Einblicke in die Praxis

Statements unserer Femteccies und Bilder von Events, Workshops, Sommerfeste, Fieldtrips und vieles mehr!

Amulya, Class 44

"FEMTEC School not only provided us with knowledge and skills to build a successful Career in STEM but also connected us with industry leaders, offering a glimpse into the real world of work. I'm incredibly grateful for this experience and the chance to learn, grow, and build meaningful connections"


Anna, Classs 43

"Femtec is absolutely the best opportunity you can get to have lots of inspiration from your talented fellow femteccies, develop you personality and gain many insights into the business and professional side of engineering and science. Cherry on top for me is the possibility to visit many different places in Germany and in Switzerland!"

Bild Femteccie

Pallavi, Class 42

“Connecting with so many females in STEM and resonating with their journeys so far is not only empowering, but humbling in itself. In Femtec, I learnt not just about networking and leadership in a professional environment but also to focus on leading oneself successfully through personal growth journey.“

Bild Femteccie

Javiera, Class 44

“FEMTEC has been a game changer for me. It's more than just a program; it's a transformative experience that opens doors to new opportunities in various industries and companies, introduces you to incredible women, and allows you to build strong relationships. It also equips you with invaluable skills and helps you expand your network.“

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