

Welcome to the Braunschweig Fungal Genetics Group!

Our research focuses on cell-cell communication, fusion, and differentiation, employing filamentous fungi as experimental models. We primarily study Neurospora crassa, a red bread mold, Botrytis cinerea, a plant pathogenic fungus, and Diplodia sapinea, an opportunistic tree pathogen.

Neurospora crassa, a well-established model organism, offers advantages like fast growth, simple crossing procedures, a fully sequenced genome, and various mutant strains. Utilizing classical and molecular genetics, biochemical analysis, and advanced microscopy techniques, we investigate cell-to-cell signaling and fusion, particularly in the context of colony establishment. Our studies provide insights into the molecular basis of intercellular communication and fusion, enhancing our understanding of these processes in filamentous fungi and eukaryotic organisms.

Botrytis cinerea is a plant pathogen with a very broad host range. We employ this fungus to study developmental decision making, including the molecular mechanisms controlling intra- and interspecies cell communication and pathogenic growth.

Diplodia sapinea, an opportunistic tree pathogen, is one of the most significant global pathogens of Pinus species and has been a subject of intensive study. However, many questions, including fundamental aspects of its infection biology, remain unanswered. Drawing from our extensive experience with Neurospora crassa, we are developing essential methods for studying D. sapinea on Pinus species
