„Data Feminism(s)“ (Übung)

Das Blockseminar findet vom 06.06. bis 08.06. jeweils von 10 bis 17 Uhr.


At the heart of feminist STS studies lies the search for better, or at least more visible, ways to design and use categories, knowledge, and technologies, to shape objects, artifacts, and worlds in order to make exclusions visible and to overcome gender asymmetries & injustice. Technologies often embody, consciously or unconsciously, the unarticulated beliefs, values and goals of their creators. Intersectionality examines interactions and connections between categories that generate inequality such as race, class, gender, but also sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion or physical constitution. Drawing on a growing body of Technofeminist scholarship (with a focus on AI technologies), this Blockseminar, planned as two blocks of two days, introduces students to a range of critical feminist, gender & race theories, as well as different approaches to histories, narratives and future imaginaries of technology. Students will learn to use their knowledge about Feminist STS and its methods to:

(1) critically analyze relevant aspects of their area of study;

(2) understand the complex relationship between gender, race and social inequality from an intersectional perspective. The interdisciplinary nature of the texts and literature

(3) provides students with a creative space to develop their reading, discussion/debate, and presentation skills.

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