Introduction of digital time recording

Goals of the project

As a result of teleworking and, most recently, since corona, our working world is characterized by location-independent working models.  In order to meet these and other employee requirements, a modern, digital time recording system is urgently needed. The advantages of digital time recording are for employees and employers alike. Employees can record, view and evaluate their working hours in real time, regardless of location, and thus always have an up-to-date insight into their own working time account. For the employer, digital time recording means a reduction in many manual tasks, better data and process quality in time account management and generally in data management and advising employees on all aspects of time management.
TU Braunschweig would like to modernize its entire time management system in order to provide the best possible support for today's work requirements.

Project Owner Dietmar Symrek (Vice President for Human Resources, Finance and Infrastructure)
Project Manager Dr. Lotte Gabriel-Jürgens - h.gabriel-juergens(a)
Project Coordination Kerstin Ekelhof - k.ekelhof(a) [Abt. 12]
Project Duration 12/2023 - open
Core Project Team Abt. 12, PMO, CCC Hannover

Project status

Picture on project status "planning"