The publication by Aurélien Mirebeau (Meteo France) describes the development of a module for simulating CO2 exchange and carbon sequestration of green roofs for the urban microclimate model TEB (Town Energy Balance model). This is a further development of the green roof module previously used for water and energy exchange. The study uses the CO2 fluxes measured on the green roof BER in Berlin using eddy covariance to evaluate the model results.
Mirebeau, A., de Munck, C., Bonan, B., Delire, C., Lemonsu, A., Masson, V. and Weber, S., 2025. Modelling extensive green roof CO2 exchanges in the TEB urban canopy model. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 2025: 1-33.
The French-German team met at the Meteo France campus in Toulouse for the 2 day mid-term meeting of the GREENVELOPES project. Preliminary results from observations and modelling were discussed during different presentations and further steps as well as objectives have been defined. Overall, we have had a good time together in Toulouse and significant progress was made on the project.
Green roofs are considered an important strategy for adapting to climate change in cities, as they can contribute to reducing the local air temperature through evaporative cooling. In order to provide this positive ecosystem service, sufficient water availability must be ensured. Using the 'recession analysis' approach, in which the temporal decrease in evapotranspiration is observed during dry periods, water storage levels of an extensive green roof were quantified. For this purpose, latent heat flux density data was used, which was measured over the period 2015-2020 using eddy covariance. The results show that the water storage capacity of the green roof was significantly greater (factor of ≥27) than the modelled values for sealed urban surfaces.
Markolf, N., Heusinger, J. and Weber, S., 2024. Water storage levels and water storage capacity of an extensive green roof quantified from multi-year eddy covariance measurements. Ecological Engineering, 206: 107333.
As part of our GREENVELOPES project, we had Aurélien Mirebeau from Meteo France as a guest in our group over the past 14 days. Aurélien and Niklas carried out joint field measurements on the green façade in Berlin. Aurélien was also able to present the first results of his green roof modelling (Modelling urban vegetation in the TEB urban canopy model: research issues on green roofs and facades).
Aurélien Mirebeau will present first results of the GREENVELOPES project on the 18.04.2024 at the EGU 2024 general assembly in Vienna.
Mirebeau, A., de Munck, C., Weber, S., Lemonsu, A., and Masson, V.: Modelling CO2 flows from extensive green roofs within the TEB (town energy balance) urban canopy model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6169, , 2024.
Last week, the GREENVELOPES team met in Berlin to install measurement sensors on the green wall of the TU Berlin. The meeting could also be used for planning and scheduling further measurement campaigns and project meetings. Many thanks go to the colleagues of the FG Ecohydrology and Landscape Evaluation of the TU Berlin (e.g. Karin Hoffmann, Thomas Nehls) for the possibility to use the facade and the support during the installation. We are looking forward to the data from Berlin....
More photos can be found under: Impressions from the field and in the video of the measurement campaign below.