Ultrasonic Monitoring of Fibre Metal Laminates Using Integrated Sensors
Welcome on the homepage of the Research Unit 3022
The following pages provide you with information about our activities and our field of research.
Integrated Structural Health Monitoring System
Determination of GUW propagation influenced by residual stress state and damage characteristics using materialographical characterization of damage patterns and quantification of residual stresses during manufacturing
Asymmetric CFRP-steel specimen bending under residual stresses
CT-Scan of a damaged FML with glass insert
Oscilloscope showing detected wave packets
Fibre-Bragg grating sensor integrated into a laminate for detection of residual stresses
Integration of sensors and electronics and different adjustment methods of the acoustic impedance
Scheme of a platine integrated into FML
Glass sensor dummies of different shapes for geometrical impedance matching
Sensor dummy on Polyimid strip ready for integration into a laminate
Damage reconstruction and damage localization by numerical simulation of a model-based system for SHM
Damage Reconstruction
Guided Ultrasonic Waves considering obstacles
Reduction of high-dimensional sensor data and automated extraction of robust damage features by machine learning