Animals in a Changing World: Tackling Environmental Challenges for a Sustainable Future

Animals in a Changing World: Tackling Environmental Challenges for a Sustainable Future

Ort Zeitraum Online oder Präsenz Bewerbungsdeadline
Legnaro 01.07. - 05.07.2025 Präsenz 20.03.2025
Blick von einem Fluss auf eine Brücke am Abend

The Summer School "ANIMALS IN A CHANGING WORLD: TACKLING ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE" is aimed at Masters and PhD students who want to explore the complex dynamics of host-microbiome interactions in aquatic environments and understand how climate change is affecting these critical relationships.
The programme includes lectures and workshops led by international experts and experienced researchers, ensuring that participants gain insights into the latest scientific discoveries and cutting-edge techniques. The experience will be further enriched by field trips to monitoring sites, including aquaculture systems in the Venice Lagoon and the Chioggia Hydrobiological Station. Students will have the opportunity to actively participate in sampling aquatic species, DNA extraction and hands-on bioinformatics sessions focusing on animal and microbial genomics. This unique approach provides a comprehensive experience following research on host-microbe symbioses from 'field to final data'.


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