Arjun Arora

Student Advocate for the Core SDG Message "Protecting the planet”

Arjun Arora hält SDG 11 bis 15 in den Händen.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were written by the United Nations in 2015 and define the goals of sustainable development for all countries of the world by 2030. The 17 goals have the following core messages:

  • Human rights and dignity (SDG 1 to 6)
  • Promoting prosperity for all (SDG 7 to 10)
  • Protecting the planet (SDG 11 to 15)
  • Promoting peace and building global partnerships (SDG 16 to 17)

Throughout the summer semester 2022, we have already presented TU staff members who are actively working towards one of the 17 goals in their work, teaching or research.

Now, we would also like to introduce student SDG advocates who are committed to one of the core messages in their studies or volunteer work.

We present: Arjun Arora. He is a student advocate for the core SDG message "Protecting the Planet”.

How does your studies relate to these SDGs in your core message "Protecting the Planet”?

The field of Data Science is crucial in any domain in the industry right now, and the goal of a sustainable future is no different. We need good analysts and scientists working on the problem and finding actionable insights fast and efficiently. We have the data available of how the climate problem has evolved over the years and data science can give us tools to mine the solutions.

Where does your interest in these issues come from?

I consider myself a storyteller, and data is nothing but a story yet to be unfolded. And I’ve been close to nature whole my life back in India. People pray to nature in number of ways and over the years I have seen how humans have changes the shape of nature, and how it has fought back with drastic calamities over human beings. I would like the coming generations to have at-least some part of nature left to experience.

What kind of support would you like to receive in order to improve your work on the SDGs in the future?

I would like to actively research and work with volunteers, institutions and researchers who are involved with this huge problem. I believe that the skills we have should be applied to limit the catastrophe as much as we can.

Which 3 words do you associate with the SDGs in your core message "Protecting the Planet”?

  • Immediate
  • Action
  • Hope