Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simona Silvestri
Raum: 23b
Tel.: +49 531 391 9960
Mail: simona.silvestri[ad]
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbahrung
Forschungsschwerpunkte: Injektoren für Methan/Sauerstoff-Raketentriebwerke,
Wärmeübergänge und Kühlmethoden für Methan / Sauerstoff In-Space Propulsion Systeme, Modellierung der Weltraummüllumgebung: Entstehungsmechanismen, Langzeitsimulation, Lageregelung von Raumfahrzeugen, 6-DOF-Relativbewegungssteuerung für "proximity operations"
Ausbildung |
11/2011-09/2019 | Docotor of Philosophy Student (PH.D) „Investigation on Heat Transfer and Injector Design Criteria for Methane/Oxygen Rocket Combustion Chambers“ Grade: Summa Cum Laude, Chair of Turbomachine and Flight Propulsion, TUM, Germany |
03/2008-06/2011 | Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering in the context of the European Master Course in Aeronautics and Space Technologies Grade: 110/110 Points with honors, Universitá di Pisa, Italy |
12/2007-03/2008 | Bachelor of Science Degree Thesis “Development of Numerical Performance Models of American Launchers”, Sitael S.p.A (ehem. Alta), Pisa, Italy |
10/2004-03/2008 | Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineerinh Grade: 103/110 Points, Universitá di Pisa, Italy |
Qualifikation |
since 05/2023 | Leitung Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme Systems, TU Braunschweig |
05/2021-04/2023 | Electronic Warfare Technology Group Focal Point, Airbus Defence and Space, Manching |
09/2019-04/2019 | Project Manager and Technology Coordinator EW, Airbus Defence and Space, Manchin |
02/2018-08/2019 | System Engineer Valve Development and Testing, ATG Europe/Modis, Assiggned to ArianeGroup, Ottobrunn |
11/2011-10/2017 | Scientific Researcher, Chair of Turbomachine and Flight Propulsion, TU München |