Università di Pisa Summer School: Leveraging Ecological Economics to advance the Sustainability Transition

Università di Pisa Summer School: Leveraging Ecological Economics to advance the Sustainability Transition

Ort Zeitraum Online oder Präsenz Bewerbungsdeadline
Pisa 04.07. - 12.07.2025 Präsenz 28.02.2025 (Early Bird)
Der schiefe Turm von Pisa

The twentieth century saw enormous leaps and bounds in addressing various challenges pertaining to human development - e.g. rapid economic growth, the recognition of climate risks, poverty alleviation, better healthcare for many, addressing racial, gender, and religious inequities, etc. Such trends call for a deep understanding of the interlinkages among social, economic, and environmental challenges to provide policy advice for a legitimate, fair, and evidence-informed transition towards sustainability. Ecological Economics, with its core emphasis on interdisciplinarity and incommensurability, provides a valuable conceptual framework for exploring the needed transitions towards sustainability.


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