DeltaJ | Installation | Using the example project | Creating new DeltaJ project
For creating a new DeltaJ project there is a "New Project Wizard". We recommand to use it. If you do not find it for some reason, you can create a new Java project and manually create a file which is called «AnyName».spl. If you open it, Eclipse will ask you to add the Xtext nature to the project which you have to accept!
However, use the wizard. It provides an extra page to pre-define your Spftware Porduct Line Declaration. You find the editor as follwing:
2. Select DeltaJ project which is currently in the Xtext folder and hit [Next >]
3. Fill in the project name and click [Next >]. Do not click [Finish] on this page, otherwise errors may occur!
4. The upcomming page asks you for some meta information about your Product Line. Fill in an SPL name, if you want, otherwise it will take the project name and define features and delta modules. This helps you to speed up the product line definition. Features and delta modules can be added/modified/removed at any time to the product declaration.
5. The wizard will create the spl declaration file and delta modules. After the project is successfully created it opens the SPLD file where you fill in the inforamtion.
6. Start implementing the produt line.
Tipp: Do not define the products in the very beginning. If you want to do, warp them into a multi-line comment. Because everytime Eclipse thinks it has to build your product, the product generation process will be triggered. Normally it takes up to several seconds or - sometimes - up to minutes! After you have finished the implementation of your Delta Modules, activate the products and generated them.