SDU International Summer School

SDU International Summer School

Ort Zeitraum Online oder Präsenz Bewerbungsdeadline
Odense/Sønderborg 04.08.2025. - 15.08.2025 Präsenz 01.05.2025
Kleine Reihenhäuser mit Kopfsteinpflasterstraße in Odense

Use this unique opportunity to combine studies with cultural experiences and travelling. Be a part of one of the best learning environments in Europe and meet our inspiring professors who will teach you the latest within academics and research.

All courses are open to Danish and international full-time students, exchange students and guest students. SDU offers all students enrolling in the SDU International Summer School accommodation service and visa service.

The SDU International Summer School will in 2025 offer courses in Odense and Sønderborg, and you will be a part of a truly international learning environment giving you a network of friends all over the world.

(Text: University of Southern Denmark)

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