Introduction to CLIL

Course content

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning; bilingualer Unterricht) describes a teaching approach which combines (“integrates”) foreign language learning as well as the study of the subject matter itself. In this seminar, we will cover basic knowledge of the theoretical background, which will be discussed on selected examples. In the second half of the semester we will take a practical approach to CLIL by designing mock lessons in the seminar context. Overall, we will focus on aspects of material development, teaching and learning strategies, and lesson planning for the CLIL classroom.

Dieses Seminar wird sowohl als B3-Vertiefungsseminar anerkannt als auch gleichzeitig als Einführungsseminar im Rahmen des Zertifizierungsprogramms CLIL TUBS (Content and Language Integrated Learning an der TU Braunschweig). Für nähere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Internetseite der Didaktik.

Course information

Code 4412400
Degree programme Double major Bachelor’s degree English Studies
Lecturer(s) and contact person A. Smith, M.A.
Type of course Exercise course
Semester Summer semester
Language of instruction English
Level of study Bachelor
ECTS credits Please contact the lecturer