, K, Hannemann, V., Hannemann, K, Stephan, S., Radespiel, R.: Numerical and Experimental Investigations of a Generic Rocket Launcher Configuration with Cold Plume in Hypersonic, 5th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Science, 1-5 July 2013, Munich, Germany, 2013.

Heitmann, D.; Radespiel, R. Knauss, H.: Experimental Study of Boundary-Layer Response to Laser-Generated Disturbances at Mach 6, J. Spacecraft and Rocket, Vol. 50, No.2,  2013, pp 294-304.

Heitmann, D.; Radespiel, R.: Simulations of Boundary-Layer Response to Laser-Generated Disturbances at Mach 6,  J. Spacecraft and Rocket, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2013, pp 305-316.

Niehuis, R., Lesser, A., Probst, A., Radespiel, R., Schulze, S., Kähler, C.J., Spiering, F., Kroll, N., Wartzek, F., Schiffer, H.-P.: Simulation of Nacelle Stall and Engine Response. ISABE-2013-10135, 2013.

Mazlum, E., Radespiel, R.:  Methods and Strategies for the Detection and Mangement of Grid Induced Uncertainties in Numerical Aerodynamics. In: B. Eisfeld, H. Barnewitz, W. Fritz, F. Thiele (Hrsg.): Management and Minimisation of Uncertainties and Errors in Numerical Aerodynamics – Results of the German collaborative project MUNA. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 122, Springer-Verlag, 2013.

Radespiel, R.; François, D. G., Hoppmann, D., Klein, S., Scholz, P., Wawrzinek, K., Lutz, T., Auerswald,T. , Bange, J., Knigge, C., Raasch, S., Kelleners, P., Heinrich, R., Reuß, S., Probst, A., Knopp, T.: Simulation of Wing Stall, AIAA-2013-3175, 2013.

Klein, S., Hahn, D., Scholz, P., Radespiel, R.: Vortex Interactions with a High-Lift Airfoil in a Low Speed Wind Tunnel. AIAA-2013-2875, 2013.

Petzold, R., Radespiel, R.: Transition on a Wing with Spanwise Varying Crossflow Evaluated with Linear Stability Theory. AIAA-2013-2466, 2013.

Mößner, M., Radespiel, R.: Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Flows over Porous Media. AIAA-2013-2963, 2013.

Burnazzi, M.; Radespiel, R.: Design of a Droopnose Configuration for a Coanda Active Flap Application. AIAA Paper 2013-0487, 2013.

Wu, J.; Radespiel, R.: Tandem Nozzle Supersonic Wind Tunnel Design. Int. J. Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 5, No. 1/2/3, 2013, pp 8-18.

Mahmood, S.; Radespiel, R.: Zonal improved delayed detached eddy simulation of vortex generator jets at high Reynolds numbers for aeronautical flows. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013, pp. 203-223.

Mahmood, S.; Scholz, P.; Radespiel, R.: Numerical Design of Leading Edge Flow Control over Swept High-Lift Airfoil, Aerotecnica, Vol. 92, No. 1/2, 2013, pp. 1-16.

Mazlum, E.; Probst, A.; Radespiel, R.: Grid-Induced Uncertainties in Wake Regions and a Local Refinement Method for Hexahedral Layers, STAB Symposium 2010, Berlin, Nov 2010. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design,  Vol. 121, Springer-Verlag, 2013.

Probst, A.; Schulze, S.; Radespiel, R.; Kähler, C.J.: Numerical Simulation of Engine-Inlet Stall with Advanced Physical Modelling Compared to Validation Experiments, STAB Symposium 2010, Berlin, Nov 2010, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design,  Vol. 121, Springer-Verlag, 2013.

Fey, U.; Klein, C.; Möller, T.J.; Pöttner, J.; Radespiel, R.; Ondrus, V.; Beifuss, U.: Investigation of circular cylinder flow in water using Temperature-Sensitive Paint, in: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design,  Vol. 121, Springer-Verlag, 2013.

Wokoeck, R.; Radespiel, R.; Ehlers, H.; Konrath, R.: Experimental and numerical investigations of pitch-plunging wing aerodynamics at low Reynolds number. Int. J. Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 5, No. 1/2/3, 2013, pp 19-32.

Cecora, R.; Radespiel, R.; Probst, A.: Improved Transition and Reynolds Stress Modeling in RANS Simulations, in KROLL, N.; RADESPIEL, R.; van der Burg, J.W.; SORENSEN, K. (Eds.): Computational Flight Testing. Results of the Closing Symposium of the German Research Initiative ComFliTe, Braunschweig, Germany, June 11th–12th, 2012. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 123, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-38876-7, 2013.

Stephan, S.; Radespiel, R.; Müller-Eigner, R.: Propulsive Jet Simulation in a Hypersonic Wind Tunnel. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress DLRK, Berlin, 19.-12.September 2012, Paper Nr. 281313, 2012.

Müller, L.; Kozulovic, D.; Hepperle, M.; Radespiel, R.: The Influence of the Propeller Position on the Aerodynamics of a Channel Wing. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress DLRK, Berlin, 19.-12.September 2012, Paper Nr. 281259, 2012.

Hühne, P.; Scholz, P.; Radespiel, R.; Wild, J.; Ciobaca, V.: Active Control of Leading Edge Flow Separation for a Swept High Lift Airfoil. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress DLRK, Berlin, 19.-12.September 2012, Paper Nr. 281289, 2012.

Auerswald, T.; Bange, J.; Knopp, T.; Weimann, K.; Radespiel, R.: Large-Eddy Simulations of realistic atmospheric turbulence with the DLR-TAU-code initialized by in-situ airborne measurements. Computers and Fluids, Vol. 66, 2012, pp. 121-129.

Werner-Spatz, C.; Heinze, W.; Horst, P.; Radespiel, R.: Multidisciplinary Conceptual Design for Aircraft with Circulation Control High-Lift Systems. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 145-164, 2012.

Bansmer, S.; Radespiel, R.: Flapping Flight: High Thrust and Propulsive Efficiency due to Forward Gliding Oscillations, AIAA Journal, Vol. 50 No. 12, pp 2937-2942, 2012.

Probst, A.; Schulze, S.; Kähler, C.J.; Radespiel, R.: Reynolds-Stress Modelling of Subsonic and Transonic Inlet Stall Compared to Measurements. Third Symposium of Wing and Nacelle Stall, 21-22 June 2012, Braunschweig, Germany.

Francois, D.G.; Radespiel, R.: Implementation of a Synthetic Turbulence Generator for RANS/LES Interface in TAU-CODE. Third Symposium of Wing and Nacelle Stall, 21-22 June 2012, Braunschweig, Germany.

Heitmann, D.; Radespiel, R.: Perspectives of Laser-Generated Disturbances for Stability Experiments. RTO AVT-200 Specialist Meeting, San Diego, 16-19 April 2012, 2012.

Stemmer, C., Adams, N., Hein, S., Schröder, W., Meinke, M., Olivier, H., Radespiel, R., Heitmann, D.:  Experimental and numerical investigation of hypersonic instabilities in a boundary layer on a capsule with and without high-temperature gas effects, RTO AVT-200 Specialist Meeting, San Diego, 16-19 April 2012, 2012.

Probst, A.; Radespiel, R.; Rist, U.; Linear-Stability-Based Transition Modeling for Aerodynamic Flow Simulations with a Near-Wall Reynolds-Stress Model, AIAA Journal, Vol 50, No.2, 2012, pp 416-428.

Casper, M., Stephan, S., Scholz, P., Radespiel, R.: Particle Image Velocimetry at a Generic Space Launcher Model at Mach 5.9, Proceedings 16th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-12 July, 2012

Casper, M., Stephan, S., Windte, J., Scholz, P., Radespiel, R., Scharnowski, S., Kähler, C.J., Hypersonic PIV in a Ludwieg Tube Wind Tunnel at Mach 5.9 , Proceedings 28th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology, Ground Testing, and Flight Testing Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 25-28 June, 2012

Nallapula, V., Bier, N., Rohlmann, D.,  Radespiel, R.: Simulation of the Horizontal Tail Plane Stall of a Transport Aircraft. AIAA 2012-3142, 2012.

Munoz, F.; Heitmann, D.; Radespiel, R.: Instability Modes in Boundary Layers of an Inclined Cone at Mach 6. AIAA 2012-2823, 2012.

Müller, L.; Kozulovic, D.; Hepperle, M. Radespiel, R. : Installation E ects of a Propeller Over a Wing with Internally Blown Flap, AIAA-2012-3335, 2012.

Unger, R.; Haupt, M.; Horst, P.; Radespiel, R.: Fluid–structure analysis of a flexible flapping airfoil at low Reynolds number flow, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Volume 28, No. 1, pp. 72-88, 2012.

Nerger, D.; Saathoff, H.; Radespiel, R.; Gümmer, V.; Clemen, C.: Experimental Investigation of Endwall and Suction Blowing in a Highly Loaded Stator Cascade. Paper GT2010-22578 , ASME Turbo Expo 2010, 2010. Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 134, March 2012, pp. 21010-1 – 21010-12

Bansmer, S.; Buchmann, N.; Radespiel, R.; Unger, R.; Haupt, M.; Horst, P.; Heinrich, R.: Aerodynamics and Structural Mechanics of Flapping Flight with Elastic and Stiff Wings. In: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design (NNFM), Vol. 119, Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 331-354.

Cecora, R.-D.; Eisfeld, B.; Probst, A.; Crippa, S.; Radespiel, R.: Differential Reynolds Stress Modeling for Aeronautics. AIAA Paper-2012-0465, 2012.

Wu, J.; Radespiel, R.: Tandem Nozzle Supersonic Wind Tunnel Design. Proceedings 47th International Symposium of Applied Aerodynamics, Paris, 26-28 March 2012, 2012.

Bansmer, S.; Radespiel, R.: Validation of Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations on Three-Dimensional Flapping Wings, AIAA-Journal, Vol. 50, No.1, 2012, pp. 190-202.

Casper, M.; Mahmood, S.; Scholz, P.; Radespiel, R.: Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Vortex Generator Jets for Active Flow Control at High Reynolds numbers, 3rd CEAS Air & Space Conference, Venice, ID-115, 24-28 October, 2011

Mahmood, S.; Scholz, P.; Radespiel, R.: Numerical Design of Leading Edge Flow Control over Swept High-Lift Airfoil”, 3rd CEAS Air & Space Conference, Venice, ID-116, 24-28 October, 2011.

Vorreiter, A.; Fischer, S.; Saathoff, H.; Radespiel, R.; Seume, J.: Numerical investigations of the efficiency of circulation control in a compressor stator. Paper GT2010-22721, ASME Turbo Expo 2010, 2010. Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 134, March 2011, pp.21012-1 – 21012-11

Wokoeck, R.; Radespiel, R.: Measurements of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low Aspect Ratio Wings in Complex Motions. AIAA Paper 2011-3577, 2011.

Casper, M.; Scholz, P.; Radespiel, R.; Wild, J.; Ciobaca, V.: Separation Control on a High-Lift Airfoil using Vortex Generator Jets at High Reynolds numbers, AIAA Paper 2011-3442, 2011.

Radespiel, R.; Glatzer, C.; Hannemann, V.; Saile, D.; Scharnowski, S.; Wolf, C.; Windte, J.; You, Y.: SFB Transregio 40: Heckströmungen. DLRK 2011-241312, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, 27.-29. September 2011, Bremen, 2011.

Heitmann, D.; Radespiel, R.: Simulation of the interaction of a laser generated shock wave with a hypersonic conical boundary layer. AIAA Paper 2011-3875, 2011.

Heitmann, D.; Radespiel, R., Knauss, H.: Experimental Study of Mach 6 Boundary Layer Response to Laser Generated Disturbances. AIAA Paper 2011-3876, 2011.

Probst, A.; Radespiel, R.; Knopp, T.: Detached Eddy Simulation of Aerodynamic Flows Using a Reynolds-Stress Background Model and Algebraic RANS/LES Sensors. AIAA Paper 2011-3206, 2011.

Heitmann, D.; Kähler, C.J.; Radespiel, R.; Rödiger, T.; KNAUSS, H.; WAGNER, S.: Non-intrusive generation of instability waves in a planar hypersonic boundary layer. Exp. in Fluids, Vol.50, 2011, pp. 457-464.

Pönick, S.; Kozulovic, D.; Radespiel, R.; Gümmer, V.; Becker, B.: Numerical and Experimental Investigations of a Compressor Cascade Flow with Secondary Air Removal, GT2011-45202, ASME Turbo Expo, 2011.

Möller, T.J.; Wokoeck, R.; Emge, M.; Schüssler, J.; Radespiel, R.: Force Measurements of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Micro Aerial Vehicles in Motion. Proceedings IMAV 2010 Conference, 6-9 July 2010, Braunschweig, Germany, 2010.

Bansmer, S.; Radespiel, R.; Unger, R.; Haupt, M.; Horst, P: Experimental and Numerical Fluid-Structure Analysis of Rigid and Flexible Flapping Airfoils, AIAA Journal, Vol. 48, No. 9, 2010, pp. 1959-1974.

Probst, A.; Radespiel, R.; Rist, U.: Transition Modelling for Aerodynamic Flow Simulationes with a Near-Wall Reynolds-Stress Model. Second Symposium of Wing and Nacelle Stall, 22-23 June 2010, Braunschweig, Germany.

Hahn, D.; Scholz, P.; Radespiel, R.: Experimental evaluation of the stall characteristics of a two-element high-lift airfoil. Second Symposium of Wing and Nacelle Stall, 22-23 June 2010, Braunschweig, Germany.

Cecora, R.-D.; Probst, A.; Radespiel, R.: Advanced Reynolds stress turbulence modeling of subsonic and transonic flows. Second Symposium of Wing and Nacelle Stall, 22-23 June 2010, Braunschweig, Germany.

Sattler, S.; Scholz, P.; Radespiel, R.: Reduced-order model of a flow around an airfoil with circulation control. AIAA-2010-5092, 2010.

Scholz, P.; Mahmood, S.; Casper, M.; Radespiel, R.; Sitzmann, M.; Ciobaca, V.: Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Control of Airfoil Stall using Vortex Generator Jets, AIAA-2010-4250, 2010.

Heitmann, D.; Radespiel, R.; Kähler, C.J.: Investigation of the response of a hypersonic 2D boundary layer to controlled acoustic disturbances, AIAA-2010-0536, 2010.

Probst, A.; Radespiel, R.; Wolf, C., Knopp, T.; Schwamborn, D.: A Comparison of Detached-Eddy Simulation and Reynolds-Stress Modelling Applied to the Flow over a Backward-Facing Step and an Airfoil at Stall, AIAA-2010-0920, 2009.

Hain, R.; Kähler, C.; Radespiel, R.: Dynamics of laminar separation bubbles at low Reynolds-number airfoils, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 630, 2009, pp.129-153.

Radespiel, R., Pfingsten, K.-C., Jensch, C.: Flow Analysis of Augmented High-Lift Systems. In: Radespiel, R., Rossow, C.-C., Brinkmann, B. (Eds.): Hermann Schlichting - 100 Years. Scientific Colloquium Celebrating the Anniversary of his Birthday, Braunschweig, Germany 2007. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Vol. 102, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-95997-7, 2009, pp. 168-189.

Krimmelbein, N.; Radespiel, R.: Transition prediction for three-dimensional flows using parallel computation. Computers and Fluids, Vol.38, No. 1, 2009, pp. 121-136.

Windte, J., Radespiel, R.: Propulsive Efficiency of a Moving Airfoil at Transitional Low Reynolds Numbers. AIAA Journal, Vol. 46, No. 9, 2008, pp 2165-2177.

Fischer, S., Saathoff, H., Radespiel, R.: Two-dimensional RANS simulations of the flow through a compressor cascade with jet flaps. Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 12, 2008, pp. 618-626

Scholz, P.; Casper, M.; Ortmanns, J.; Kähler, C. J.; Radespiel, R.: Leading-Edge Separation Control by Means on Pulsed Vortex Generator Jets. AIAA Journal, Vol. 46, No.4, pp. 837-846,  2008.